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  1. S

    House flies

    I have considered one of those thermacells before.. maybe I will try it
  2. S

    House flies

    That's funny
  3. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    Yes actually it is Soft when it is at temp.
  4. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    I actually found the drainage from the AC system coming in on the passenger side up under the flood board.. I have already SEALED that area.  Now just waiting for it do dry
  5. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    This is very similar to my thought process. The frame is good, the body needs work especially after the accident..  and the engine does run strong.  I am not put much coolant in each day. A 1/2 quart maybe.. The a/c works, I have no engine codes.  No doubt I am losing coolant.   Ttomorrow I...
  6. S

    House flies

    I like the idea, I have been using something similar. Maybe I will try that first.
  7. S

    House flies

    How many of you have or have had a house fly issue?  And more importantly how do you control it?
  8. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    ***Update #2*** Although it is not confirmed, I do believe I have an internal head gasket issue.. So I am trying to decide is it better to just buy something else, do the head job, or replace the engine.. With used vehicles at a high price value.. I am thinking getting the head job done asap...
  9. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    Where do you put the coffee beans?? And what is the purpose of this?
  10. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    Ok you make a good point.  This is not something I thought about.  But the mechanics certainly should have... As long as a pat attention to the coolant level.. it runs fine.... I will need to see about getting a pressure tester and test it myself
  11. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    According to both mechanics that did the pressure test there where no leaks.  But I am putting coolant in everyday..
  12. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    According to both mechanics that did the pressure test there where no leaks.  But I am putting coolant in everyday..
  13. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    Ok guys, I understand this is a difficult thing to try to give guidance on.. I have had a pressure test done in the past.. actually twice.. I know I am losing coolant someplace..  Both pressure tests I had done showed nothing negative  in the results. Which I was told that it must be...
  14. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    ***update**** I just went and vacuumed my van.. and investigated a little.. my interior is wet on both sides.  More on the passage side.  It is definitely not antifreeze.. but I also don't think it is just rain water.   I'm thinking maybe my AC is draining into my cab??? I was down on coolant...
  15. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    And yes I know more information is needed.. which is why I want to talk to a mechanic right now I don't have the money for a head job..
  16. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    Ok so I know it is a coolant issue because my coolant is low.. the floor on my drivers side is wet.. but it we have also had a lot of rain.. The moister on the floor only has a slight musty smell.. does not smell like coolant..  My suspicions is also a head gasket problem. Yes I have seen...
  17. S

    Any mechanics in the group?

    Hey all, I am hoping there is a mechanic in the group that I can talk to.   Since I have not been here in a while.   I have an 06 grand caravan 3.8 I am having a coolant issue and possibly and overheating issue.. Thanks
  18. S

    My batteries

    Thanks xertyx, yeah aside from being rear ended.. things are actually pretty decent.  Having a hard to finding a solar panel that I can get I'll n less than a week.. probably not going to happen. Unless I travel to a supplier
  19. S

    Small Cargo Trailer for Sale in Flagstaff Area

    I am interested in something similar. .I actually have a design in my head to custom build one.. or to have someone custom build one.. Not sure if it would be worth the money or not.. $1800 isn't bad, but I think that is close to retail is it not? The trailer is 21 years old if it is a 2009
  20. S

    My batteries

    Thank you for all the replies.. I have charged all batteries to 100% including my Starter battery At the moment I am installing the batteries in the compartment.. so, Can a connect everything now.. and then when I get the solar panel disconnect the batteries, connect the solar panel then...