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  1. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    I know the pictures are blurry but I would be pissed if I found this on my property so I could see why the authorities are getting upset over the trash when I came in from getting water I noticed a couple hundred people around here maybe we can work something out pull together somebody with a...
  2. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    There's nothing to freak out about as far as a newbie out here in ehrenberg. So far the authorities have been cool about things it's up to us how they treat us Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  3. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The scamers are out in full force

    You have to be careful because there is a scammed out of I think it's Mexico maybe Puerto Rico but it's a robo IRS call and it tries to get you to talk and it record your voice and then uses the recording and cuts it up to make it so they can access your accounts and stuff happened to my mom got...
  4. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The "Social Contract"

    Thank you and again another example of freedom Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  5. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The "Social Contract"

    That's a perfect example of freedom Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  6. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The "Social Contract"

    Well I don't think he was talking politics I think you was trying to explain how Society because of the choices people have made that don't respect others has caused us to use our freedom and choice I don't think it was political I could be wrong I was just a agreement how Society has taken...
  7. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The "Social Contract"

    That's the beautiful thing about freedom if you don't like what somebody says you can move on if you're interested you can have a conversation the freedom is in your choice Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  8. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Free table

    I think as long as its usable stuff and not trash like those car seats there won't be a problem with it its going people start dumping there trash off there instead of just taking it to the damn dump that is going to become a problem you can see on the table everything they are is usable except...
  9. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Free table

    Somebody asked for a picture of it its just a little bit down the road on your left when you're coming in and you pass the rusty Barrel Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  10. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The "Social Contract"

    Preach on brother sounds like you figured it out Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  11. Jeremiah Diminovich

    The "Social Contract"

    When you come in and you pass the rusty Barrel you'll see this table on the left when you get down the road a little bit Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  12. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    I agree but there's always those chosen of you that want to take things too far and ruin it for everybody they don't care about their own lives so they don't care about the lights of others or the life that we are surrounded with in nature. If they want enforce the 14 days then we have no choice...
  13. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    If you scroll back up somebody posted a video of talking to a ranger about the rules of the BLM in the RTR and stuff like that it is informative and might help a little bit it's worth watching Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  14. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    Myself I'm going to stay and you can move until they tell me I have to leave so far they're not pushing the 14-day limit. I'm going to try to save my 14 days over with our TR is at 4 when the RTR starts so I'm going to stay here until they throw me out that's so far they don't seem like they're...
  15. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Jeremiah's Log

    I posted a new video on my YouTube somebody is supposed to transfer it to Tapatalk for everybody to see is about the conversation I had with the young man this morning for this morning about why they're coming out here this is just what he told me doesn't necessarily make it true Sent from my...
  16. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    I talked to one for this morning that drove through and I'm going to do a video on why they're starting to enforce this and it's not Bob's fault not directly but that's why I think he's being challenged on his videos about it but like I said I'm going to do a video in a few minutes It'll be...
  17. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Medical cannabis

    You can't go by any of the maps are websites the one thing I have you can't go by any of the maps are websites the one thing I have found as a medical cannabis user that got off thousands of dollars worth of opiates because of it all these maps and websites or at least a year out of date the...
  18. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    You are right I remember when I was younger $700 a month you could have lived like a king or because they're always raising the price is everything like New Mexico every year the power company happy little bit more to the cost of power. Every couple of years reason the tax tobacco gas. There...
  19. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    They drove around out here about 3040 minutes after you guys left they didn't talk to me but they did go over to the big group of the that you were telling me about just little farther down the road Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
  20. Jeremiah Diminovich

    Jeremiah's Log

    This goes to what I was saying on my YouTube video about the kindness of others some people from Courtside saw that I was running out of supplies and food and stuff made a special trip over here just to have a steak dinner with me and then went back to courtside talk about the kindness of...