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    vanbrat replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
    Still no frost snow or real cold stuff here in the Sound. Weird weather for us. But I have to many Dr stuff to drive to, so I am NOT...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread What are YOU listening to??.
    right now, Pink Floyd Dark side of the moon.
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    vanbrat replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
    I wonder if/what his reason is for running it 24? Is there something he is operating? Or is he looking for a fight? This is just me...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread SEASHELLS!!.
    Well I think I would have screeched and jumped at that too. I have had hermit crabs climb out of shells but nothing that fun.
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    vanbrat reacted to INTJohn's post in the thread SEASHELLS!! with Like Like.
    I’m thinking “weirdest”…….. Hmmm, post #118 of this thread I describe the octopus vacating, across my fingers & hand, from a Queen Conch...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread SEASHELLS!!.
    I like seeing the shells. I was wondering what has been your weirdest beach find...... ? I love beach combing. I found an IV bottle and...
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    vanbrat reacted to maki2's post in the thread Finding boondocking sites with Like Like.
    I find mine using google maps while looking at the satellite view. I camp in areas where there are plenty of legal to stay free...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread Its Football Season ‘24!.
    Ducks didn't get through. 2 of their best players were out. They made it the whole season with no loss and just couldn't get it on the...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread SEASHELLS!!.
    So now I have something else to look for on the beaches down there.
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    vanbrat reacted to eDJ_'s post in the thread Salad Dressing(s) with Like Like.
    If you want to try making this home style Italian vinaigrette dressing recipe it would compare to Paul Newman Italian dressing. It's...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread SEASHELLS!!.
    Hamburger beans? So are those seeds of some type?
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    vanbrat reacted to maki2's post in the thread What have I gotten myself into?? with Like Like.
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    vanbrat replied to the thread fingerprints yikes.
    I have to do this every few years. Pain in the butt, but it's what keeps a few of the really bad guys from even trying to get a job with...
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    vanbrat reacted to twomountainlions's post in the thread Salad Dressing(s) with Like Like.
    Grated carrot is good as a salad base, I add thai or taco red peppers based spicy seasoning, apple cider vinegar, salt, garlic powder...
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    vanbrat replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
    Hope everyone is having a good holiday season. Warm wishes and all that.