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  1. O

    How do you do it?

    The rtr you attended was where I met you. I recommended Yosemite to you there. You went and loved it. The rtr was a different thing then compared to now. There were some unsavory elements then and you were right to leave. The bad still show up and care needs to be exercised. Just like the...
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    Front hitch for turning around?

    No, your trailer is not too large for boondocking. That you nearly got stuck in a bank parking lot indicates that you need more time behind the wheel. You don't explore roads while pulling a 16 ft trailer. Take the first campsite you see and explore from there with the tow vehicle. Satellite...
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    Get a dog?

    I understand where the OP is coming from in cautioning folks about rescuing pets. I don't agree. The number of animals discarded is astounding, that some of them may have problems is not a reason to not consider a rescue. I have problems, it is very likely that you do also. Thankfully, no one...
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    Cargo Trailer

    The screws in question were installed at the factory so the advice the worker gave still stands.
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    Retired Van Dwellers: why not Mexico

    The OP's question was why don't folks go to Mexico in winter for the savings in cost of living.? Many don't need whatever small savings would be achieved and the culture is very different and not interesting to many. The folks who are so inclined are going just not spreading it on the internet...
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    Stealth spots in Yuma (AZ)?

    There are 3 1/2 Walmarts in Yuma all of which allow overnite parking. Lowes and Home Depot also allow overnite. Fortuna Ponds and Mittry Lake are within a few miles of Yuma and on BLM land. Near Quechan casino is tons of BLM land. Finding a place to stay in Yuma is simple. Stealth ( such as it...
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    Ehrenburg AZ - Camping limit.

    Stayed in Ehrenburg once back in 2011. To get away from the trashed trailers and the criminals you had to go up on the mesa where the wind blows hard and cold. The views are not that nice and supplies are a drive away in Parker or, to a lesser degree, the Q. Had Thanksgiving there that winter...
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    Land deals out there...

    There is a reason some land is so cheap and it's not always obvious. The west is littered with land bought sight unseen by folks lured by low prices. Low price is a screaming red flag and the old axiom " You get what you pay for" certainly holds true.
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    Anyone ever drive a Kaiser Military truck before??

    A winch will help you get out of the mud a wench gets you into ! (<;
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    Having a 5th wheel with day room moved

    That's because the tow vehicles or towds are driven, often daily.
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    Before you jump into it, be sure vandwelling is what you really want to do.

    O.P. I think of this forum as more about independence than nomadism. Some of the most prolific posters here are not vandwelling or nomadic. That you did your due diligence and research and thought deeply about yourself and who you really are is admirable. It prevented you from making one of the...
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    Homeless Man on a Mission

    Can't let this one go by. OP, you owe no one an apology. Sometimes putting down what you're dealing with gives others a chance to see a similarity in their life. The responses can help many more than you and you are the catalyst for that. You are already doing positive things with the place you...
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    2020 RTR location??

    I have spent many nights and days boondocking on reservations in the southwest, never with a group. I have experienced hostility because I look white and welcoming because I look white. Summer before last I went to the Crow, Cheyenne Pow Wow on the Crow Agency in Montana. I was treated to some...
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    CarolynsRVLife ebook - How I got 20,000 subscribers in 40 days

    I don't like or dislike everyone I meet in daily life, I am glad I had the chance to meet them. That's pretty much the way I feel about Youtube. The moment they post that video is an invitation to me to participate if I so choose. I'm blown away that some can have a million and a half...
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    2020 RTR location??

    Large events on public land may be wearing out their welcome at least as far as willingness of government to pick up the added expense. Events like burning man are charging up to $1400 for advance tickets, $425 regular. As the expense of the event is shifted to the organizers they are left with...
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    Nomadic Enigmatics' 2019 van build dates announced

    Dumpsters will be required this year and will be emptied regularly.
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    Nomadic Enigmatics' 2019 van build dates announced

    The best place to get info on this event is the enigmatic nomadics you tube channel. The event is 16 days and lots of people stay for the  entire time and many more come and go. The location is easy to find and is about 15 minutes from Parker Az. The town has most anything you  would need...
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    I have to ask, what difference does it make ? I would prefer you not try to classify me, I will only disappoint you, depending on the day !
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    Can You Help

       I agree, nothing organized. Caravans now operate in areas with a loose knit idea of where and when and small numbers.. Having a theme for such a gathering and being kept small would solve the issues mentioned. There are folks here who have knowledge and most are willing to share. What I see...
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    To each their own

    Good spot to catch a breeze.