The nerve

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B and C said:
Statistically close enough 

As a wise man once said, "A difference is a difference only if it makes a difference."

B and C said:
OK. less than a 100 out of millions. Statistically close enough to say all.


Would you be interested in using qualifiers with your absolutes? Kidding!

I can see you're a man who values being right, I'll give it up for now. :cool:
I am always right unless you ask my wife. :p Isn't that how every guy is?

Edit to add: I can see your side of it too; I am not blind. I don't like typing long responses so my statements tend to be curt. As Lenny said...
I *thought* I was wrong once. But I was mistaken about that.

Amazon did something similar, on its website, after the Sept 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 and after the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami in 2004. 

So you could use the same argument...Jeff Bezos alone and his fortune and wealth (more than the entire Walton family) could have made our little contributions seem ridiculous. The NERVE of Amazon asking for our donations...

But of course everyone LOVES Amazon so you know..that's OK...they get a 'pass'.
In 2001 the Bezo fortune was a lot smaller and at that time he probably thought that some positive PR was a good thing.
So are we mad at both Sam and Jeff? This is getting complicated...
It's a double standard.

Walmart asks for donations = bad.

Amazon asks for donations = Good PR.

That's what I mean: Amazon is the darling of the masses...they get a 'pass'...

For me, free overnight parking on Walmart lots (where allowed) is worth something...certainly more than a couple of bucks donated a few times a year. (not saying that's where the money goes)...
who are we blaming now for what?


let the pet peeve's roll....there are SO many to chose out there in the big bad world. no shortage of disgust to pick from! whom are we judging now and for what?

whom, is that when one uses whom? I never get that one right, I have to judge my grammar teacher and say they did a crappy job on me
Yea, the nerve of your english teacher not teaching you proper grammar. I Don't know a participial from a preposition anymore either.
I find it sad and troubling that some would deprive a worthy charity of needed funds because they disapprove of the collectors own giving or motives.

A request to give is offered, some people who otherwise would not give will give because it is convenient, a charity gets needed funds.  Last I checked the collector is just facilitating a transfer of money; there is no dollar multiplier for pure motives on the part of the asker or the giver.  So long as the collector is honest it is a win for the charity.
Just saying..............

There are fund raising companies who solicit businesses to add a key to the cash registers in large volume stores such that any contribution is recorded with that key.  (for accounting purposes)  

Half of the proceeds is given to the business taking the contributions and the other half to the fund raising company where a portion of that amount is given to the charities it represents.  It is not very efficient for the small charities given all the "administrative cost",  but anything is better than nothing for them.

I have two issues with this. 

1) if the charities aren't identified when the customer is asked to consider giving.

2) the cashier's job is expanded to solicit contributions from the public but few cashiers receive any consideration
for their part in raising these funds.  

But I've seen stores that sell discount bread (day old surplus) where there is a special key that rings that purchase. (each item is priced a penny or two different to indicate which item it is)  Here the cashier is not only doing the job at the store
they work at but are a cashier at a discount bakery outlet. (this saves the bakery a lot of expense in operating such stores and employing clerks there)  These "discounted" wares are priced slightly below retail.  Where I see this most often is around senior citizen complexes where medium sized discount variety stores seem to thrive.

What makes it possible is technology and the employment terms of,  "and any other duties assigned".

So what do I do ?   When asked if I'd like to contribute I explain that I give at church.   And I don't purchase expired foods at retail stores. (in some States a special license is required to sell expired date food items)
slow2day said:
The Walton family shares a Walmart fortune of $163 billion.

Reflect on that the next time you are asked at one of the Scan and Go checkout machines for a contribution.

And so, the Outrage Culture marches on. Look around. The world is awash in pain and suffering and injustice. Nature is cruel as frick. Half of YouTube, Redditt and Twitter exist solely to bombard you with messages about the horror of it all and to get you worked up about it. They all have a cause du jour that is the most important one. Save the trees. Save the dolphins. Save the pup fish. Save the workers. Save the children. Save the battery hens. Save the Second Amendment. Save the lab animals. Save the stray dogs and cats. There is little the average person can do about any of it, but he gets torn in so many directions at once that he ends up too paralyzed to do even that little bit.
Yet in my retirement job I get to go out and help someone almost everyday working for the National Park Service, guess that is why some of us just keep working. We realize it makes us feel good.
As a vet I see lots of scams out there.Wounded warriors ain't the only one.They just happened to get caught.I used to send $50 a month to St Jude childrens hospital.Then I checked and found out the dude running it makes over $900,000 a year.I want to know where my money is going when I give.Now,I always check Charity Watch before donating.