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  1. DLTooley

    Connecting tow bar to hitch

    Good question. I’ve only done it with smaller trailers that I could wiggle by hand. It might take a spotter.
  2. DLTooley

    iPhone 12 4G Reception?

    As you know the iPhone 12 is a 5g device.  5g works with very small cells and is in the process of rollout  Does anyone have experience with the 12’s reception under typical big cell boondock conditions?
  3. DLTooley

    Propane stove - looking for recommendations

    I have the lower end Coleman two burner. It is sensitive, but I’m able to get it to simmer. I’ve looked at upgrading, but have never found anything. BBQ hoses connecting to the larger tank are a better quality than the Coleman product.
  4. DLTooley

    Communities to avoid

    I had a bad experience in Sedona last year, returning home with a dog that had its foot run over. A local called the sheriff with an animal abuse complaint. That’s sick stuff, rationalizing human abuse under color of state law, as protecting an animal. I was a bit freaked out by the injury...
  5. DLTooley

    How to disagree - Essay - not mine

    I’m concerned about this kerfuffle.
  6. DLTooley

    Solar Charge cobntroller dc load

    I have the smallest Victron, the 75/15, 15 amp max on charge and load. The Victron reports load usage via Bluetooth to a smartphone. I really have no guesswork in my usage and I manage my loads to get the most out of my day time power. That info is valuable. That said, I have had issues...
  7. DLTooley

    get unstuck idea

    Tire chains can work.
  8. DLTooley

    Disconnect solar from unused AGM?

    Good question. By chance I have a parking spot that receives just a few hours of sun. I don’t really know, but I don’t see why you wouldn’t leave everything hooked up.
  9. DLTooley

    Constant power

    The Jackery supposedly allows for pass through charging. Many power stations do not. Supposedly a slightly discharged status is better for battery life, however boondocking is a power hog for internet so plug in is better.
  10. DLTooley

    A newbie's food storage, can it be better? (Rodents)

    Every thing I have is original containers in some sort of tub. Coolers count, so do shoe box size boxes, which I also use for cutlery and my first aid kit. Most stuff goes in either a half height rubber maid tub or these newer Husky brand boxes from Home Depot My space is small enough...
  11. DLTooley

    thinking of switching from truck to wagon

    I have a 2000 Ranger with the 3 liter and torsion bar suspension under a canopy, 310k miles. Yes, lower mileage, but it’s tough. No, I can’t sit up in it but the camps I can access give me much better outside ‘headroom’. The simplest answer to saving money on gas is to move less, but I...
  12. DLTooley

    Free water in western AZ?

    I like filtered for drinking, you can do the filter yourself. I’m happy to pay for drinking water quantities. Finding smaller quantities of non filtered is more of an issue for me in Western AZ.
  13. DLTooley

    Which system for reliability?

    Solenoids are generally preferred over isolators. All lead acid batteries have a long charge tail where it takes a long time at low charge rates to top off. Solar is better for that. Do realize you will never get the wattage rating of a panel. I don’t think agm is worth it, but some...
  14. DLTooley

    Nomadland (film)

    The longer you wait the cheaper it will get.
  15. DLTooley

    My battery died

    Check to see if your controller is busted too.
  16. DLTooley

    Converting clips to a plug?

    Typically the limit on the vehicle side is 300 watts, I’ve melted with less. Anderson power poles are the best quality value, but you’ll need a bit of equipment, best to figure out what you want for your entire system.
  17. DLTooley

    How do you identify other van dwellers?

    It never hurts to say hello, especially if you are camped near to each other for more than a weekend. Definitely respect people’s space, a lot of folks are here for the privacy it provides. All the more so now.
  18. DLTooley

    Nomadland (film)

    I presume they are doing the absolute minimum to be eligible for this year’s Oscar’s. The current full release date is February, around that same time.
  19. DLTooley

    ebike solar charge question

    Yeah, it takes a lot of power, and you will likely need an inverter too. What you need to check is the size of the battery, not the size of the engine. Do be aware that even in the best of circumstances you’ll never get the full watt rating of a panel. I would design my system, and use...
  20. DLTooley

    cheap rv living archives

    I don’t know if Bob even reads this forum. He does not post, at least under his name. I believe the site is administered by HOWA.