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  1. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    Anyway, back on the subject of City Vandwelling, the one issue that I do have about it is that It's not as cost effective as Bob puts it out to be. 1. It's pretty much impossible IMO to not have a storage as there are certain sensitive things that should not be left in a van, as well as other...
  2. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    ^ I do city photography for a living. I wouldn't be able to support myself If I didn't go to so many other cities in the U.S.
  3. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    I don't have anything against Colorado, or Denver for the matter, but it's an isolated city (just like most other interior west cities) and it's not big enough to stay interesting as its own city IMO. Denver is about 600 miles from Kansas City, 444 miles from Albuquerque, and 753 miles from Las...
  4. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    This is an example of how opinions can contrast quite a lot between two people. I was born and raised in California. I lived in Tucson, AZ intermittently for two years and continuously for another two. I've gone across the country several times, been all throughout the midwest, south, texas...
  5. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    In most cases I got away because they ran my license and found that I wasn't a lawbreaker. It seems to me that they would have gone harder on me if I had a record. The most invasive stop was when I was photographing the city of Atlanta's skyline, I guess because I was photographing a highway...
  6. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    "@Citytravelfotos - I'm not sure I would take it that far. Many people do van-dwell in city limits regularly (myself included) for short periods of time without much problem. To stay a night or two can be done without much hassle, but eventually the police will recognize your vehicle. They are...
  7. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    I think the issue of stealth largely depends on how afraid of the police and other authorities you are. If your going to have a passive stance, of course you are going to be fearful and not want to do this. If you have a more assertive stance, your not going to let the police stop you from...
  8. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    So vandwelling is ultimately a bad idea if you live and intend to stay in a major city? So thus, there is no escape from the rat race if your an urbanite. Actually, what's inspired me to do urban vandwelling is because I have a friend that lives in a van in Los Angeles, as well as seeing a...
  9. C

    I'm wondering if this was such a good idea after all...

    I bought a van many months ago and even though I haven't really lived in it for a significant amount of time, I'm wondering if it's such a good idea. Yes it MAY be cheaper (until you count all the extra stuff you have to pay for if your living in a city) and probably still good for cutting on...
  10. C

    City ordinances--what's their motive?

    Americans are very judgmental people, even despite the progress. America being the idea of a meritocracy, if you don't work hard like everyone else you are looked down upon. If you are seen as homeless, you are seen as someone that isn't working hard (and possibly lazy) and you are also...
  11. C

    Is Vandwelling that cost effective if you live in a city?

    I've been questioning the cost effectiveness of Vandwelling vs at least renting a room for some time. I already have a van that I bought to do this, but haven't been able to use it yet. I'm not sure if it's that much cheaper, at least according to what Bob has put on the cheap RV living...
  12. C

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    I find that a lot of vandwelling advice is most suited for people who want to live in the countryside, rural areas, like national parks and on the road and such. What about people like me and others who like to or have to live in cities? Especially large cities. There are a lot of things...
  13. C

    Gas fumes from my Van

    I originally smelled it after a 120 mile trip to Phoenix last week.  I've tried to replicate the gas smell twice (once when starting up the van on Tuesday and the other when driving it around on the freeway for 6 miles on Wednesday) and I haven't been able to smell anything since (other...
  14. C

    Gas fumes from my Van

    I have a problem of gas fumes coming from outside of my van.  They especially come out outside the van at the start but I've smelled them in the van after driving on the freeway a lot.  It's a 2000 Ford E-150 Conversion van.  I took it to a dealer service area and a...
  15. C

    The future of Stealth Parking

    Is it better to be ignorant on such things? &nbsp;Being in the dark is not a good thing if one needs to plan. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>The stealth forum exists because people are afraid of being hassled. &nbsp;Why else would one go stealth?
  16. C

    The future of Stealth Parking

    Also, License Plate Readers on police cars connected to federal databases to track your movements around the country.<br><br><br><br>
  17. C

    The future of Stealth Parking

    I believe that in the future, at least to the police, it will be impossible to be "stealth."<br><br>Why? &nbsp;<br><br>New police technology is why.<br><br><br>New abilites to see through...
  18. C

    Bucket type toilet questions / recommendations

    <br><br>If that was so then throwing away diapers would be illegal.
  19. C

    Bucket type toilet questions / recommendations

    I'm thinking of trying the bucket type of toilet, since I don't like to dump porta potty type toilets.<br><br>#1: &nbsp;Any recommendations on what bucket to use?<br><br>#2: &nbsp;How can I make sure that it will be sealed securely?<br><br>#3: How can I make sure that the bucket won't tip over...