well, i guess it's time for this...

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
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<div>Hey all,</div><div>Till now I haven’t introduced myself because I have very little to contribute. I’m not a vandweller, but merely a fantasizer. I’m very curious and have more questions than answers. Context will probably help people with those answers so… a little bit about me:</div><div><br></div><div>I’m 37 and from nyc.</div><div>I love my city but hate what’s happened to it.</div><div>I’ve also suffered some bad turns and never quite did fit in anywhere, though I’m not exactly disliked either. At least I don’t think so.</div><div>In my search for another place to start over I came across vandwelling and I’m bitten.</div><div>I’m a construction worker and amateur writer who has just recently stopped drinking. We’ll see how long that lasts.</div><div>I have two dogs. They’re cuter than your dogs. Sorry.</div><div>I’m relatively certain if I ever start the vandwelling life I’d split most of my time between WA and NM, but nothing is set in stone.</div><div><br></div><div>Being a construction worker makes it hard to deal with the dogs in a van. That and money, not to mention the normal fears taken to a seemingly abnormal extreme are my biggest obstacles to moving forward.</div><div><br></div><div>Any questions?</div><div><br></div><div>Thinker</div><div><br></div><div>PS: thanks for being awesome people.</div><div><br></div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Welcome, Thinker!&nbsp; You're among friends... We're a diverse group of people with lots of different circumstances and opinions.&nbsp; It keeps this place lively.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Lurkers are cool.&nbsp; That's how many of us started.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Take care!</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Yup...some of us are still lurkers and not true vandwellers yet.&nbsp; Your in good company here...Welcome.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">P.S.&nbsp; My dog is pretty darn cute...yours have competition!</p>
<p>I just joined myself a couple days ago. I'm not a vandweller yet, either. I know what you mean about being bitten. The lifestyle really appeals to me. <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"></p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">It's what's inside us that gives us this common bond.&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I'm in a cargo van in Dad's driveway - kind of halfway into the scene but do it 6 days a week and taking excursion trips.&nbsp; No matter what a person's circumstance, it's being in the state of mind that gives you the true happiness.&nbsp; If the van disappeared tomorrow, I'd sleep in a Chevy Cavalier, a schoolbus, or a Suburban.&nbsp; The freedom is so addictive!</p>
Dude! WElcome!<div>There is a fellow on here who van dwells in NYC. I was so jealous.</div><div>I too, am a part time dweller. Right now, I am living in my house, overseas (where the exchange rate for the USD is fairly good still and my dollars go a ways longer than when I spend them domestically).</div><div>YOu will find all types on here. Full time, part time... I used to be a dreamer as well and a fantasizer before I bought my very first van and actually lived in it for 5 months.&nbsp;</div><div>Good luck and hope you do well!</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
Hey Thinker, welcome. I am a self employed contractor, and someday plan to air on the road. For now it's weekends away, week long vacations and out of town work that has to satisfy the travel urge. And, but certantly not least, Congrats on putting down the drink. About 10 1/2 years for me, and I still remember the first few days. And dogs? 90# golden retriever, 70 # golden and 50# Bassett. Yup, we got dogs!
Welcome thinker. Hope you find what your looking for some day. Also, being in construction it would be very easy for you to vandwell, you could ask your employer if you could stay on the sites, who knows, anything is possible!
Not everyone introduced to this lifestyle is smitten by it; it takes a certain set of traits . . .or idiosyncrasies. If you have them; your in the right place whether you are on the road now or soon to be.<br><br>welcome,<br>gus<br><br>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; @Thinker, you say you have very little to contribute. You know construction, have dogs, normal fears taken to abnormal extremes. Your words, and you think you have very little to contribute? I think you are highly qualified and I look forward your posts. You know what they say, every journey begins with one step. Welcome, you are among friends!</P>

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