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  1. corky52

    Cheap 12vdc Powered Fluorescent Lights

    Jim, Got a link to those 48 LED panels, I'd like to look at them. I have problems reading by many LEDS, light color is wrong, I use some of them but the fluorescents I linked to are have a good colr spectrum for my reading. Corky
  2. corky52

    Cheap 12vdc Powered Fluorescent Lights I got a couple of these to play with, they use either eight AA batteries or with a little work can be used from you battery. At $6.97 they are the cheapest I've seen and putout lots of light for a very small current (200 ma). I...
  3. corky52

    Goals for My Mobile Living Unit

    I've lived on the road before, a few years back and I do enjoy it. Now part of the game is to live as comfortably as I can while traveling and spending only what I have to. I emphasize cheap because there is no challenge to just plunking down cash and buying somebody else's work and I enjoy...
  4. corky52

    Goals for My Mobile Living Unit

    Bob, I'm not much of a craftsman, so I doubt I will have that great looking pictures to post. My goal is comfort and function, I'm not planning on ever selling so the finish will likely be somewhat rough. As you can see from the water heater picture I build to see if things work and then...
  5. corky52

    12 minute Shower

    You limit the amount of water you use with a switching shower head, do a navy style shower, works just fine when all you want is clean. Corky
  6. corky52

    Goals for My Mobile Living Unit

    Knowing what you want is always a good place to start and finding myself in a place in my life to go mobile, I took the time to formulate some goals for the tool I wanted to help achieve what I wanted. Goal one was to live both cheaply and comfortably where ever and for what ever length of time...
  7. corky52


    I see two WalMarts, the "just another big box store" in and around larger cities and the "best place to shop for value and selection" in many smaller towns and lower density areas. In cities WalMart doesn't pay as well nor have the benefits of say Costco, and the selection is nothing special...
  8. corky52

    12 minute Shower

  9. corky52

    12 minute Shower

    I have a Camp Chef Triton, there are several that are actually the same. I'm cleaning up the MH now to take pictures, I'm not the best housekeeper. Corky
  10. corky52

    12 minute Shower

    There are showers to get clean and shower you treat yourself to as a luxury. A simple get clean shower with the flash water heater will use a small amount of water, maybe one and a half to two gallons, but it is nice to know I can treat myself to a long relaxing shower if I choose. The...
  11. corky52

    12 minute Shower

    I decide to measure the water use on my system when taking a LONG hot shower, 9.1 gallons in twelve minutes of use at 45lbs pressure and using the needle setting on the shower head that came with my flash water heater. Nice Hot water and very relaxing. I used a blue tarp to cover the walls as...
  12. corky52

    Shower brainstorming

    Bob, Now you could have just added the flash water heater and used cold straight from the system. I wish I had the skills to make stuff from tin like you did. Corky
  13. corky52

    Water Filtration

    cc, This is a place to start, lots of UVC leds, just google. UVC tubes in my unit are fluorescent, standard f-8 size. Corky
  14. corky52

    Shower brainstorming

    Daz, Six volt pump????? Looks way to complex for me, I want to just turn on the faucet and have hot water! Corky
  15. corky52

    thoughts about this schoolie please

    Bus won't be a speed demon, and you'd likely need alternative transportation for local trips, but at that price I'd be VERY interested in it if it was close. Question on my part would be could it tow a small car, enough power as a hitch is easy to add. Corky
  16. corky52

    Water Filtration

    If you want good water with no qualms, you need to add a UVC section as a final stage, otherwise viri will still be in the water! I use one that works on 12v, if people are interested I'll crawl under and get the name. I also bubble Ozone in the water for drinking, kills everything and makes...
  17. corky52

    Shower brainstorming

    Mike, The question needs more definition, are we talking regulated pressure or straight from the tank? Hoses change what connections are used, there are two and four connection manifolds out there but they are for non-regulated use, if you use them then you will have to make adapters to connect...
  18. corky52

    Shower brainstorming

    Mike, I found the link. The hose and regulator that come with the WH will just screw right on to this tank. Corky
  19. corky52

    Shower brainstorming

    Mike, It would take some gas plumbing to make it run off of the green cylinders, I'd look more at the one gallon tank that Bob has shown several times, it's small and might be all you ever want. The Flash heater comes with a propane hose and a regulator, so all you'd need would be the tank...
  20. corky52

    Shower brainstorming

    Daz, If the WH is propane, I'd replace it with a tankless in a heartbeat and move it to the mobile when the time comes!!! Nothing is better than all the hot water you want when you want it!!!!! Just hang the unit on the wall and enjoy! Corky I get about six minutes of hot shower out of a...