Top 10 things I love most about living in my Van

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Dec 13, 2014
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10 - It's mine. I own it.

9- F@@king the "Man" at his own game. No rent.

8- I'm the only person I know who is pulling off what I'm pulling off. Ummm...Outside of the uber awesome, forward thinking, looking-outside-of-the-box souls on CRVL, of course;) So, yeah. This makes me unique. And tough. And different. And cool. And...richer. Because I'm not paying rent. *see #9

7- I feel more connected with nature. Even though I live in a very mild city, weather wise, I'm still waaay more aware of a cold night when I can see my breath or a balmy morning when the sunshine is hitting the roof of my van. It's not's nature. And I'm glad to be aware of it again after umpteen years of living in stale, sterile apartments. Bring it!

6- I love working on my van. It's not even nearly finished yet. But the process is making me as a person more creative. Which is bleeding into other parts of my life, making me more creative in other areas. I'm learning more about the physical world, I'm building something. It's fantastic.

5- I'm growing more aware of my surroundings. I live in a city environment so I can't stay in one place too long. I'm becoming somewhat Nomadic. Which requires more situational awareness than going back to the same apartment/condo/house year after year. This awakens an ancient part of the brain that was dormant. And it's feeding my soul. I didn't expect that.

4- This is a strange one. goes: I often park on a street that has a late night bus that passes by each hour. I can hear the bus coming, it passes by, and the the wind generated by the bus gently rocks my van. I love it. I can explain why. Its so awesome/comforting. It's weird;)

3- I was unsure that I could do this. But now I know I can. It's a great thing to know that you have the ability to surprise yourself. It makes you wonder what else you can do(I stole this quote from "American Beauty," but it's true;)

2- I have a bigger understanding for the homeless/down on their luck population. I'm not nearly in the same boat, but I think I have a much greater appreciation for the effort it takes to exist outside society's norms. God bless.

1- I love my van----"Van-Nessa!" 
#3 hit me in particular regarding the thought you could do it. I remember the day I bought my first mattress, installed it, and laid down on it to see if it would be comfortable. I felt a sense of freedom come over me I hadn't felt since I was a little boy and it puzzled me at first. Then I realized it was the first step in living a more free that very time I felt as if I was on my way to a better life. I knew I could do this......

Thank you for that list and I don't find #4 strange at all.
I can relate to the wind of the bus rocking your van. only I prefer the wind in the desert. highdesertranger
Usually such raptured prose comes from those of us who boondock with nature as far as the eye can see. I found your list uplifting, so thanks for posting.
"This awakens an ancient part of the brain that was dormant. And it's feeding my soul. I didn't expect that."

Interesting. Anyone else feel that?
I've felt that way for a long time now.
It happens over and over again , every time someone tells me that I need to get a house or apartment because I'd be "better off" !
Then , I feel sorry for them , knowing they will probably never get to experience the freedom of living the way we do !!!!!!!
#1 FREEDOM, the ability to live and travel to wherever I wish, and live in peace and harmony with either my neighbors or nature. If I'm not happy, I am free to move at will.

#2 Knowing that I have the ability to purchase a van, and turn it into a comfortable and livable home, all for under ~$1500, and only a few hours of work. This gives peace of mind.

#3 The joy of knowing that I own the most comfortable home on earth, built specifically for my needs and desires, built by my own hands, that is more cost efficient, and energy efficient than any where else. The most comfortable bed, the most convenient bathroom & kitchen, the most comfortable living and working environment, the best heating, cooling, and power systems. Absolute comfort and convenience.

#4 The ability to cook and enjoy gourmet meals in the most spectacular locations, and living in these locations as well, all rent free, stress free, and worry free.

#5 My income, my location, my comfort, and my enjoyment of life are all within my total control.

I could only come up with 5 things and that was a real stretch, because it can normally be summed up with I love everything about my life, but I tried to pick out a few specifics to give others an idea of what's possible.
Love this, makes me more excited to join the lifestyle.  Thank you for sharing.
By living in my van and not paying rent, I've been able to pay off over $18k in credit card debts. I am now debt free this year. Next year my goal is to accumulate savings which is the next part of my plan. I enjoy this newfound minimalistic lifestyle. Less is more. Less is better. I could not have appreciated this in my younger years. As I get older, I can now appreciate and be grateful for the minimal things I have in life. It took me a long time to get rid of a lot of shit in my life. Life free or die. That's my borrowed motto from New Hampshire state.
One thing I realized this week was just how hard it would be on me to adopt van living if I weren't post-menopause. Just the thought of dealing with the sanitary issues from my lady bits every month - ick!
caseyc said:
Life free or die. That's my borrowed motto from New Hampshire state.

I always get a chuckle every time I'm in NH and I see a motorcyclist cruising down the highway with no helmet, t-shirt flapping in the wind, and the NH motto "live free or die" on the license plate underneath him; it's the perfect embodiment.
Nh really is a live free or die state except when it comes to property taxes, my god some of the towns would require you to have an additional part time job just to cover them.