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  1. K

    Both High\Low Tsmps

    I just found this info Should I glue bubble wrap on the metal wall first to create dead air space vs. just air space or should I not worry about it?
  2. K

    Both High\Low Tsmps

    Thank you Bob for your reply! I have searched high and low on how to create an airspace for the Refectex to no avail. I did decide to do both Refectx and Polyiso. Do you think o should do both now, even though I do not have an AC unit yet, do I don't have to tear down paneling later? So can...
  3. K

    Both High\Low Tsmps

    I apologize for typos. For some reason edit function wouldn't let me change.
  4. K

    Both High\Low Tsmps

    Hope someone can direct me on what is best to insulate or not insulate and if not where to ace Reclectix. It is only the 3rd week of May and I'm dealing with mid 90's and above already. I read Bob's explanation on heat barriers and proper use of Reflectix for high temps but still not sure which...
  5. K

    Building Carmon

    I know popeye, it was more of a wishful want. Not sure I can push around 50 lb gen so will keep reading. Most likely will be using portable panels and golf cart batteries, allowing for easy access of course.
  6. K

    Building Carmon

    Oh...Popeye, if I can move around a generator I might be able to store it in the van. Wondering if anyone has ran one of the quieter gens inside and vented outward. I would think to do this there would have to be a good fan directed at it. Is this possible or even feasible? Does anyone have...
  7. K

    Building Carmon

    Belinda, that may be what I will have to do also along with a some contraption for easy tilt. For now I may just go with portable panels. The temps here are already mid 90's so need to get moving on my electrical. Either that or some sort of small battery charger that will handle whatever...
  8. K

    Building Carmon

    Masterplumber, I think a generator outside my van would dissappear around here even in a lock box. Doing research on how to put solar panels on a odd shaped roof as mine is. I have a very small flat area down the middle, but I don't think a panel will fit.
  9. K

    2001 Chevrolet Express 2500 - "Chief Dave"

    Vanada, you have an awesome build going. Beautiful floor!
  10. K

    Building Carmon

    I was rethinking taking out the crossbars for both reasons mentioned in above replies. My son found a slip of paper giving the maker name and model # but there is nothing on Google for a company called Millenium that works in fiberglass. Maybe they stopped building them as so many did.
  11. K

    Building Carmon

    Thanks all for the input! I love this forum! Will take van in to a.c. guys. In the meantime need to figure out how I'm going to bring in power. To be honest no matter how much I have poured over the wealth of information in this forum on a solar, alternator or generator supplied auxiliary system...
  12. K

    High top on '15 Savana's a beauty
  13. K

    1993 Ford Club Wagon (Juanita born again)

    She definitely looks a lot like mine! Nice! We will have bounce ideas off one another!
  14. K

    1993 Ford Club Wagon (Juanita born again)

    Holy cow! Do we have the same van? Mine was a wheelchair van also. What is Jaunita?
  15. K

    Building Carmon

    Hoping the a.c. blower in back dosen't splice into my main a.c. in cab. Have to take it to an ac guy before I move the unit out. Has anyone any experience with this?
  16. K

    Building Carmon

    That is how I had to overcome feeling of remorse at seeing bare wires and metal yesterday by saying to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. I have been living in the van over a month now so it was a shock to my eyes at first when I checked on my son's progress towards the end. Was glad to see...
  17. K

    Building Carmon

    All those holes to plug! Lost count at 25. We use the bolts after cleaning them for the 2 plates and bench we took out. Plugged the others with pennies and silicon or just silicon on small screw holes and covered all with with liquid rubber in a can. Used Rustoleum reformer on surface rust then...
  18. K

    Building Carmon

    Tearing it down..
  19. K

    Building Carmon

    Lots of work inside and out. But he runs well and walks through brush and mud and over rough bed rock roads like a champ as u can see by his fresh Mananita scratches. Lol! These pics seem big...i can't find anything but crop on greatly appreciated. [
  20. K

    Building Carmon

    Finally getting started! Please meet Carmon, my first try at converting a van. Well.... of course my son is  the meat n bones to the labor. Lol!