I'm out

Van Living Forum

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I came into this forum because I needed info about vanning. I got a lot of information and found a lot of people to chat with. But now most of the time I come in and find so much going on about tRump and the crap in the white house that I'm out. Just sick of it all
You can block the political forms and any individuals as you wish if that is a problem. I’ll miss your food posts if you go!

You have to opt in so you could opt out by contacting Southbound​

Political / Controversy

The only forum for heated topics like politics, Government, religion, philosophy and the like. Due to only certain members wishing to see this forum, it is now by request only. For access, PM Southbound
Yeah we should really be more disciplined about keeping the politics stuff on the politics forum. It does keep bleeding over into other forums which makes it hard to ignore. And uncomfortable since we as a group seem to have accepted the notion that "political" means "OK to be rude" ...

I for one would have no complaints if the mods were hard-@$$ about enforcing the original rule. Anyone who is tragically prevented from saying everything that comes into their mind :rolleyes: can very easily find somewhere else to express it, including right here on the politics forum.

Thanks for speaking up. Hope you don't leave though.
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I understand. This is a stressful time for many so lots of stuff is spilling over into many chats that really ought to be landing in the section which is not just for political but also in the class of “controversial” according to the actual title of that forum section.
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I had access to the political forum by default when I created my account, recently. I reported that to Southbound. Hopefully it's fixed or will be soon.
The trouble is that lots of political content still shows up in threads outside the politics forum.

The pattern usually goes like this:
Person A: here's something interesting and nonpolitical
Person B: hey, that reminds me of something political which I must share immediately
Person C: yay! politics! that means I can be as much of an a$$h@t as I want with no consequences!
...followed by general mayhem.

That's our slippery slope.
It's understandable because a lot of us (including me) pick up posts via the New Posts button rather than by checking a specific thread.
There's an easy fix for that (but it depends on each of us following through): continue to make "no politics" the default, and only respond politically once you're sure it's in the politics forum.
And, much as I hesitate to make more work for the longsuffering mods, we could also report political posts more often rather than putting up with them.

It's not inevitable.
It's not funny.
It's not harmless.
We just lost a highly engaged, constructive, and interesting member who provided lots of useful content -- basically to satisfy a tiny number of self-obsessed bullies.

And to anyone who does care deeply and urgently about politics: (1) you are not alone and (2) probably the most politically meaningful thing you could do here and now is to keep this rare and valuable nonpolitical space alive.
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It reminds me of the old routine from the 80's and 90's, paraphrased:

Tom: I can't believe all the offensive programs that I'm seeing on my TV these days!

Jack: What are you referring to exactly?

Tom: All the smut that I keep playing on my VCR!


Folks, this forum can't please everyone....and no matter what posts we delete, or keep, who we censor, or not, or which member gets warned, or allowed, it's going to make someone, or multiple people, unhappy.

Our best solution was to allow political controversy in a dedicated subforum, where users can express opinions and engage in a back-and-forth conversation about politics and other controversial topics. Each member can 'opt out' of the political subforum (or any other subforum) with a couple of mouse clicks and then they will not see that stuff.

Contrast this with 'Big Social Media' where the censors in some foreign data center delete your satire, complaints, opinions, fake news, pictures, memes, political ramblings, etc, with no recourse...and for any perceived transgression, they can anonymously throw you in 'Facebook Jail'...or whatever the term is now for being banished for a while. "We slap you on the wrist you bad, bad, person"

I saw a recent post by Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook, claiming that his censors on Facebook were too heavy-handed and were going to back off a little...well let's see how that works out for presidents, politicians, pundits, journalists, actors, comedians, scientists, and everyone else who has had their posts removed and sometimes their accounts have been deleted. Ouch.

I'm not happy when someone leaves, but it's like any other forum, or venue, or activity: we can't be the perfect, happy place for everyone in every situation, or walk of life, and we know that.

And we're OK with it.

Good luck vanbrat...we enjoyed your participation here.

You're welcome to return at any time in the future.
Not only can one ignore any sub forum they prefer, they can also of course ignore individual members they find particularly provocative for whatever reason. 🤔

Sad to see anyone leave, but there are other options, and the logic/reasoning tx laid out is pretty comprehensive.
I didn't interpret Vanbrat's post as a criticism of the moderators, but of the small number of bad apples who relentlessly push the limits on this and often flat-out break the rules.

A lot of political commenting, including ugly insults, is going on outside the political forum.
It is not impossible to ignore, but it is also not quite as easy as TX and Rose suggest.

The mods can only do so much. This is also up to each of us.
Well; y don’t peeps just talk about…….
……Van Livin!?
4 ezampl:




Buh hay Thaz jus me……..
bch bum jonny

PS: I do git a kik out of peeps feelin the need to make a big production thread & post about I’M LEAVING! Does 1 do that as well when 1 leaves a store or any other place open to the public?

Drama Queen Scene:
I DONT LIKE IT HEER! I’M LEAVING!! Seems really juvenile; so I laff like I would at any 10 year old pouting bowt whaever.
Kraks me up 😎
Gawd; ya wana leev; qwit clicking on the site & leev. door swings both ways.

As has already bin mentioned by more than 1, if you don’t want to know what’s in a thread or a forum it’s rah-eee-ly easy to not walk into that store/bar………
eg.: the 4 females only one. I have never klikt on it. It’s not 4 me and I don’t go there; dont know what goes on there and don’t effing want to. Sooo guess what people? I don’t read it.

Simple stuff really. Many posts in certain threads I never read; even tho I’ve previously posted in them or I’m the one that started it originally.

I never complain either when I’m flagged by the Moms for offsides, unsportsmanlike conduct or running a red light or speeding which happens on occasion. 😎🤙

The door swings both ways
Judging by what's going on this morning it's a lost cause \_(**)_/ so long vanbrat write if u find work
Folks, this forum can't please everyone....and no matter what posts we delete, or keep, who we censor, or not, or which member gets warned, or allowed, it's going to make someone, or multiple people, unhappy.

Our best solution was to allow political controversy in a dedicated subforum, where users can express opinions and engage in a back-and-forth conversation about politics and other controversial topics. Each member can 'opt out' of the political subforum (or any other subforum) with a couple of mouse clicks and then they will not see that stuff.

Contrast this with 'Big Social Media' where the censors in some foreign data center delete your satire, complaints, opinions, fake news, pictures, memes, political ramblings, etc, with no recourse...and for any perceived transgression, they can anonymously throw you in 'Facebook Jail'...or whatever the term is now for being banished for a while. "We slap you on the wrist you bad, bad, person"

I saw a recent post by Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook, claiming that his censors on Facebook were too heavy-handed and were going to back off a little...well let's see how that works out for presidents, politicians, pundits, journalists, actors, comedians, scientists, and everyone else who has had their posts removed and sometimes their accounts have been deleted. Ouch.

I'm not happy when someone leaves, but it's like any other forum, or venue, or activity: we can't be the perfect, happy place for everyone in every situation, or walk of life, and we know that.

And we're OK with it.

Good luck vanbrat...we enjoyed your participation here.

You're welcome to return at any time in the future.


The voice of reason has spoken and I wholeheartedly agree! Heck, there are so many Democrat and liberal opinions on here that it drives me crazy sometimes but that doesn't mean I'll be leaving. I just simply click on "ignore" and continue on with my day.
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Judging by what's going on this morning it's a lost cause \_(**)_/ so long vanbrat write if u find work
I think it’s a moot point as there hasn’t been any following posts. This forum is more willing to allow criticism of individuals that it did in the past. In the past it was unusual for anyone that posted to have not received a warning because they made a comment on a persons behavior. We had several knowledgeable experts leave because they made comments about individuals lack of understanding or poor advice. It just wasn’t tolerated to a point it was unbearable for many. Today’s site just requires more tolerance and a little “thicker skin” if you choose to participate in every forum.
I think it’s a moot point as there hasn’t been any following posts

I said "this morning" not "in this one particular thread."

Political comments have continued to be posted to nonpolitical threads and subforums at the same rate and intensity that they were before. Knowing that an active and apparently popular forum member just quit over this hasn't slowed anyone down a bit.

\_(**)_/ If this is what y'all want by all means go for it.
Don’t lose any sleep over this. VanBrat is still a member, and she logged in this morning and is reading postings. People get ticked off really intending to quit but it has become such an ingrained, important, daily, social connection, routine that is not all that easy to quit opening the forum page and reading it.
hmm, the ice over Lake Creepy is getting thin ...