This hurts to read..

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2012
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Makes me luv my dog more and make my opinion of people in general get lower. Both my dogs, Roxy first (RIP) and then Coco, came from the SPCA. so sad
Very sad. :( Unfortunately for some of them, they probably wanted it that way... But some of them looked perfectly healthy and adoptable. Super saddening. :/
That is sad. Some of the best dogs I have known were pound-rescues. Somehow, they seem to know they were given a new lease on life, and are really appreciative and loving.
After volunteering in a shelter, I have thought for years that they should tax the bejeesus out of unneutered dogs. Minimal fees for a neutered dog. Males and females, including professional breeders. High fines for being caught with an unneutered dog and the dog is confiscated.

Don't whine at me about poor people, not until you have lived next to a forest preserve where unwanted dogs are regularly dumped off. If the poor can't afford the $50 at the pound, how are they going to afford the food and vet bills?
People seem to think that if they drop Fido off somewhere, he will take care of himself or get adopted by a nice family - if they think at all. That doesn't happen. Country people do not diligently search the roads and fields and woods for lost dogs to nurture. Fido will be killed by local farm dogs, shot by the local people, or miserably starve.
Exactly right. It's a bad way to treat a dog. A close friend got her black lab that way - driving during a bad storm and seeing him, a young pup then, on the side of the road shivering. They found his 'owner', but that idiot had dumped him unwanted. He turned out to be a truly great dog, very protective of her family and her three small dogs (a Yorkie and two female JRTs). Hate to think what may have happened to him.
If I get another dog, it will be a 'pound puppy'.