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Wayne Wirs

Jan 7, 2017
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[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sebastian Junger, in Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging (Amazon commission goes to Bob Wells who first mentioned the title in his post: ), suggests that what holds a tribe together—what gives its members a sense of meaning—is a shared challenge. A challenge that is better met as a group than as individuals separately.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]What I propose is for anyone who would like to start or join a tribe with this idea of a shared challenge, can initiate talks using this forum. The RTR is in a few days (unfortunately I have commitments elsewhere), so maybe the ideas can be presented here for everyone to see and later expanded on in person at the RTR.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I suggest that each tribe proposal starts a new forum thread using the format: TRIBESEED: Tribe Idea. This would make it easy for people to find what tribes might be forming (or have formed) by doing a simple search for "TRIBESEED".[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Some ideas:[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TRIBESEED: Mobile Artist Colony — The shared challenge is producing, marketing and selling their artwork. Photographers, writers, painters, etc., who share marketing ideas (ie: helping produce videos of artwork and posting them online), selling at art shows (sharing a table/booth), exchanging ideas on re-awakening one's muse, etc. Maybe share in sales to address the all-or-nothing starving artist challenge (ie: artist gets 50%, salesperson gets 25%, tribe gets the remaining 25%).[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TRIBESEED: Musicians — Self explanatory. A lot like the artist colony, with similar challenges… but a bit louder.  :) [/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TRIBESEED: Bodyworkers — Yoga teachers, reiki and massage therapists, etc. Similar marketing challenges as the Artists and Musicians. I can see these three tribes joining together, but maybe they'd want their own.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TRIBESEED: Volunteers — Go town to town and do volunteer work (ie: feeding the down and out) and/or self-assigned good deeds (ie: cleaning up the trash in a county park). Lots of opportunity for media attention and news coverage. Puts a positive spin on the nomadic lifestyle while spreading the love.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TRIBESEED: Prospectors — Gold and gem/rockhounds who travel together and prospect. Could share in the wealth like the artist example above.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TRIBESEED: Historians — Travel together to all the historical landmarks, monuments and discuss. Could be an interesting book (or blog or video series) created from it where all the authors share in the profits.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The key though, is to have a shared challenge, something that the tribe members can address as a group and share in both the work and the rewards. This gives one both a sense of community and a meaningful existence (see Junger's book for more info and on what makes a tribe successful).[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]So if you like these ideas, or have some of your own, please start a new thread (titled like the examples above) so potential members can easily find and join in on the conversation. Maybe you can get your tribe started at the RTR.[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Peace and Love,[/font]

[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Wayne Wirs [/font]
Wayne Wirs said:
[font='Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]...
TRIBESEED: Volunteers
 — Go town to town and do volunteer work (ie: feeding the down and out) and/or self-assigned good deeds (ie: cleaning up the trash in a county park). Lots of opportunity for media attention and news coverage. Puts a positive spin on the nomadic lifestyle while spreading the love.[/font]
Not on the road yet but I hope to emulate a neighbor I have now. On his daily walk he takes a 5 gallon bucket with a shoulder strap and a grabber thing and he picks up trash. I figure picking up a bag of trash wherever I may stay is the least I can do.
It sounds like fun rolling in to a small public campground with a crew with tools and a willingness to help out with some maintenance and upkeep projects.
Who the..what the...holy crap thats a neat idea! Why is this your first post? Lol! I don't know you or your genius mind! How am I supposed to trust you?!?

Ignore me, that's a really neat idea that will prob take someone with some organizational skills to setup. I like the idea though. Now, who are you? Intro yourself! And thanks for that first post!
Very good idea. I wonder how we can start? By nature, an artist works alone but many of us need to be with other artists and creative types to expand ourselves. Maybe I will put up a flag that says artist encampment at the rtr.

Interezting site you run! Best of luck with it.
Welcome aboard and thanks for your input!
This sounds like something that could be useful for some of our members.

Are you a van/RV dweller? (If yes , post pics....)
Do you plan on it in the future?

What part of the country are you currently calling home?

Ask all the questions you like , won't bother us a bit !
That's what the escapees have been doing for years. Works for them and a great idea.

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A good way of giving back to the area you are in is to volunteer for local food banks and shelters. It can be quite rewarding and you get local insights to where you are, how life really is, etc. (for instance when I volunteered at a food bank in North Carolina, I learned how endemic poverty is in most of the state and how it is affecting all walks of life -- you see seemingly "middle class" folks in line needing food.).

They always need help, so even if you are in the area a few days reach out and ask how you can help. I still get calls for help states away even tho they know I'm traveling all over.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I hope you start a new thread so other artists, particularly those who can't make it to the RTR, can provide input, ideas, etc., all in one place. I made a couple comments on Bob's most recent blog post - - that would have been appropriate to an artist tribe (one's awaiting moderation b/c of two youtube links). Having one place for artists to add input would be useful IMO. :)
A good way of giving back to the area you are in is to volunteer for local food banks and shelter
I've been involved on different levels at differfent food banks all over the US. Most require food handlers cards now The sheltersI have worked at  required CORI checks. 

I know it's counter intuitive but we're not in Kansas anymore.
:) CORI = Criminal Offender Record Information

Just in case I'm not the only ignoramus here. I googled it.
