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  1. CityWoman

    Demystifying the Urban Stealth Legend

    Oh, believe me, plenty of people out there are completely uninterested in Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, at least on the subject of vandwelling. It may seem prevalent or popular to you, but it's part of what you look for. For most mainstream folks, the concept of living in a vehicle...
  2. CityWoman


    In NYC, the one really yucky thing I see Sbux employees having to do is clean the bathrooms after mentally ill homeless people mess them up with **** and piss all over the place. I feel so sorry for them. They have a lot of drunks and homeless to deal with. In the right part of the country...
  3. CityWoman

    I think I just bought a bus!

    If you haven't yet arranged a ride, you may want to post over at with pics and your request. It's a forum that's mostly focused on schoolbuses, but there are people into transit buses who frequent that forum, and you might get some bites. A lot of nice folks very knowledgeable...
  4. CityWoman

    portable shower stalls

    **Dumb Question Alert** I'm curious about these shower tents. It's obvious that they would come in quite handy in more remote situations - but what about in campgrounds and other places where there are other people in close proximity all around you? Do you actually get fully naked and shower...
  5. CityWoman

    Demystifying the Urban Stealth Legend

    Heya. I'm the one who posted the link in the stealth sticky to that article at Truck Camper Magazine. I had read it a few times and was impressed because I thought the guy who wrote it demonstrated that stealth isn't necessarily disguising oneself or hiding. A truck camper isn't the top...
  6. CityWoman

    Funny #vanlife video (YouTube)

    Description? Who? What? Why funny? ... I generally don't click on links unless I have a better idea of what it is, especially with links to videos.
  7. CityWoman

    The Goal of Life?

    As far as making a difference in the world, you know that story about the person throwing starfish back into the sea, right?
  8. CityWoman

    Help building...does that make me bad?

    No, I'm not saying I will want to do all car repairs myself, but I should be able to do some basic maintence **** and know enough to assess a problem, know what questions to ask, and tell whether some jerkwad is trying to rip me off just because I'm a female and he automatically assumes I know...
  9. CityWoman

    Help building...does that make me bad?

    I know that, when I am ready, I will budget for paying people to work on my build. I'm fairly handy and enjoy DIY, but don't know enough about building stuff and am quite afraid of power tools despite all the years of watching women use them masterfully on HGTV. So, I'm definitely going to...
  10. CityWoman

    What about the ones left behind?

    Kat, To hell with the guys who expected more than friendship - you don't owe them anything. And if they were truly your friends, they would express excitement for you reaching your goals and that they'll miss you. It's not genuine friendship if there's an ulterior motive of hoping to get...
  11. CityWoman

    Build my own water heater?

    I'm a total newbie not on the road yet, but I've been reading a little about the kinds of water heaters that use the vehicle's coolant system, run through a salt-filled box that is inside the water tank where it heats the water. Isotemp is the name of one, but I bet there is a way to DIY. I...
  12. CityWoman

    Review of four stove types for vans

    Ah, I see. You finessed the basic design. So, does that mean you never (or rarely ever) need to change the cotton? Was wondering - is a soda can the popular choice because it's thinner and easier to cut? Would it also work to turn one tuna can on top of another and tape them together, if one...
  13. CityWoman

    Review of four stove types for vans

    Lenny, I just read your blog post about how you made your alcohol stove and I have a question. In that post, you wrote that you crunched up one can and put it inside the other. What is the purpose of doing that? I couldn't tell from the picture on my small phone, but is the "crunched up" can...
  14. CityWoman

    Sleep in a 'sedan'?

    They make inflatable car beds that go across the back seats. I just googled "back seat car bed" and got a bunch of results from Walmart, Amazon, Target, and so on. I'll bet even Hammacher Schlemmer has one. I didn't look at the prices, but it's an option that would save you time and effort.
  15. CityWoman

    Anyone enjoy visiting small towns around country

    I'm not on the road yet, but when I get out there, my plan is to visit small towns as well as small and large cities. I want to visit museums and galleries, see local attractions, learn the history of an area or town, eat some good food in local restaurants and diners, attend concerts and...
  16. CityWoman

    Calling all New England new vanlifers!

    I hope you don't mind my saying this, but I can't resist. Technically, NY and PA are not considered New England. Mid-Atlantic yes, part of the Northeast yes, but New England no. Hell, there are still New Englanders who debate whether CT should be included, so NY and PA are definitely out...
  17. CityWoman

    Where Most of Group will be - Arizona (September-October)

    My condolences for your loss. I am just curious about what you mean by "most of the group." Is that in reference to a specific gathering that's taking place?
  18. CityWoman

    Feeling Overwhelmed with Downsizing

    Yes, I agree. I am actually not a very sentimental person and I don't feel any great emotional attachment to most of what I own. I'm really okay - and ready - to let the majority of my crap go. It's mostly the physical work of downsizing that is so tedious and challenging. I'm pulling...
  19. CityWoman

    Feeling Overwhelmed with Downsizing

    I just want to add that I am in the process of de-cluttering and downsizing now, and at times it is very overwhelming. For me, its the sorting and organizing and physical work that is most challenging. Y'know, going through every closet, drawer, and cupboard, to deal with so many bits and...
  20. CityWoman

    About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

    I am just curious why this Linescrew dude's opinion matters so much that it prompted a rebuttal (has Bob made a video response, too? I don't follow YT ). Surely, he's not the first person to say something on YT about what the RTR should be or how it could be run. And how would he ruin what...