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  1. S

    How to mount solar panel to top of Thule rooftop cargo box?

    You may also need consider the weight of the panel.. the hinges and hardware on the carrier do have limits
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    How to mount solar panel to top of Thule rooftop cargo box?

    Basic parts list ( I am sure I will miss something) Local hardware in my opinion go to ace or similar The have square aluminum tubing You will want this it is about 1/5 square Decide orientation of the tubing to attach the tubing I would use Ubolts.. You can also find bolts that have a flat...
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    How can I fix this rust? First time doing this.

    I do not know if this applies to all vehicles.. But you can get replacement floor pans that do not require any welding, it is glued on with a 3m product.. you still of course need to cut out the damaged floor board
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    design flaw

    ok So if it is true that a SLA battery can be installed in any position other than upside down.. I would much rather just go with this battery
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    NEW wiring sketch

    Well then, that brings the question to what size fuses do I need..  Sooo.. this is exactly what I have so far.. Wiring 4g positive Starter battery - battery Isolator  4g negative (ground) House battery compartment- chassis  NO FUSE AT THE MOMENT  I do not have wiring for anything else.. ...
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    design flaw

    Ok so here is something interesting I just did a search on mounting batteries in different orientations Seems like SLA, AGMS both can be mounted in any orientation except upside down The results of my search was scatter across different forums
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    design flaw

    @highdessertranger that would be the floor.. could I raise it yes, and I thought about it.. But I also would need to adjust everything else.. the bed frame and the cabinets. and I just don't want to get into that @mrnoodly, that is very good to know. @kklowell I am guessing you are talking...
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    NEW wiring sketch

    Well since my last sketch was confusing people..  Here is a new sketch..  as I stated in the other thread. I may add a fuse panel, but I believe that would be after the house battery.
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    Wiring diagram

    here is a photo of what I have..  I may add a buss bar or a fuse box,  but those would both be after the house battery correct? And I missing anything?
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    design flaw

    I meant to post this link can you edit my OP?
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    design flaw

    @bullfrog with the right height yes a side post would work.. but I have never seen a side post deep cycle.. I will try a search
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    design flaw

    Yeah the measurement I am going by is in the specifications on the website
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    design flaw

    Well I was not quite sure which category to post this in..  Refer to the photo  So in my designated Battery location, I am running into an issue..  From what I see, many 100ah agm batteries are 10 inches tall..  So far I have only seen one battery that will work.. I also have not done a lot...
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    Portable Power Stations and Question

    My 2 cents, I am a novice on this subject as many of you know.. But $2000 budget seems to be pretty steep.. Wiring honestly is not that bad, take your time and do things right. If you don't know ask I am putting together a system that will cost about 1/3 of what your budget is.. I will...
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    Rear Ended

    ***UUPDATE*** So I too my van to a different body shop, He looked at the damage, without putting the van on an alignment machine, he seems to think nothing is out of alignment.. 100% accurate no, But it does confirm my thoughts also.. He is going to help me out, probably only charge me a...
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    Rear Ended

    I spoke to My insurance company, out of florida, and there are no restrictions.. does not matter if the other insurance company totaled it or not.
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    Rear Ended

    Yes I agree, I could probably fight for more, NO doubt in my mind, I have spoken to a lawyer about this.. and I will try to speak to someone again before I sign the check  But people each state has different legislation for no fault accidents.. the legislation is not a universal deal..
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    Rear Ended

    No I do not need to buy it from the Insurance company, I have already spoke to them, they are sending me a check minus what a junk yard would talk for it..
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    Rear Ended

    Each state is different, I also believe the age of the vehicle comes to play..
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    Rear Ended

    ****UPDATE*** Well the insurance company is giving me $3200 for the van.. And yes they totaled it. I will take it to the body shop that gave the estimate, and have them do just enough to get the light assembly in. I will bond the rest myself