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    Cooking with 12 volts

    I love my road pro. I also do the water bath. BIG difference. Tonight I took beef, cut in cubes, a small can of tomato sauce, onions, garlic, olive oil, salt pepper, about a 1/4 cup of rice, little bit of water to thin the red sauce, and cooked that for a couple hours.... love this thing...
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    I LOVE you people

    Wow, yeah, $200 is cheap!! Each I've seen til now is like $500-600.... can we trust a $200 fridge.... I'll have to check reviews Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    Having a Buddy Heater makes a WORLD of difference. When I started last year I had no heat... I don't know how I did it! Cause this winter so far it's barely hit 20* some nights, no snow... and I don't wanna move without the heater on. Luxuries in life ;) Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    Again, I did not read this til after I did it. I am not removing them. There is no harm leaving them there. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    I didn't read this til now. I put in-line fuses from the battery to the fuse box positive side, and then again from the busbar to the battery negative side. Also the fuses in the fuse box itself and the fuses on the appliances themselves. My inverter is hooked up on directly on the battery...
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    I LOVE you people

    After everyone helped me with installing my fuse box, I put the bus-bar on for all my grounds as I was told to do.  I have my LED lights hooked up to it, and two 12v sockets.  Tonight, I made coffee with my Roadpro.  :D  I also put toggle switches because I was concerned about always plugging...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    Can I just buy another fuse block similar to this one for all my negatives?
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    YAY!!! I'm so excited now.. I have LIGHTS!!! I wanna get more now :D
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    Wooo hoooo!!!! That did it!!! You guys are SOOO AWESOME!!! I did it like your graphic, MrAlvin.. but directly opposite battery/lights.... and the lights all came right on!! I just have to remember this when I start hooking everything else up too now... I'll hook up the other wires tomorrow...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    I still have this wire with a quick-release connector on it, connected to the negative battery terminal... originally, i had this going to the fuse block.. thinking it was the 'negative' side.... For now, I'm going to hook the negative from the light to this, so it is connected to the negative...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    So Everything I hook up has to go directly to the battery for negative??? that' can't happen...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    ok only positive from the battery is hooked up... fuse went in fine.. now that I'm putting the light wires on.. am I only doing positive?
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    ummm... so then I just hook up the positive from the battery to the block? then why do they put two blades for each on... I'm sure you're right because this last time that I put the fuse on, when it didn't blow but sparked.. the spark came from the negative side... let me try again, but with...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    This one!!!
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    I unhooked the lights... it's just the wire from the positive battery to one side of the block, and the wire from the negative battery side, to the other side of the block.. still sparked... It didn't blow the fuse cause I stopped as soon as I saw the spark... but it got a bit of singe on the...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    The tongue like tabs like this one....    but mine has a space for the fuses in the middle of each two tabs... **Still looking on their website for the one I actually bought...
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    The short would just be in this section of wiring...? is this correct? or do I have ot be concerned about the entire system? My inverter and everything are always fine.
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    Let me get a link.. I got it from autozone....
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    New Fuse Block immediately blows fuse

    Hey folks, I finally got around to hooking up a fuse block to my system. Mainly because I want lights. I've been using my solar system for a few months now and it's all good to go. But I'm really tired of how battery operated LED lights sloooooowly go dim and die.....    So tonight, I have the...
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    2018 RTR

    PS, Im also on the East Coast. Jersey here. We were talking a couple months ago about meeting up but I just havent done it. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk