Free E books

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I have two sources for free e-books ..  and  
Several times a week I get emails from both sources and there is usually at least one free book in the list.

When I see one I think I will like I simply download it to my tablet, laptop, smart phone and my desktop.  
Yes, I download them to all of my devices, that way I will always have access to a book.

Once downloaded there is no " Time Limit" when they will disappear from my devices.  
They remain forever on my hard drives and as I get through with a book, I simply delete it..

There is another site that I have not explored yet, E

I am a voracious reader, averaging 2 and sometimes 3 paperbacks per week. My main interest are westerns and mysteries, everything from Janet Evanovich to Louis L'Amore .  I currently have over 1000 books, both paperback and hard back in my collection not counting the E-books on my computers  and I have read about 80% of them, some I have re-read more than once..

Some folks like going out and partying, some like watching television,, ME ?? .. I watch the evening news and Jeopardy then turn off the TV and go to bed where I sometimes read past midnight..
Yeh I know, I'm an old stick in the mud but books are more interesting than some people and TV shows.  :D
I have recently qualified to access a lot more free ebook and audio book downloads that I can check out on a library loan with the help of the website thru a program for persons who have some visual issues. Here is a link to the article where I found out how to do this.

My vision is not over all low vision, I can see just fine to drive. But in 2015 I developed a visual issue due to some retinal damage that caused macular pucker. If I try to read a paperback book or even a hardback book that has normal sized print then the lines of text get wavy and there is blurring at my focal point. So I changed to using a tablet for reading digital books where I can enlarge the print to a comfortable size instead of reading from a printed paperback, text book or hardback. My public library has been great for free ebooks but there are subjects and authors they did not carry so I wanted other sources. I submitted the form to one of the vision disability libraries listed on link above and got approved for their program.

So just sharing a resource if like myself you or even one of your friends needs to have their books in larger sized print or in audio format. You don't have to be blind, you just need to have a real visual issue that inhibits your ability to read that can't be fully corrected with eye glasses.
There is a nice collection of free ebooks at They have a travel section as well as books on business, health, spirituality, and other topics that might be relevant to van dwelling / travel. Fiction, too. They're based in the UK, so US travel is not their main focus, but they have a pretty good range. Enjoy!
Not for United Statesians but has anyone mentioned Z-library and LibGen yet?

I can't post the links. I'm in Cali.
Classic writers may have some sort of non-profit, these can be a great resource for digital downloads and more.
Classic writers may have some sort of non-profit, these can be a great resource for digital downloads and more.

Do you have an example? Just curious. Would love to support the artist estate.
Once a work enters the public domain, anyone can pick it up and post it for free. That's often (but not always) 70 years after the author's death.
Google Books and the Internet Archive are good sources for that. The Internet Archive seems like a good cause to support.
The MobileRead forum has a large offering of free classics -- its members who are ebook aficionados format and post these as a volunteer effort.
The Library of Congress has a lot, too.
Other libraries, museums, etc. do the same.
For a book you think might be classic (ie, old) enough to reproduce for free, it's worth just googling the title and seeing if someone has posted a free version.

The earliest PDFs posted online (~1990s) are in really bad shape by today's standards but hey, free is free and sometimes that's the only version available. If you happen to stumble across something like that, don't stress is all I'm saying. For awhile in the early days, they were actually having people retype things instead of scanning them.

I know that's ^^ not exactly what you were looking for, but fwiw.

If you ever get interested in something archival -- say, diaries from the first European settlers of your county, or handwritten versions of a favorite musician's score, or long-ago fashions or recipes -- it is just mind-blowing how much of that you can now easily get online, where you used to have to drive 100s of miles, put your stuff in a locker, sign in, and put on white cotton gloves, now you can just click and it's there online. If that sort of thing flicks your Bic there is plenty of free entertainment online.
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Amazon has free e-books, I have 4000+ I've gotten all free. Check every week or two.