Van art projects

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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2016
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nature and vans

Dgorila1 said:
Sad to cut up a perfectly good van like that.

It was in pretty bad shape when he bought it. It's a commissioned art piece. Here's what the artist says about it:

I was commissioned to build a sculpture for the 2015 Lost Eden section of Kendal Calling festival in the lake district.

I chose to use a ford transit van as my medium, It’s an instantly recognisable shape that exemplifies the speed and momentum of modern life (the back bone of Britain by it’s own admission) I chose to subvert this symbol in order to demonstrate (or rather illustrate) natures ability to reclaim even the strongest of materials. Ultimately trying to offer a glimpse into an alternate future, an Eden where nature has the upper hand.

The silhouetted tree motif dominates the artist's work. Check out his Gallery link for more pieces.

Additionally, here's what he says about himself and his work on the About page. It's a perspective I imagine many of us, as mobile dwellers, can relate to and identify with:

dan rawlings

I try to create images that remind people of the moments when everything seems possible and free; times when climbing a tree, or sitting admiring the way its branches twist and curl means nothing, but means everything.

I enjoy using sentimental objects such as old tools and farm equipment, they bring to mind a time when things were simpler, not easier, but the concerns of everyday people were fundamental and shared. Commercialism may provide a distraction or a goal we can use to give our lives meaning, but it drives a notion of self importance which is detrimental to growth. Real experiences are often disregarded in favour or material possessions.
The really important things in life tend to get pushed aside and ignored in the rush, but like wild flowers growing up through cracks in the pavement, they have incredible persistance;  a great deal of hope and positivity can be taken from stopping to admire them once in a while.

Enjoy what you love, because life is so much bigger than us.