ArtW said:
sweet ideas! Aren't the composting toilets a bit pricey? maybe I should google that >D
That depends!!
First off on what one calls 'pricey'...
The first separating toilet I saw (they're not a true composting toilet) was Nature's Head and I thought it a bit pricey at a grand.
The C-Head is priced at $609.00 and I like the design better because it uses a standard 1 gallon water jug for liquid collection as opposed to a proprietary design container that is $40+/- for a second tank.
Portapotties range from about $100. to $130. so yes, they're much cheaper to start with.
But, then you add in the cost of operation - dump stations generally range between $5 and $15. a shot. When I had one I emptied it about once a week, more often in really hot weather so that it wouldn't start to be offensive. I was never successful at talking anyone down in price based on the small quantity as opposed to a large RV with big gallonage!!
If you're boondocking, add in the gas necessary to get you to a dump station and back.
The C-Head requires no chemicals at all. Portapotties require the use of chemicals. Count on about $10.00 a pack or bottle for chemicals, which you have to find a place to store. How long the pack of chemicals last will depend on how often you empty the holding tank.
My only cost for the C-Head is a pack of pine bedding I buy from W/M for under $4.00 once every six weeks or so. Oh, and when I can't bury the solids, a couple of garbage bags every month.
Sooo, my cost after initial investment is maybe $30.00 a year. The porta pottie, dumped weekly at an average of $10.00 plus chemicals, adds up to a figure that exceeds my initial investment in just over a year. And the cost goes on year after year.
There's also the added benefit of not contributing to the use of chemicals.