Between the heat and the dust, Arizona is not as friendly as it appears on paper. But it is better than freezing cold.
Some beach, somewhere ~~~ away from the big storms.
I wish I could find something myself.
If you are willing to put up with the YARC crew we have a spot in Kentucky from about the middle of April to late October. Friends stop by just long enough to stay good friends.
Power, water and dump.
If your lucky, you can park in the graveyard.
The difference is about a dollar a gallon for gas.
Otherwise not much.
Everyone is different and the fee you pay will allow you to see the different sites to find what you like.
Hosting is a dangerous risk to take for both sides. Sometimes the nicest person backs over your prize tomato plant.
In my personal opinion, as a PAID host I would be careful what I posted here without paying the host of the website. Now we have a free spot for the occasional traveler. Mostly...
You tenderfeet from anyplace East of the North Coast amuse me. I once did some service work in Monte Rio. Locals were getting ready for the Slug Festival.
People will eat anything on a dare.
Think of it as evolution in action.
I have been hearing Chicken Little screaming my entire life. “The sky is falling “. Every time I look it is another egg.
I am too tired and hurt way too much to start jumping up and down over a possible situation dreamed up by people that make a living dreaming up possible situations.
I have apple tags on my cats and wallet. I can track my phone from my wife’s phone. Cars ~~~. Apple tag $25 each in a 4 pack.
Cheap peace of mind. The last time I lost my wallet was 4 days to see it in plain sight. When it can beep at you or give you walking directions. I’m all for it.
When I was around humans in a hive situation, (living and working in the city) I was armed around my family. I did have to pull a gun twice. Never had to pull a trigger. In the country I had to shoot a couple of snakes. They did not back down and go rapidly away.
Now I just cary my mouth and...
If you qualify, USAA Savings Bank is the best option. After 17 years I am nothing but pleased. Instant credit transfer on most deposits. I pay regular bills automatically online so never a late fee or overdraft. Free cash (no fee) from most ATM. I have auto insurance with them also. 24 hour...
I first used cargo nets to keep my childrens stuffed toys off the floor. Now I keep spares around for emergency use. Toss the net over a pile of stuff and no problem transporting it to where it needs to be.
3 cats, no problems. (Right).
The cats bring in lizards, birds, mice, and kittens.
I personally don’t understand why anyone would have a strobe light running all night when people are trying to sleep. Disco for the night critters and unhappy neighbors. Don’t try the peanut butter traps in...
I guess that you have never been to a KOA. The neighbors black tank dump is usually under your picnic table and the BBQ grill is within three feet of where the neighbors pop out hangs.
Overnight parking is different from camping. A WM parking lot is great for shut eye but don’t try to live...
As I see the problem, there is no problem. Just because anything is possible, does not make it probable or even likely.
In one word, CLICKBAIT.
Move along, nothing to see here.