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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
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In the Wind
I thought it would be good resource to start a thread on ways you can make money online. I know there are many legit ways to do this but the information out there is a bit murky. So try to only post those you (or someone you know) has some experience with

For myself I have been doing Amazon's Mechanical Turk

The microjobs I have been doing on here are the simple surveys, They don't pay much per job or HITS as they are called, but they don't take much time either and I am on the computer anyway.

I really have not put much effort into it, in the last 45 days I have done 47 HITS for a grand total of about $29.00. I think you can make more money if you did the writing or transcribing assignments. But for now I am happy picking up pocket change for the hour I do this every few days.

So do you know of other places online you can make legit money?
I have done mturk as well. Get the toolbar for firefox that shows ratings for jobs, so you are less likely to get ripped off. If you are reeeally desperate for some small amount of cash id do it, but you get paid peanuts. I did a bunch of surveys and a few other stuff and made like 17 bucks. Not a good return on time and effort but if i needed something off amazon badly i might do it lol
Dazar, I have Turkopticon for foxfire. I am not really desperate, but it makes more senses (& cents) to me, to get paid .50 or more to do a short survey while I am killing time online than playing a game for nothing. If you are desperate for money then you need to be looking for more profitable ways to spend your time. This is picking up cash for killing time.

I don't mess with any of the HITS that are under .40 - .50 cents and I don't do any of the transcription that can be critiqued till they are rejected and you lose the money for that time spent.

I know there are more places like this that do microjobs and other ways to make money online. You just have to wade through a lot of scams to find them.

I know there is a way self publish books too. My mother and I did a Spam Cookbook that I used to produce in desktop publishing and she sold in her antique store. I would like to publish it online but you need the information to do so and searching it online produces as many scams as legit places.

The purpose of this thread was to make a resource for everyone on legit places they could pick-up extra money, or do things online that made money.
kindle has a lot of info as well as options for self publishing. Amazon/kindle also have the option to do short run books on demand, look up the info there.

Kindle has some free info, so start there before paying for info from others. I have also seen some free books from others in the Kindle book section from time to time. Last week I downloaded two books by an author who only charged 1-3c per book! Good deal for me!
:s I apologize if My question is off topic, but...

Is there any tax that you get charged for when you earn small amounts of money, ONLINE? :huh:

Thanks in advance...
-bErT :)
You're supposed to claim any money made if it is a business regardless if you're making tons or just a little. If you make less than $2500 in any given year then you aren't required to file taxes. (I think this is still true) But if you do file taxes and made less then you should get a much larger return.
Im confused by the obama health laws that'll enact soon.
If I get my Forester Paid off, quit my job, and have absolutely NO income whatsoever, how will I can I generate $ for buying mandatory health care?

Thus, Dat is why I axked aboot duh tax issue.

If I earn diddily-sh!tt for simple compensations, but not enuff to report on a tax return... Then How would I prove that I earned $ or not $...

I want to get into pencil & charcoal drawings online (when I quit my day & nite jobs) and then sell the drawings dirt-cheap 'eh?! Online or @ fleemarketz.

What say ye aboot the taxes issues?

Oh & again, I sincerely apologize aboot changing the subject.
irs.gov is a good place to start regarding your tax questions. I think you also may be confused about "mandatory" health care. Check that site out too. Just say that you don't make anything I guess.
I'm wonderin' how I can make $ selling Marihuana seeds online to the growers in the states where cannabis is legally grown.

It would be nice to see some links herein on where to start a marihuana grow-farm (for distribution to Washington & other states. :idea:
Wild_E, Thanks for that info.. it's the e-book aspect I am interested in.. I have/can produce the physical copies myself (I worked in the printing industry)

bobbert .... You can make up to $400.00 before you have to file taxes as self employment. After that you have to file a tax return, Because they want their SS an FICA.

Also not getting into the obamacare debate, but if you earn less than 11k ish. depending on what state you are in, you get Medicaid... or exemption from the "mandatory" insurance.

As far as the cannabis goes, I think those growers have their seed market covered... I seen some stuff on that and they grow in a pretty tightly controlled environment. They don't have a middle man they buy from. That might be a bit of a risky business.
ice_maiden said:
Also not getting into the obamacare debate, but if you earn less than 11k ish. depending on what state you are in, you get Medicaid... or exemption from the "mandatory" insurance.

As far as the cannabis goes, I think those growers have their seed market covered... I seen some stuff on that and they grow in a pretty tightly controlled environment. They don't have a middle man they buy from. That might be a bit of a risky business.

OK, thanks for the helpful info... It was definitely helpful...

Actually, I was baked when I wrote that question...
I was more interested in getting property in the state of WA & growing weed, as a legal farmer, & then selling it to shops that specialize in medical marihuana.
Do you have Any legal-related info aboot it?
There are many ways to make money online. Here by i list out the ways to earn money through online. They are
1.Google Adsense
2.Affiliate Program
4.Sell products relevant to your blog.
5. writing article .
6 Reseller business
Among those I choose reseller business to earn money. Reseller is nothing but getting service from someone and then earning amount by getting commission from them.For this we need reseller account.I got the account from GoResellers.com here they provide two reseller plans you can choose one among them based on your requirements. I choose basic reseller plan using which i bought domain names, SSL certificates, web designing services and so on. After that i fixed high rate for those services and sell them .I earned quick cash through this method.
sinha said:
There are many ways to make money online.

In that case I am yet to find them. And how can blogging make money?

There are also many ways to lose your money online. I wish I had the thousands I have paid to so called 'make money on the internet' plans. None of which were scams, but all of which turns out I was not to be able to do the work.

Problem with most is, they will not tell you what the actual work entails until after you have paid your money. All they say is, you can make XXXX per month. They never describe the actual work. Rarely do they mention in which country they are situated.

@whitetrash...this is not the place to bring your "baked" dreams of a happy little pot farm. Sorry my friend, if you really want to become a part of the legitimate medicinal marijuana program in WA or any state you had best catch up on the fact that it is still a Federal crime in every state. As far as selling seed unless you can certify the heritage of your seed and guarantee 100% female plants you won't be selling to anyone with any sense. The best growers and legitimate medicinal suppliers DO NOT smoke recreationally... Its a lot of work, very exacting, stick adherance to schedule...and again you need select breeding stock...sick people need specific combinations of the miriad of cannibanoids to effect the individual systems. So u til you want to have a real discussion about the science of hydroponics, breed selection, how to select a mother plant, hybridization for specific cannibanoid production and can explain your own sterile process for generating clones. Please save the PIPE dreams for a thread on ...hmmm... I don't think there is one yet for "what I scammed up while stoned". I am a Canadian, medicinal marijuana is NOT a federal crime in my country...nor is it a tax grab or an easy living. Thank you Canada for giving my friends a chance to use this effective medication to stay alive while they battle cancer, live with AIDS, struggle with MS and work to lessen their physical and other types of pain. This topic is no joke to me. Instead of wake and bake try just wake up. IMO!