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  1. ACagedTraveller

    Please, make sure your fires are out.

    The militant NIMBY citizens continue to wreak havoc on the homeless population through a series of knee jerk reactions. The cities push them out, the rural people do not want them, and the government tends to incarcerate the people. What other options do the people have in the current situation...
  2. ACagedTraveller

    Money/job issue is my biggest obstacle to living the RV life

    I see the metallic pickers around my area all the time for cans. I suppose the temperature in an area could correlate with the prevalence or absence of the collectors in an area.
  3. ACagedTraveller

    Louisiana Flood

    I have heard in my research about the presence of inexpensive flood insurance from the National Flood Insurance Program for the homeowners in flood prone areas. How does, or could, the subsidized flood insurance help the current situation? The last major flood event that caught national...
  4. ACagedTraveller

    Funds Before Vandwelling, or Vandwelling Before Funds [split]

    A potential interpretation of the story as it applies in our society includes the fact that the corporations, and the government itself, often promotes the lies, envy, anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, and inferiority among the population through the continual input of media and social...
  5. ACagedTraveller

    Mobile Dwellers and The Pioneers of the 1800's

    What other types of similarities or differences can you think between the mobile dwellers and the pioneers of the American West in the 1800's? A few ideas on the topic remain encapsulated in the essay beneath the brief introduction.      The pioneers existed in the period between the founding...
  6. ACagedTraveller

    Moving with the weather

    I have to agree about the elevation and the distance from large bodies of water having a huge impact on the temperature of a location. The mountains, for example, in my area have significantly cooler temperatures than the surrounding areas (approximately 3000 - 6000 feet in the mountains and...
  7. ACagedTraveller

    Funds Before Vandwelling, or Vandwelling Before Funds [split]

    The current strategy for myself involves the acquisition of adequate financial resources to tackle the largest start-up costs for the program. I know the largest financial barrier into the lifestyle involves a vehicle. The fact that some people do not have another choice except to dwell in a...
  8. ACagedTraveller

    Funds Before Vandwelling, or Vandwelling Before Funds [split]

    ^In addendum towards the above post. I found a particular quote that states the point in an exquisite manner. "Once you label me, you negate me" Søren Kierkegaard
  9. ACagedTraveller

    Success, now what?

    I also recently reached a milestone in my life, and I did not feel much of anything in regards to happiness or sadness. I suppose the best method remains to move towards the next goal that a person feels important. I do not think the achievement of a goal changes the person, but the experiences...
  10. ACagedTraveller

    Funds Before Vandwelling, or Vandwelling Before Funds [split]

    The issue appears to involve the conservation of resources or the reduction of risk before the action. The proper method to determine the correct course of action involves the careful analysis of the costs and the potential sources of income. I do not understand the desire to label the other...
  11. ACagedTraveller

    When you can't afford a van

    I would hold a major concern for viability of the project because of zoning ordinances. The local government might hold minimum square footage requirements for the primary habitable structure on a property. How would the green waste disposal jive with the local laws on septic systems? The...
  12. ACagedTraveller

    Science Fiction

    What science fiction books that you have read (recently or in the past) would you recommend for others that maintain a interest in this genre? I have read Hellstrom's Hive by Frank Herbert, the Destination: Void series, the Dune Series, and The Mars Triology.
  13. ACagedTraveller

    Survive on $600 living out of vehicle??

    @bitty I think you can mint a new acroynm: RSD = Really Stupid Drivers :D .
  14. ACagedTraveller

    RTR Chatter

    @bindi&us I concur with the assessment that the number of technically homeless people in that area continues to grow within this time period. :rolleyes: Why do I have such a difficult time maintaining a postive attitude towards these people?
  15. ACagedTraveller

    Anyone want to be loved?...

    That van has a futuristic appearance . . .
  16. ACagedTraveller

    RTR Chatter

    @Almost There These descriptions bring to mind unpleasant stereotypes of "tree-hugger" and other potentially derogatory statements. I hope this intial impression remains incorrect about your personality. I guess you have "Dreams of Greenery" (which remain lacking in this region) :) .
  17. ACagedTraveller

    Survive on $600 living out of vehicle??

    I remain absolutely certain that $600 dollars per month, even in a vehicle, remains untenable in this area because of the high price of goods. This might remain possible in other areas with lower living costs than Los Angeles.
  18. ACagedTraveller

    Mothra Metamorphosis

    I agree with the above statment because it appears that the standards of this society often dictate that working people refrain from any activity that does not net a profit.
  19. ACagedTraveller

    Old saying, grammar and semantics

    I do not plan to invoke the anger of a moderator, but I simply want to respond towards the post of 66788. I remain under the age of 50 at this time. The verb assume means to make a claim without evidence while presume means to produce a claim with the support of probability. The word "Your" has...
  20. ACagedTraveller

    How do you keep your feet dry outside while precipitation falls?

    I was walking through steady rainshowers today, and this prompted a thought for the mobile living community. Since mobile living often involves adapting with different climates and limited storage, what methods can a mobile dweller employ to keep socks and feet dry while they remain in the...