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  1. K

    WOMENS' FORUM: Pining to be with other vandweller snowbirds

    I'm thinking Oregon coast would be nice about now
  2. K

    Please help place my panel order

    Taking the plunge and want to go with 200 watts worth of solar. Renogy seems to be the most popular among this forum. My son will be installing on some sort of rack on my roof. Which is the best Renogy to get without breaking my small bank? Also, any added tips, tricks or helpful input from our...
  3. K

    WOMENS' FORUM: Pining to be with other vandweller snowbirds

    The temps are moving into the three digits and forecast says will stay this way for next ten days. I am stuck here in tourist town just outside a major national park wishing I could be where the snowbirds might be right now. I am about 8 months into waiting for a SSDI court hearing to argue I am...
  4. K

    GIRLS' ROOM: Girls can get unstuck

    Can of WD40 will be added to my list. Thanks for that idea!
  5. K

    Women's Forum: Posion Oak Remedies

    Great ideas! Turpentine, I would of never thought of. I think I better get a poison oak remedy kit ready, cuz it is everywhere around here. BIG, Huge Glossy green patches with their formidable red baby leaf new growth. Ugh!
  6. K

    GIRLS' ROOM: Girls can get unstuck

    I confess, I have never changed a tire. Usually, if not with my boyfriend, a gentleman always stops to help. But, now that I am single and especially now that I'm out minor bookie crashing I probably should figure it out. On 2nd thought I don't know if I would have the strength. Hmm...maybe I...
  7. K

    GIRLS' ROOM: Girls can get unstuck

    I was trying to get my front wheel (driver's side) off the hard dirt and rock mound when the back wheel started spinning (also driver's side). I put down small tree branches in front, under and behind the rear tire but that didn't work. Did again adding rocks too, and also to both front wheels...
  8. K

    Women's Forum: Posion Oak Remedies

    Used rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. I wiped each spot and surrounding area numerous times allowing to dry between each. It is working. Would like to hear of other's remedies too.
  9. K

    GIRLS' ROOM: Girls can get unstuck

    I got to experience my first get unstuck mode this last weekend when I got my front wheel stuck (high centered) on a dirt mound while out exploring by myself trying to back down an old road next to a creek. Because my memory isn't what it was, I emailed myself all the details of the...
  10. K

    THE GIRLS' ROOM: Sooner or later, you have to play dress-up

    I have a pair of black stretch slacks and a skirt. I can always stop at a thrift shop to buy tops and accessories as needed. I packed to much too, but have been earnestly sorting, and now have my clothes down to a small roar fitting in a medium size tub and three small drawers.
  11. K

    GIRLS' ROOM!!! It's all y'alls fault

    Bigsallysmom, I am glad you tried it out. There is just something so unremarkablly soothing with being alone in nature, once over the fear of it, that is. But for certain, my first time, afterwards, when I was back into my safe zone, the aftertaste was nothing less than empowering! Good for You!
  12. K

    Women's Forum: Posion Oak Remedies

    Well the oatmeal poultice may of worked if I were able to keep it wet. It dried fast, however it did seem less puffy when I woke this morning. The baking soda may work the same, again if I could keep it moist as you suggested, Trainchaser. Seems in the past I used rubbing alcohol and lots of...
  13. K

    Women's Forum: Posion Oak Remedies

    Well I intended to post my last thread "NewNewbie" in the girls room but messed that up, . Hope I'm doing so this time. I caught poison oak yesterday. A few years back I bought an soothing oatmeal bath powder, can't see a brand name but manufactured by: Triad Group and package states "...
  14. K

    New Newbie

    Yes, for certain, lesson learned! A 2door Explorer Sport is way too tiny for the three of us....went shopping for a van shortly after the window incident. Now instead of each of us having our own compatment, Felina, the Chihuahua in the front seat, myself, head of the pack in the middle...
  15. K

    Prepping Striped Floor-rust, holes and crack

    Honestly after looking at it again it doesn't look like a crack, more like a metal lip, kinda like another piece of metal over a second piece? You got me. The pics I took don't show what I'm saying.
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    Both High\Low Tsmps

    Trainchaser, thanks for the link. I typed in wood to metal and the best one was 3M Fastbond 30-NF, I think is best. Also read on a Sprinter conversion site that they suggested 3M 5200 FC (fast cure). I'm wondering if either of these are overkill for lightweight cleats and a lightweight material?
  17. K

    New Newbie

    Hello Ladies, I really enjoy reading this forum and hope some day I too, may be able to attend a Women's RTR. Want to say a little about my history and how I became a vandweller. I'm not new to living in my vehicle as after my divorce about 26 years ago I moved into a old Ford F-150 with an old...
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    Building Carmon

    Thanks for the idea Art. I will check into it.
  19. K

    Both High\Low Tsmps

    I'm thinking Bob meant wood cleats. Not sure glue from a glue gun would hold up wood to metal? At least mine won't, it's glue melts when used on Velcro making it useless. I will search for best glue for wood to metal.
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    Both High\Low Tsmps

    A cleat is a great idea! Thanks Bob! What spray glue do you recommend?