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    The Future of Van Life

    Coal burning tech (scrubbers) has/have come a long way but it's unfortunately still vilified while in the same breath unsustainable renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and the like are pushed down our throats. I would love to use only solar panels, wind and tidal turbines, or whatever...
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    Bundutec's Bundutop and canopy

    Fair enough, I guess. Figured that it belonged in a ute/truck sub since it's vehicle type specific product and that Bundutec is reported to distribute in North America and attend trade fairs there...
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    Bundutec's Bundutop and canopy

    I've committed funds for the canopy simply because it's secure, has a side kitchen unit, drop down table, and can handle pretty much any weight you throw on its roof.  However, still wary on the price for their electric poptop roof top tent. Super thick mattress, dual fans, lights, great fringe...
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    The Future of Van Life

    Back in the day, yes. Now the environmentalists and tax collectors rule the roost. Most of my favourite remote sites have had ditches dug at access points and logs laid over for good measure.
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    Has anybody tried out a Zero Breeze portable A/C?

    Have had my eye on one for over a year.  Draws up to 150 watts, can run on a 5 hour Tesla style removable battery, has a rotary motor, and is meant to reduce temps by nearly 10C in a 50 sq ft room or tent. Can only imagine it would cool even more in a poptop roof tent.  With a 130 ah battery...
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    The Future of Van Life

    Alice and Broken Hill are easily enough stayed in though Alice has a fair share of undesirable behaviours which is best to avoid. Broken Hill is touristy.
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    No-refrigeration foods

    Indian and SE Asian supermarkets and shops often carry jars or tins of ghee which last for years unopened, providing they're not stored improperly in high heat. A few stored in a small insulated cooler even without ice should keep one supplied forever. I keep an empty esky in the cab of my ute...
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    Hi Baleswolf Apologies for piggybacking on your OP. I'm new too. 40 something male in Vic, Australia with 3.2l diesel Ford Ranger ute slowly getting the mods, when I can afford them, for a more nomadic lifestyle.
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    The Future of Van Life

    I don't have much recent experience with long term camping or overnighting in the US but here in Oz, particularly Victoria, NSW, and to a degree South Australia, councils have begun to come down hard on nomads and our small gypsy population, especially in the suburbs. Which is ironic due to...