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  1. W

    Being Undetected

    This is where a cell phone may be your best deterrent. Someone hearing a loud voice saying "911, I have an emergency" will certainly think twice whatever their motives/type. <br>
  2. W

    Being Undetected

    FWIW, I agree with you. If the windows have curtains and there is no noise or motion in the van, a cop cannot know you are in the vehicle (although the noise and motion part can be a big IF when you are woke unexpectedly). You are obviously not doing anything illegal just sitting quietly in a...
  3. W

    My one regret so far...

    <span id="post_message_1273682969">Thanks for sharing your experiences. I start living in a van this Thursday (that is not a high top) and this is (undoubtedly) one of the many things I haven't thought of. I'm not mechanically adept either, and w/o such skills you have to do w/o a lot amenities...
  4. W

    Hi, I'm Bob, owner of

    Hi Bob!<br><br>What you've done is great, and I want to thank you very much. The ignorance one has about living in a van (which for me is a totally new experience) creates a lot of fear and anxiety. The information and friendly people you meet in the forums really helps a lot!<br>Oh, and I...
  5. W

    Being Undetected

    Love the sticker/decal idea. Post an "honor student" decal on one side and a "DARE sticker" (or a "I support local police" like sticker) on the other end and you'll blend right in.<br><br>FWIW, in the neck of the woods in which I live, very dark tint is pretty common (and I don't even live down...
  6. W

    Being Undetected

    I do think you're right though about cops noticing new vehicles, esp if you are doing something that tips them off that you live in a van (and then they see the van later at night). I'm considering sleeping near the place where I live now (and where I frequently parked on the street). <br><br>I...
  7. W

    Being Undetected

    I would think he'd have to be a Columbo or Monk to be able to detect a black curtain in a van with very dark tinted side and rear windows at night. <br><br>But maybe I'm wrong : I mean, after all, cops are very observant. Did you ever notice how they always pick out the donuts with the most...
  8. W

    Being Undetected

    Hi,<br><br>I read a lot about people who are discovered by the cops sleeping in their vans. I am curious how these people get caught. I mean, there are a zillion vans on the road, and I've never seen a cop at night stop to check out a specific one. Is it b/c they are the RV like vans, is it b/c...
  9. W


    Hi VanTrekker,<br><br>Thanks for the information. Based on the fact that I'll be driving on a regular basis and that I'll be living in an urban environment, what you said pretty much confirms what I was thinking (that a battery is the way to go). I'll check out your blog and just keep digging. I...
  10. W


    Being a total newbie, I first want to thank VanTrekker, Sparky1, and WildernessReturn for their replies. <br><br>I guess, a second, but maybe more important question is: do I want to use a generator? Most of them are gas powered, which means they emit fumes (maybe the CARB certified ones don't...
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    Kelly Kettles

    Hi Angeli,<br><br>Thank you for the link to this thread. I'm new to all this, and such information is very useful. I'll have to read and digest it a bit. Hopefully, I'll soon have some useful experiences to share <img src=""...
  12. W


    Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to plan out how I will have power in my van. Basically, I need a power supply mostly to make food (using a microwave or small hot plate). Not being mechanically gifted, it seems that a generator will fit the bill for my needs. Not being super rich though, I also would...
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    Kelly Kettles

    Hi PlanetMoon,<br><br>Thanks for the response. Yes, I came across the video from the Kelly company after I posted, and kinda came to the same conclusion. Seemed like a nice cheap solution, but it is probably limited to use in the summer. <br>Would a Coleman stove work OK inside? I'm a bit...
  14. W

    Kelly Kettles

    Hi Everyone!<br><br>I'm new to this group, so I hope I don't mess up my first post ;&gt<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.<br><br>I'm going to start to live in my van ( a Grand Caravan) and I want to make a decent amount of my own food (don't need the...