fingerprints yikes

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2021
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So I have to get an FBI background check...
and for that I need to be fingerprinted...
and for that I need to make what's basically an all-day trip to the nearest big city (Phoenix, yuck)...
and if you get them done electronically, the background check goes about 10x faster...
but I can't get mine done electronically because I don't have enough fingerprints left!
OMG I feel like a vampire or something!!! I flunked my fingerprint test!!!😢😢😢😢😢
I never heard of that before but apparently it's common when you get old.
So I paid extra and got the paper ones. Which means that I have to mail them. Which makes me nervous because the Post Office has been forking up so much lately. (If I want FedEx it's another day trip to the city.)
It's all for a retirement visa application to the Dominican Republic. I finally took the plunge, hired a lawyer, etc. Hopefully in the long run it will be very peaceful, relaxing, and inexpensive, but the next six months look like they will be paperwork hell. The cost of LIVING there might be low but the cost of GETTING there, not so much. I'm already having the opportunity to talk to a lot of 'crats, what a joy.
Apologies for dissing Phoenix if there are any Phoenicians in the house. I'm sure it's a fine place but that's a lllllllllot of asphalt.
Thanks for listening to me whine.
So I have to get an FBI background check...
and for that I need to be fingerprinted...
and for that I need to make what's basically an all-day trip to the nearest big city (Phoenix, yuck)...
and if you get them done electronically, the background check goes about 10x faster...
but I can't get mine done electronically because I don't have enough fingerprints left!
OMG I feel like a vampire or something!!! I flunked my fingerprint test!!!😢😢😢😢😢
I never heard of that before but apparently it's common when you get old.
So I paid extra and got the paper ones. Which means that I have to mail them. Which makes me nervous because the Post Office has been forking up so much lately. (If I want FedEx it's another day trip to the city.)
It's all for a retirement visa application to the Dominican Republic. I finally took the plunge, hired a lawyer, etc. Hopefully in the long run it will be very peaceful, relaxing, and inexpensive, but the next six months look like they will be paperwork hell. The cost of LIVING there might be low but the cost of GETTING there, not so much. I'm already having the opportunity to talk to a lot of 'crats, what a joy.
Apologies for dissing Phoenix if there are any Phoenicians in the house. I'm sure it's a fine place but that's a lllllllllot of asphalt.
Thanks for listening to me whine.
Been there and done that as in paper ink prints several times. Always been quick, easy and inconvenient! Lol!!!
I have to do this every few years. Pain in the butt, but it's what keeps a few of the really bad guys from even trying to get a job with very venerable kids. And yea I am due and a bit late now getting this years done. It means I have to take a day off and go over town and deal with town and paperwork and UGH
I'm curious why you chose the DR where the Homicide rate is 3X what the US is & it has a

Danger level: 3 - Travel with high caution warning?
Lol so many countries now require FBI background check from Americans, soon probably all of them will, and all 30 year old expunged arrests for a bar fight will be on it! :D
The DR requires an FBI background check?
They require a national-level check of your police record, for USians that's the FBI.
It's actually easier than trying to get state or local checks from the zillion places I've lived.
Would have been really easy if I didn't have vampire fingerprints!

Basically they want you to prove you're not a criminal or diseased or broke. I'm pretty sure almost every country has *something* like that. DR is pretty average as far as I can tell. A little harder on the front end maybe, a little easier in the long run. Not the cheapest, not the most expensive. Every country has different little surprises, and some of the cheapest to live in are the most expensive to get initially set up in.

It's going to be a bit of a slog but I'm sure it will be fine. Promising myself a virgin piña colada WITH umbrella in a beachside bar with a merengue band when it's all done.

How Does Moving Out of the Country Impact Medicare and Social Security?​

Moving out of the country is a lot like moving out of sticks and bricks:
... there are 1000 things you need to think through
... and 1000000 websites and books about it, some of which are more reliable than others
... it's not a magic wand
... it won't work for everyone
... and it's d@mn hard work.

Also: both are changing :oops: and you can't count on anything working forever.

Medicare and Social Security have good information right on their own websites. Come to think of it, it's surprising how much finding info from those two agencies doesn't suck. Glass half something!
Moving out of the country is a lot like moving out of sticks and bricks:
... there are 1000 things you need to think through
... and 1000000 websites and books about it, some of which are more reliable than others
:unsure: I dunno... when I moved out of sticks and bricks full time in 1990, I didn't know enough to know what I needed to think through... and there weren't any books or websites...:p

I'm curious why you are moving to the DR, or is that just for the winter?
Yeah, I guess there's farther to fall if you screw up or get unlucky ...
Mostly to stretch my pension, especially now that the "semi" seems to be falling out of "semi-retired" lol and the housing crisis shows no signs of ending ... also for the nature stuff.
I remember 1990 ... one guy in my class had a personal computer and I was sure it was just a passing fad :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Dominican Republic, two years of rentista visa then citizenship, I think.
I had moved countries in 1995 without having access to the internet, ending up in a totally different world, unfamiliar language and all, wouldn't wish that nightmare on anyone. Luckily a lot of online resources are available now. Watching those videos is important.
Still, wouldn't move where Im not fluent in the language, at least.
Hopefully I'm on the plane to far far away in early 2026. Looking forward to some housing affordable to me and nationwide healthcare
"Totally different world, unfamiliar language and all" is kind of the point of it for some of us ;)
And I wouldn't believe everything you read (or watch) on the interwebs.

There is no magic wand out there. Hopefully we can all mix a little magic in with our pragmatism ... but if there was a solution out there that did NOT involve hard work, high expenses, and risk, it would be standing room only with long lines at the portapotties.
"Totally different world, unfamiliar language and all" is kind of the point of it for some of us ;)
And I wouldn't believe everything you read (or watch) on the interwebs.

There is no magic wand out there. Hopefully we can all mix a little magic in with our pragmatism ... but if there was a solution out there that did NOT involve hard work, high expenses, and risk, it would be standing room only with long lines at the portapotties.
Yeah its fun when you got money and a gringo so people look up to you in all those other countries cause they do look up to you gringos, when you are moving from accross the world to America having little money to completely different scary incomprehensible world I can assure its different.

When I said watch videos I mean real life videos not realtors bsing expat cash cows

But what do I knows expat for 30 years haha
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