Thank You...<br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Intermission times... AZ<br /><br />Helping Friends with some house sitting, the same Friends which will take care of Spirit...
<img src="" alt="" /><br /><br />A few days in Salem. The road to... OR<br /><br />The stage has been #20 ~ #26 westbound toward Salem. Rural Americana with it's rustic remainders of now almost defunct villages and the farmlands...
<img src="" alt="" /><br /><br /><br />4th of July, a Rodeo, Friends and Nature’s Fireworks. WY.<br /><br />No lack of excitement these days. Staying above 9000 feet, trying to and leaving only when Mother Nature decides to...
<br><br>Back to the tent for a while!!! New clutch/rear engine seal... you name it! There is and "easiness" to just pop up a camper though!!! <br><br>Ara and Spirit<br>
Yes, the sidecar is cooler... and it hurts to have the car at times. But, in bad weather or for overnight, not having to look where to lay a tent and so on... As everything else, it is a compromise... (I have become softer!!!)<br><br>
Well, you could exit the car through the screens which unzipper. A Friend that has one does that with a retractable ladder. I have not tried it and prefer not to! It is very obvious that someone is sleeping up there... if you are not suppose to be parked somewhere to spend the night.<br><br>Ara...
ShekeEchad "Thank You".<br><br>I think that is what I like about it. It is just a bad "upstairs". No need to move anything when ready to sleep. The ones that do not have a sun roof, there is more model I think, he has to cut it.<br>He is now also making it for the Jeep 4 door since that car...
<a target="_blank" href="">There are a few here at the end of the page</a>. We are taking off for Death Valley in a few days a will post some more...<br>I really like it! Has been a convenience specially when the day is getting late, not having to look for a...
<i>Edit on March 20th 2012 / I had to revert back charging .99 cents a download for those recipes as of yesterday. So sorry... It all goes along with fuel hikes and you name it. </i><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">I have finally added a "one-pan" recipe section in...
Sidekick is cool!!! <br><br>Thanks... <br><br>His "I don't care look" in this photo!!!<br><br><img src=""><br><br>Ara and Spirit<br><br>
I am thinking going that route before spending some time free camping in Death Valley.<br>I have been reading a lot about it. Pros and Cons. Outskirts with gangs (???)... I don't care to look over my shoulder too much! Having a car and towing a sidecar one has to stay behind when we explore...
I am generally a month behind on anything of that sort... but next year I will get a head start!!! On to Slab City... never been there... Trying to get there by March!... we are slow... sometimes backwards... Thanks for writing!<br>Ara and Spirit<br><br>
Mine is behind me now in Texas, have no room for it, but I really thank you for those tips!!! Love that Oven... Thinking about making a mini one... what do you think?<br><br>Ara and Spirit<br><br>
I guess I missed your get together in Quartzite! lala land on the road... Getting in AZ actually tomorrow!<br><br><img src=""><br><br>
</P><BR>I am sure pricey! But that is very nice... maybe in an RV?<BR>I like the Coleman... Oh! what's another 26 lbs!!!<br><br>Of course on their site it does say "not recommended for a stove stop"...<br>They look like a happy couple... <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle...
Pure white is the way to go. When I lived on a sailboat my deck was white and I could go barefooted in the extreme heat. Other sailboats that were even just slightly off white, we had to wear deck shoes! Incredible difference. Reason why all the cars in Florida are white! (just...
Insulation will make a huge difference! This is for a 23' RV, I keep saying I am going to do it every winter... have not yet! (3rd year here at "The Oasis"). It is a Tioga, cheaply made... was inexpensive. In winter time a hurricane generally blows when I open the cabinets! I have some corner...