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  1. crazybill

    I Bought A Van

    Hey Bodhi, how about a thread in 'trucks' and maybe a picture or two?<br />-Bill-
  2. crazybill

    Totally Confused

    I like the van Joey. How was your Dad about it? Hope all is well. <br />-Bill-
  3. crazybill

    Foraging For Food

    I don't forage for food exactly. But I really try to get to know the plants around me whenever I am in one place for a while. ("Hi, I'm Bill, what's your name? Yucca? Glad to meetcha")<br />&nbsp;A little research reveals uses and I'm surprised at how many plants are listed as edible. Usually...
  4. crazybill

    Compact Astronomy

    I made a diy binocular stabilizer that I came across at Sky &amp; Telescope. It works great for my 15 X 70 Garret binoculars. The design looks cumbersome but it really works great. About $15 to build. I can spot Jupiter's 4 brightest moons with it where it was very difficult without it. Without...
  5. crazybill

    Question for the Luggable Loo Users

    Well, here I go again. Thanks for bringing this up. It has been a learning experience for me. I did a little research.<br />&nbsp; A call to the sanitation district has cleared up a couple things, at least as they pertain to where I am now. <br />&nbsp;First the issue of diapers. Disposable...
  6. crazybill

    Question for the Luggable Loo Users

    I guess I just didn't understand about the plastic bag. I was imagining the porta-potti sort of thing, or a 5 gallon bucket. <br />&nbsp; My only experience with a 5 gallon bucket was without bags, just a lid when closed and a seat when open. (in use) <br />&nbsp;When near the top it was just...
  7. crazybill

    need to find parts for my overhead AC unit.

    Check the yellow pages for an appliance parts supply nearby like Johnstone. If you can do mail order I use<br />-Bill-
  8. crazybill


    DazarGaidin, good move. It isn't easy to give away something for free that you had thought was a found treasure and it says a lot about a person who does it. <br />I hope that someday our paths cross and I can shake your hand.<br />-Bill-
  9. crazybill

    Question for the Luggable Loo Users

    It is a biohazard and should never be dumped like that. It is also really unnecessary. If the only thing in it is human waste and toilet paper you can dump it in any toilet. Should not be a problem if you are careful. <br />-Bill-
  10. crazybill

    Desert Emergency Survival Basics

    Jack, I read your book and I have to say what a great piece of work it is. It is very generous for you to release it as you did. It is very well thought out and very readable. <br />&nbsp;I was especially happy to see you devote that much space to the use of a mirror as a signal device. I was...
  11. crazybill

    Heater for small dwellings, AKA; Vans Catalytic vs Blue Flame, etc.

    The Olympian is the one I installed in my camper. <br />&nbsp; I am very happy with it. It is the smallest one and it has no problem heating the place even on the lowest setting. I ran an overnight test with an industrial gas detector and there was no loss of O2 or build up of CO or CO2. That...
  12. crazybill

    Planing stage with some worries.

    &nbsp; The next time you are at Walmart or any other large parking lot look around very carefully and chances are you might spot another Vandweller. When you spot one take a look at his set up. What did he do so that you didn't spot him before? Why did you spot him now? Any place you have in...
  13. crazybill

    Getting all tied up

    Quote: "<span id="post_message_1275596354">my interest is the stuff that the boatswain mates did on the ship and I never learned to do being busy in the galley all the time....they wrapped cables and handrails with it and there were turk's heads etc...I know a lot of knots already but nothing...
  14. crazybill


    &nbsp;I can't think of a better use for a good blanket that to wrap it around someone who needs one and can't afford it. <br />-Bill-<br /><br />
  15. crazybill

    Foraging For Food

    Woods I like to smoke with are apple, mesquite, hickory, I stay away from pine or any other resinous woods. A good one I have found is corn cobs. I love fresh corn and save the cobs.<br />&nbsp;The differences in the smoked products with various woods are very subtle, at least to my taste buds...
  16. crazybill

    RAISE GAS MILEAGE: What have you done to boost your vehicles gas mileage? Any modifications or tips will be appreciated.

    I come at this issue (mileage) kinda sideways. The vehicles I have are the ones I am gonna have for a long time. I maintain them as good as I can, which is pretty darn good and that is that. <br />&nbsp;I keep my tire pressures at the point that keeps the wear even across the tread for best tire...
  17. crazybill

    One person quick, healthy meals with easy clean up.

    Tortillas. I have a thing for tortillas. I think I would eat a pine cone if I could wrap it in a tortilla with a dash of Chollula.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />Another of my favorites is cup o noodles. I know it doesn't really come under the heading of 'healthy'. It is a large serving of everything I'm not...
  18. crazybill

    Getting all tied up

    Link fixed. Thanks for the heads up. -Bill-
  19. crazybill

    Getting all tied up

    One of the hobbies I have is working with string or rope. It is simple to start; all you need is a piece of rope or a ball of good string or twine. <br />&nbsp;Sailors have been doing this for centuries. <br />&nbsp;You can put a Turk's Head on the end of your hatchet handle or a fine covering...
  20. crazybill

    Mostly-raw diet while boondocking?

    LaVonne, you already have a blender. Just buy an inverter. It's a gadget that converts your van's 12 volts DC to 120 volts AC to run small appliances like your blender. Be sure to get an inverter that is rated for the 650 watts or so that most blenders use. Check your blender for it's wattage...