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    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread Nature Lover and friends keep in touch with Like Like.
      Finally a bird sighting today foraging in the grass at my campsite. in a clearing in the Coconino forest near Flagstaff, AZ . I wanted...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread Van Life & Air Conditioning with Like Like.
      Rubbing it in would mean telling you I manage very nicely with a 150 watt solar panel and a 160ah AGM battery! I do have an Engel...
    • Birdy
      A thing I have learned is that staying in the LTVA at Quartzsite, hiking every day, sleeping good, and eating good is a very healthy...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything with Like Like.
      The monsoon season afternoon’s typical cloud up with thunderstorms and rain pattern has returned to the Flagstaff area. I did enjoy...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread About old posts with Like Like.
      A can opener was the “gadget” I used today. I “cooked” my lunch with solar power. This morning I set a an unopened can of Progresso soup...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread Hi from south Alabama... with Like Like.
      Those cabinet door frames were made with poplar lumber from Home Depot cit with a little Japanese handsaw and miter guide. Then...
    • Birdy
      Birdy replied to the thread Hi from south Alabama....
      *rig! 😉
    • Birdy
      Birdy replied to the thread Hi from south Alabama....
      What a super cute rug! Love the color! And expanding roof! I see the the table, looks heavy duty. I'll be looking into that. And...
    • Birdy
      Birdy replied to the thread Hi from south Alabama....
      What a beauty! Your setup is all so enlightening and inspiring! It just came out so beautiful, can tell you're highly skilled with your...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread Hi from south Alabama... with Like Like.
      I built all the cabinets in this photo myself while traveling using a 1,000 watt generator, 150 watt inverter, 150 watt solar panel and...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to maki2's post in the thread Hi from south Alabama... with Like Like.
      You will get back on the road even if everything is not perfection when you need to move out. Many of us leave with our living quarters...
    • Birdy
      Birdy replied to the thread Hi from south Alabama....
      Two days!! That had to prove the strength you carry within! Couldn't have been easy. Boeing eh? I've had some time with Caterpillar and...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to captndiet's post in the thread About old posts with Like Like.
      GasOne GS-800P Dual Fuel stove and Ridge Monkey XL Compact sandwich toaster pan - You can cook an awful lot of things with just these...
    • Birdy
      Birdy replied to the thread Hi from south Alabama....
      His job got way too much for one and not sure how he even got us through being able to sell 5th wheel. End up with carpal tunnel in both...
    • Birdy
      Birdy reacted to bullfrog !'s post in the thread Hi from south Alabama... with Like Like.
      Welcome! Your experiences are similar to ours. We are now more stationary but still are in an RV at least until we can’t keep up with...
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