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It does not fair well for a carrier if large tracts show no service, so they lie. The truth is that they do not want to invest into areas that do not hold enough customers to justify the expense. Try getting a signal in the Rockies where there simply is not enough people residing there to foot the bill.
We live 4 miles from I-94 & can't get cell service. AT&T is the worst Verizon if the moon is right, you stand in the exact spot hop on your left foot you may get a text thru. It's an 1880 great old house had 10 bedrooms & 1 bath & an outhouse when we bought it, now 8 bedrooms & 5 baths, We have never used the upstairs & had 2 sons that chose to share a room on the 1st floor the same as the family that owned it for 50 years before us & had 2 girls.
The terrain has an awful lot to do with how good of reception you can get.