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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2011
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Hi I'm Dale or Dirty_Jeeper,<div>I started this process way back in 2003 after an accident which helped me see what was really important in life. It was then I started shedding my material belongings and paying off my debts. Another accident in 2008 left me disabled and again awakened the desire for a simple life. By the beginning of 2011 enough was enough.I parted ways with all that wasn't what I considered essential. Going from a fully furnished 3 bedroom place down sized to my Jeep! I left Los Angeles in my 1997 Jeep Cherokee or XJ if you will taking only my dog and what ever else would fit. Long story short, I ventured around my old hometown of Tucson Az, camping as I went, then back to a remote ranch in the Sierras where I worked for room and board doing what I could. Then by July a long time friend, became my significant other and she convinced me to move east. So we again loaded the Jeep and crossed the country together to her home in South Jersey.</div><div><br></div><div>As she continues her downsizing and waits for her&nbsp;retirement&nbsp;in 2013,&nbsp;I've&nbsp;begun re purposing another XJ or Cherokee which I bought for parts. It is becoming a trailer with a kitchen area in the back and living/sleeping space in the front.It will be matched to my jeep in ride height for taking beyond where the pavement ends. Both will be tall not only for off road use but with my neck and back issues and height it makes getting in and out much easier. It's not good on gas but gives us our ability to explore the back roads without the worry of getting stuck and stranded.</div><div><br></div><div>So soon we will be testing our new road home this summer around the east coast in&nbsp;preparation&nbsp;of moving west.</div><div><br></div><div>Dale</div>
Welcome Dale and significant other.&nbsp; You may be proof to some others here that think they will never find a partner to share in their lifestlye.<br><b>Dragonfly</b><br>
Thanks Dragonfly. You never know where&nbsp;life's&nbsp;road leads until you're willing to travel it. I'm very fortunate to have known my SO for some time. We both had the same mindset for a long time as friends. We both had families and kids and careers. We let life flow and well, it brought us full circle over the years. I'm very fortunate to have her in my life.
<p style="margin: 0px;">Welcome to both of you Dirty Jeepers <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I'd like to see a pic of your Jeep+Jeep rig when you can post one.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob. </p>
Neat story.&nbsp; It's a difference having someone to share life with, who enjoys the same things you do.<br><br>Welcome to the group.<br>
<P>Hi Dale! Welcome to the forum!</P>
Welcome! Wow, you got a real cool monster truck. Good luck with your future plans. --Rod
Rod Thank You, but it's not really a monster truck. Just a tall small, SUV. Though it is built to handle almost all off road situations I might encounter. I've lived out of it and it is a little cramped for me with my disabilities. So with winter here I have begun building a trailer out of the same type vehicle.<div><br></div><div>As for finding someone in life to share this lifestyle with, it actually happened years ago and I never knew it. We were friends on opposite coasts with the same interest, but both in relationships with others. The outdoors, hiking, exploring, downsizing, minimizing, Jeeps etc. We both had the same mind set. My schedule was just a little ahead of hers even though mine to me 8 years to master.We'd even met on vacations over the years. Then one day we were both "available" she took a months vacation and came out. End of story I packed my Jeep and drove east with her. Now we get her downsizing finished and her debts taken care of, she retires and off we go!</div><div><br></div><div>So there is hope for everyone to find someone. You may already know them. Just let life flow and the pieces will fall in place when the time is right.</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks everyone for the welcome here. Learning lots quickly and I thought I was already comfortable with the lifestyle. Always more to learn and this is an awesome resource.</div>

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