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  1. KalaniStorm

    Milk with No Refrigeration

    Oooo they have Almond milk in little containers? Not in the dairy section though...?? Would you tell me where to find such a treasure! I'm sure it's easy but I've been looking for something so I can have some cereal. I too don't drink regular milk anymore, only in a pinch and I water it down...
  2. KalaniStorm

    New Breakfast Ideas??

    ...or new meal ideas period.<br />So the hubby &amp; I have been going strong on Oatmeal for a good while now. We either eat Oatmeal for breakfast or we don't eat breakfast! It's not that we aren't hungry, it's that we are so very bored with Oatmeal. I ...was a cereal fanatic. I used to...
  3. KalaniStorm

    Milk with No Refrigeration

    Just wondering...would you be able to "refrigerate" it? We don't have a fridge in our rig but we do try to carry ice in our cooler at all times. Would this work, do you think? I haven't drank real milk in about a year now, got hooked on Soy Milk. Do you know of any soy milk products like this...
  4. KalaniStorm

    Sweet Forum!!!

    The greatest thing about living in our van... when we don't like where we "live" all we have to do is turn the key and press the pedal! You are going to love it if it is a decision you make. The freedom you have is like nothing else. You creative with lots of different things; food, storage...
  5. KalaniStorm

    The funnest blog to follow...or so I think!

    Yes Gramma Hugababy and Tony say hi!!! They love you. And again, can't wait to meet you. Oh and I love your mukluks! I have some too but they are knit...I think you'd really love them. I'll have to have J' take a pic so I can send it to you!!!
  6. KalaniStorm

    Marriage & RVing

    Hello again Lyric,<br />I forgot to comment on the clothing situation! I am a girl who loves fashion, loves her clothes and loves her high heels even more. I have packed a large duffle bag, about $17.00 at Walmart (I have red, hubs has black) and it is packed to the brim. I am packing for...
  7. KalaniStorm

    Marriage & RVing

    Just want you to know we do exist!!! My hubby and I are fairly new to RVing but not each other and I believe every day that goes by it just makes us stronger. We DO live in a 'conversion van' 95' Chevy Astro to be exact and if we can live in this little of a space with our little Savannah (dog)...
  8. KalaniStorm

    16 cent disposable urinal

    Just want to put a 'post' in for us lassie's!! At the beginning of our journey I bought a she-wee online. I practiced in the shower and took to it instantly. I thought, this was gonna be a breeze. I used it during the day in our van...a little harder but if I could control the flow, not so bad...
  9. KalaniStorm

    Never an air mattress

    My husband and I have slept on an air mattress for 7 months until just about 5 days ago we woke up on the boards our bed lays on! We looked and threw around ideas until we finally came up with a great idea, foam padding! We went to Jo-ann's first and tried out their foam pads, we laid on a few...
  10. KalaniStorm

    Ladies, have you gone crazy, yet?

    Oh and Katelynn, we have a solar shower from Seattle's awesome!
  11. KalaniStorm

    Ladies, have you gone crazy, yet?

    Thank you to all who have responded. This morning I took the time (lots of it) to give myself a full pedicure and manicure. I'm glad I brought a couple of darker hide the dirt! haha I think that will help the OCD with my hands! haha We did buy a solar shower and I have found it quite...
  12. KalaniStorm

    Crazy busy . but happy

    I think it's great, you're living with purpose again. I think we all need a life check from time to time, if not all the time! Do remember your old friend, the can get a nice cheap one ($10.00) at Wal-mart that is either a plug-in to the wall or USB, we have two of them. A nice black...
  13. KalaniStorm

    Ladies, have you gone crazy, yet?

    Hey there fellow vandwellers! Since I am new to this lifestyle, just wondering I the only one that feels like I've gone a little mad? haha Some days I wake up feeling fit and ready to live this lifestyle. Other days I wake up cranky and just wanting to soak in a hot bath and say good-bye...
  14. KalaniStorm

    The funnest blog to follow...or so I think!

    twokniveskatie! haha I've heard great things about you, how funny! I am looking into how to put a follow button or option on it... I wasn't sure everyone wanted their names on the web so I did a little switcharoo. I'm new to forums and blogs, but am glad that you are following, that's so...
  15. KalaniStorm

    The funnest blog to follow...or so I think!

    Thank you. I added your blog to my list to follow as well the tart lady could definitely be of use right now!! I look forward to your travels, there's always something to learn from everyone. See you around friend!
  16. KalaniStorm

    The funnest blog to follow...or so I think!

    Hey there fellow travelers! I am new to the site and new to the lifestyle but I feel we are in good hands for we have met some people at the R.T.R and they are primping us along the way! I have started a Blog...I know I know BUT I do tend to update it more than occasionally so it's tons of fun...
  17. KalaniStorm

    Whats everyone Sleeping on? Im deciding on a bed design

    Just until VERY recently we were sleeping on an air mattress that blew up on a very small hand held pump, but you did need to have electricity for it. Once the air mattress was blown up to sleep on I think it had grown about 9 inches. For our sleeping arrangements and how we have our bed...