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    • rruff
      rruff reacted to INTJohn's post in the thread Semi vs RV with Like Like.
      This happened about a week ago...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to jacqueg's post in the thread Cats and Vanlife with Like Like.
      It depends a lot on their age. Older cats tend to want to sleep most of the time. Get your cats used to being in a vehicle. The sooner...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to bullfrog !'s post in the thread Cats and Vanlife with Like Like.
      Fleas, ticks and the disease they carry make owning most pets a real challenge for many people. We ended up choosing not to own pets...
    • rruff
      Not the same at all... in fact you are kinda making my point. Women can certainly get away with being verbally aggressive with men or...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to bullfrog !'s post in the thread Finding boondocking sites with Like Like.
      You are normally hard pressed to find a Ranger as they are usually only in the remote areas during emergencies. Most of their time is...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Finding boondocking sites.
      It's a shame how places are getting trashed, but that is very different than camping more than 300 ft from the road in remote areas...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to maki2's post in the thread Finding boondocking sites with Like Like.
      🤣 I have a son who lives to argue for the sake of arguing from the time he could put together an argument. His passion in upper school...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to Dirtrider's post in the thread Finding boondocking sites with Like Like.
      I think the point twomountains is trying to point out, people aren't respecting rules, trashing the land, and aiding in the well...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      What I think we'd want is a low population density, and well outside the significant influence of large metro areas. The SW US has...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to bullfrog !'s post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      For me you would have to consider humidity and insects as well Lol!!! Guess I’ll just stick with southern Arizona and hope everyone gets...
    • rruff
      I joined the forum to learn more about boon docking and offgrid systems. I am currenlty building out a promaster. Cheers, Jon
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to Gr8ful's post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      That's why you buy replacement insurance so they pay for all costs to rebuild. Is there anything you're not afraid of? We don't have...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to INTJohn's post in the thread Men and their feelings or lack there of with Like Like.
      Part 2 (as promised) I do think that there needs to be more of an embrace of traditional positive values of masculinity: Be competent...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Finding boondocking sites.
      I haven't been there in awhile, but I've heard they are much more restrictive than they used to be. IMO, exploring and finding good...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      Who does the enforcing? These big counties with almost zero people are unlikely to comply unless they are funded by the state. Is that...
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