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  1. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Jeremiah's Log

    I'm not either I think that's why I don't get to many responses because my stuff gets it putting the wrong places Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  2. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Jeremiah's Dating Resume

    I need to close one door and open another you can go to YouTube and look up Jeremiah diminovich Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  3. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Jeremiah's Dating Resume

    Looking to close one door and open another Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  4. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    My brother-in-law was a sheriff for 20 years in Ohio and he told me marijuana is the easiest to search for because most the time you can smell it and if you can't smell it you can usually tell by certain tell tell signs whether or not their smokers are not and then you just block them into it...
  5. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    And California is not recreational yet I've seen several states get right up to the last 72 hours and then change your mind and stay medical New Mexico was one of them Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  6. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    It's a possibility but it would have to be done on the federal level because Arizona local government allows people to bring in medical cannabis into the state as long as they have cards from the state there from but they still want let you purchase in the state with a out of state medical card...
  7. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    Arizona is a state that let you bring in medical cannabis from other states and not really any other route to the RTR then the main road They Don't Really mess with anybody out here unless you're drawing attention to yourself Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  8. Jeremiah Diminovich

    dogs paws

    High Desert is right their paws will toughen up you just have to pay attention and make sure they don't get raw before they get calloused I have two service dogs and we've been from the east coast to the West Coast sandspurs goat heads lava rock just like us walking barefoot could damage their...
  9. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Coping with a spouse's mid life crisis

    I think my wife is going to one to she up and left me for another guy that she meant to days prior before she left me totally completely out of the blue through away a 20 year marriage of traveling going and seeing things we had a good time we had a good friendship for her to do what she did...
  10. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Broken heart by a Non-nomad

    And don't feel bad its not your fault my wife of 20 years just left me about a year ago for a man that can provide her with the shiny things she thinks she wants because I'm disabled and can't provide that type of income. Its funny cuz I've destroyed my body putting her through college to make...
  11. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Broken heart by a Non-nomad

    I'm in my 40's and I was raised in society warm in or in control women were supposed to stay home not after raise in 7 kids for of them being girls all to adulthood I have learned the only person that has control over us or the people we give it to be your own person set your own Destiny's...
  12. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    Well I'm glad to say it if it was those two that pulled you over God bless you somehow that you're not sitting behind bars you have a better chance of walking away from a state highway patrol Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  13. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    You are absolutely right although I have found most forestry and Rangers will cut you some slack as long as you just have just a little bit for personal use and not carrying around like a pound. 90% of it boils down to your attitude towards the authority that is questioning you about it. I'm...
  14. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    You also have to be careful in some campgrounds with it because it is still federally illegal even in the states that have made it legal medically or recreationally a lot of Grey areas still in the laws concerning medical cannabis Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  15. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    Was it State Police because my medical card is from New Mexico and I've had the same thing happened State Highway Patrol pulled me over and my stuff was in the trunk of my car and they kept me there for two hours with two K9 dogs tore my car apart for two and a half grams of flour and same thing...
  16. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    Well I checked into snap and I guess I'm at that age like a 20 year old that's no longer a teenager but not yet an adult I'm at that age that I'm no longer considered hip young and vibrant but not old enough to be considered a senior citizen go figure lol Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  17. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    Absolutely cool had no idea that existed isn't on any of the websites that I have looked at will definitely check into it anything that helps helps Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  18. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    What is snap Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  19. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    I checked into that and about 250. $280 to do it and it takes about 2-3 weeks and if its like New Mexico you have to be a residence Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  20. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Broken heart by a Non-nomad

    I have a friend on the East Coast that's a female in her 30 40s That was supposed to follow me out here but things kept blocking her way now she's feeling stuck because of the holidays having to be with family and friends and not do the things that she feels would make her happy sometimes the...