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    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      I won't be there. I wouldn't be concerned if I was.
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to Sky King's post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      Plates won't get them arrested as you have to ID them, b traps land you in jail so just shoot 'em with a 12ga if you're in a state with...
    • rruff
      because real estate is how the man sees the world?
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to tx2sturgis's post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      Security cameras that most of us can afford, and are able to use on normal bandwidth internet, typically are not able to capture license...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      ^Well... guess b,ooby traps are the way to go then... Or not have anything worth stealing!
    • rruff
      Hi, I’m new here and I’m wondering is it legal/socially correct to advertise here? We have a beautiful horse farm with two spots for RV...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      My thinking is that they will most likely be driving something and if I can get plates I'll know enough. Those cameras would be hidden...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to tx2sturgis's post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      In today's criminal mind, cameras don't dissuade robbery or burglary at all. Hoodies and masks are worn by the perps, and they go on...
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to Gfmucci's post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      Cameras would likely be stolen. I would probably research for a storage unit that allows some infrequent repair time near a small town.
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to bullfrog !'s post in the thread I'm out with Like Like.
      You can block the political forms and any individuals as you wish if that is a problem. I’ll miss your food posts if you go!
    • rruff
      rruff reacted to DLTooley's post in the thread Buying Land with Like Like.
      Composting toilets address the septic issue, but acceptance and regulation varies.
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      BTW... My reason for considering land at all at this point, was because I wanted a place to store stuff, that was somewhere near my...
    • rruff
      I have the + plan which supposedly has 50GB/mo of priority data. So far it has worked very well if I can get a reliable signal, and...
    • rruff
      I dropped Verizon and their 3 line unlimited plan at $145 a month. 3 lines were a chromebook, a mifi mobile hotspot and my cell line. I...
    • rruff
      rruff replied to the thread Buying Land.
      Most of the remote land you can buy has always been cheap and always will be cheap. There is zero reason to buy for a "possible future"...
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