The piddle pail

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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I stumbled upon this while looking at a website that lists items that are green, hand-made and/or manufactured on a small scale and for sale by individuals .

"...A Piddle Pail is made to be used by men, women and children of all ages...
A Piddle Pail is an on-the-go discreet container made for when a restroom is not available. The container itself is made of a high grade plastic with the option to be placed inside a discreet gray pail. The Piddle Pail is made to store urine until the user can get to a facility (toilet) to dump the contents properly..."
I love this, and as far as specialty items go, it is moderately priced.
Can't you just imagine the surprise if someone steals your lunch?
I can hear them say "what kind if sick f... saves their pee in a lunchbox" Sorry, my sense of humor is on overload.
dragonflyinthesky said:
I love this, and as far as specialty items go, it is moderately priced.
Can't you just imagine the surprise if someone steals your lunch?
I can hear them say "what kind if sick f... saves their pee in a lunchbox" Sorry, my sense of humor is on overload.

Hopefully they will taste the 'lemonade' before realizing what it is...... :D
Being your-a-pee-in and therefore incontinental I just employ a used bottle of liquid laundry detergent. The tight fitting screw cap keeps the contents secure, while the pour spout makes for an excellent wild animal deterrent device when used as a perimeter treatment.
Deer aren't spooked by Human pee. Don't know about other critters, but I suspect some would take it as a challenge and pee over yours....... ;-)
LeeRevell said:
Deer aren't spooked by Human pee. Don't know about other critters, but I suspect some would take it as a challenge and pee over yours....... ;-)

In general, any scent connected with humans will send black bears the other way
Three seasons ago, my huntin' buddy was whizzing out of his tree stand. Then he notices this nice little 7-point buck staring up at him! Bob actually managed to 'drop his gun and pick up his rifle', and bagged that rather stupid buck. I guess the critter was mesmerized at the sight of him....... answering nature's call! Ha ha. :)
Cyndi, what is the link to the green website you found the piddlepail on? I like the idea of individuals or small companies.

cyndi said:
I stumbled upon this while looking at a website that lists items that are green, hand-made and/or manufactured on a small scale and for sale by individuals .

"...A Piddle Pail is made to be used by men, women and children of all ages...
A Piddle Pail is an on-the-go discreet container made for when a restroom is not available. The container itself is made of a high grade plastic with the option to be placed inside a discreet gray pail. The Piddle Pail is made to store urine until the user can get to a facility (toilet) to dump the contents properly..."
Diane, it's the grommet. Some of the links don't work. I don't think they update them, just keep adding to them. But, there is some good stuff in there. I'm not much for shopping. But, when I do I like giving my money to the little guy.
LeeRevell said:
Deer aren't spooked by Human pee. Don't know about other critters, but I suspect some would take it as a challenge and pee over yours....... ;-)

Strange you mention that. I had a dispute with a house cat at my industrial park. She would pee near my van tires and I saw her doing it one day. I sprinkled my urine over hers thinking it would be the macho thing to do and intimidate her. The next morning I found a pile of cat crap in front of the man door to my shop.

We made peace and I now feed her everyday and she leaves me alone.
One if the best stories I've heard, I would have busted out laughing if ot was me the cat got the best of.
I once had a cat constantly getting onto my motorcycle seat. Found claw marks. Two ways to handle it......
Have a new furry bike seat cover......
or deter the danged furcritter. A rubber floormat with nails inserted points up did the trick. I keep it on the seat in the garage. (Garage is open on two sides.)
Many years ago I dated a girl who had an 11 y.o. chihuahua. He hated going outside to do his business in the wintertime and she would have to throw his a** out periodically or he would do it in the house. One cold night we were sitting watching TV and my girl went into another room. The little mutt went over and crapped all over her shoes that were sitting by the front door.
As a former OTR truck driver (part of a team), I can attest to the 5# kitty litter jug AND the laundry detergent jug. The bottles with a handle are the only way to go, I think. It certainly made it much easier to use when that rig was rolling down the highway.
I'm considering this container or something similar. Could anyone weigh in on its capacity regarding multiple uses before emptying, ballpark figure? I'm seeing conflicting reports in Amazon reviews, some saying it's too small for more than one use, others saying it only appears that way but in practice holds more than you'd think.
Bitty said:
I'm considering this container or something similar. Could anyone weigh in on its capacity regarding multiple uses before emptying, ballpark figure? I'm seeing conflicting reports in Amazon reviews, some saying it's too small for more than one use, others saying it only appears that way but in practice holds more than you'd think.

If it's to small for one use I wonder how big the reviewers bladder is? I tried to see how many ounces it holds on the web site but it wouldn't open the shop feature this morning for me. Mine is in my camper and at a repair shop, for the camper not the piddle pail, so I can't see to tell you. It holds enough to make it worth the money, a day or more worth of pee. It's easy to use, dump and clean. I'm 5'4" and had to cut the tube a few inches shorter.
It's well made. I can get along fine peeing in other containers but if my piddle pail was stolen, I would buy another.
One of the amazon reviews: "... I tested its capacity, and it held up to 40 ounces of water (5 cups), to the brim, which reminded me of clowns in a small car (it does not seem to hold as much water as it actually does)..."

5 cups is a probably a little more than a half a day of eliminations, for me, personally.

5 cups is probably about right and after thinking about it, not all pee goes in the pail, I mainly use it at night.
After about a month of using the Piddle Pail and a couple days of trading off use between it and a 96oz wide mouth Nalgene canteen I have a few things of potential interest to note.
  • Both have approximately the same diameter opening. PP might be a hair larger, I don't notice any difference.
  • The bladder holds well over 96oz; PP is said to hold 40oz
  • PP looks cute, feels classy. Bladder looks like something you want to drink out of. Until you remember it's holding urine. Right.
  • Bladder has lid attached so you don't lose it, PP's lid detaches entirely. PP's lid is black on the outside, difficult to find in the dark.
  • PP is rigid; bladder is flexible. I can comfortably pee standing up with the latter, and it also takes up less space when empty.
  • PP is completely opaque, bladder is completely clear.
My personal empty routine involves placing the urine container inside my small EDC backpack when I next go into an establishment and discreetly empty and rinse it while using the restroom there. Because I'm never "open carrying" it in public (ha), the discretion factor is less of an issue for me. I also have run into a problem with capacity, which I find the bladder accommodates much more readily.

The Piddle Pail is still cute as the dickens and serves its intended purpose well. But I find I'm favoring the bladder's capacity and flexibility to mold to my backpack instead of giving it the shape of a brick. I can see the PP as especially good for "little emergencies" type thing, whereas the bladder is more suited to my current lifestyle of somewhat frequently requiring more than day's use out of it.

P.S. Just remembered, the other thing is that it's difficult for me to tell when the Piddle Pail is nearing capacity. Many a pee has been spent terrified it was about to overflow on me. :p The bladder, uh, alleviates this concern.