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  1. SternWake

    Engel Fridge 745 hour Kill A Watt #'s

    For just the fridge, in a cooler ambient temp environment, some can get away with as little as 60 watts. As efficient as they are, they can be improved upon with better airflow across/through condenser and more insulation. And of course by not heating the too thin copper and resistive Ciggy...
  2. SternWake

    Wash down Crown Royal with ice - how on road?

    On the questions section one answerer says it pulls 300 watts, occassionally dropping down to 150. I don't know how long it would have to be run to a couple glasses of Crown, but it will put a hefty dent in a battery. I'd put that money in a fund for a 12v compressor fridge. Mine uses about...
  3. SternWake

    Starter battery bad- replace with dual purpose battery?

    Well technically the Northstar and Odyssey AGMS are dual purpose batteries, very high CCAs, higher than a regular starting battery by a good 20%, and can handle deep cycling, as long as they are recharged at high amperage when deeply cycled. Their marketing says deep cycle on them, but they are...
  4. SternWake

    Max Burton fridge/freezer

    The excessive heat was likely the issue as you surmise. 2 routes, keep the interior of the vehicle cooler, and increase ventilation around the cooling vents on the fridge itself. A third route is to increase the insulation on the fridge So fans to hook upto fridge. The Noctua NF-f12 ( 1500...
  5. SternWake

    Starter battery bad- replace with dual purpose battery?

    Fitting in the largest marine/ dual purpose battery which will fit is a better course of action than buying a starter battery. Truth is the marine dual purpose battery's internals, plate thickenss and number and plate paste density, is much closer to a starting battery than it is to a true...
  6. SternWake

    Switch to turn inverter on 6ft away?

    I fully understand not wanting to open up an inverter, possibly voiding any remaining warranty, just to move the On off switch to the dashboard. Acquiring one wth a remote just for this task is also not so edsirable, especially if one already has a functional one. The CDS on the Inverters +...
  7. SternWake

    Switch to turn inverter on 6ft away?

    I am postulating that cutting the power cord, via the solenoid, to the inverter while it is powering something, could, might, perhaps, be very hard on some electronic components inside of the inverter. Perhaps cumulatively damaging to it. I will ask my electronics guru contact about this...
  8. SternWake

    The Obscure Music thread

    Speaking of Taj Mahal: [video=youtube]
  9. SternWake

    Anyone wired their TV to 12 volts?

    Yea, I'd not stress voltages from 10.5 to 16v on a 12v TV. I bet if one tested the output on the wall wart, one would see 15+ volts unloaded. It would likely drop to the 12v range with TV on at full brightness and max volume.
  10. SternWake

    Anyone use turmeric?

    If a little is good, then an IV drip must be that much better right?
  11. SternWake

    Gearheads: does this make sense?

    The tranny life is basically dependent on how hot and how old the ATF got. Dodge overdrive transmissions should get no other Fluid but ATF+4. A stacked plate fluid cooler or even just a tube and fin cooler, in addition to the stock radiator cooler should be considered manditory. Add a drain...
  12. SternWake

    Do I need a resistor between my car battery and 12V devices?

    Voltage is electrical pressure. if appliances were not rated to handle a range of voltage, we would all know about it with failures left and right. When one is charging batteries  above 15 volts, then some things might start protesting . A LED which is getting too hot will usually start...
  13. SternWake

    Do I need a resistor between my car battery and 12V devices?

    Yes they will slow fans, but, the fans will likely whine when slowed. I recommend PWM motor speed controllers that claim 21KHZ or higher for controlling fans. 15amps is overkill...
  14. SternWake

    Do I need a resistor between my car battery and 12V devices?

    The hotter LEDs get, the more likely thay are to flicker and burn out. Whether yours are voltage regulated are not is unknown. Many that are for 12v will run super hot at 14.7v. I like LEDs as bright as possible, and use LED dimmers to take them down and reduce their amp draw heat and light...
  15. SternWake

    Cell Phone add on Telephoto Lens

    A real camera is not so convenient to have with one when needed. I have held up my smartphone to my binoculars but some precise alignment is required and the unchooseable shutter speed can increase the blur. Strong daylight is pretty much required, and the binoculars I used are Steiners 8x...
  16. SternWake

    Insulating w/ laminate flooring underlay sheeting

    Unwilling to lose much space on the walls i also went with the 1/8" thick padded floor underlayment/ moisture barrier on the walls held with 3M super 90. I did not really have a bare skin comparison for insulative value My back door windows would leak. Some mold and mildew formed on the walls...
  17. SternWake

    AC Works Better In Heat Running Fridge On Propane

    I will postulate that anybody who says that their Absorption fridge works as good on AC electricity, as it does on Propane, has neither the tools nor the temperment to notice any difference. Absorption fridges are said to benefit from additional ventilation in hot ambient temperatures. Some...
  18. SternWake

    Feedback on Battery Experiment

    What is your plug in charging source? In general if batteries midl life are inadvertently drained dead, the normal voltages of a converter/charger are not going to be able to return the specific gravity to the maximum potential even if plugged in for an excessive amount of time.. So saying...
  19. SternWake

    Canine separation Anxiety, or a legitimate itch

    Now the poor girl has an ear infection and is pretty miserable.   Hard for both of us to sleep last night.  Hope it was not from bathing her.  Time to find a vet. Dang, not really in my budget though
  20. SternWake

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