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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2013
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Decided to RV a lot, if not full time. Left Florida April 9th, stopped by Gauley Bridge WV to look at 1996 Holiday Rambler 36 foot Endeavor Class A my brother and I had bought for 11,000. We stay an hour and were impressed by the luxury, do you know they have leather ceilings in these things.

Went on to NW Ohio to wedding, my wife is Catholic and the oldest of 14 and they are a prolific lot, so there was 350 and counting at wedding. We stayed visiting her family a week and then returned to WV.

RV looked about the same except for foot and half crack in drivers windshield, getting that to pass inspection was a trick but we managed.

We stayed at my brothers a couple nights and then hooked up the RV to the electric and moved in. My brother is a 70 year old bachelor that is not into house work, so my wife whom it seems to clean 24 hours a day decided it was best we move into the van. She has been cleaning polishing and scrubbing for a month and I did not even consider the RV dirty in the first place.

We decided to live with the crack in the windshield until the police object or the window falls out. So far so good.

Generator would run about 15 minutes and stop like it was out of gas, tried a few new parts until we got a new fuel pump and it started working right. My brother is a great mechanic, thank God and my wallet.

Some more work was needed on the leveling jacks, two springs work as well as one we found out on one where the spring was missing. Though a good tap with the hammer is still needed from time to time.

He fixed the AC and we figured out how more an more things work.
Then off to Ohio for another wedding for a week, still have 2 for sure and perhaps as many as 3 this year, those Ohioions love their weddings.

Spent another two weeks, on the RV, not sure what, but brother at 70 still drives a truck part time, and we are not in a hurry, cooler here in the mountains anyway.

April the 29th 3 nights ago decided to take it camping about 25 miles from here at Babcock State Park WV, nice place if you have never been there.

I proceeded to fill up the water tank but forgot to release air pressure and forced water into the water pump and ruined it, has to go buy one for a !00, could have got it from Ebay for 50 but was in a hurry. Brother put it on and we headed out.

About 15 miles away , heard a horrible noise, and was hard to control, stopped and looked , saw nothing and kept on going, few miles further down a hill no brakes.

Coasted to stop, left front wheel was very hot and smoking, stopped a while, and it seems a caliper has stuck and after about hour we moved it a little further, smoking again, sit a while, debated calling a tow truck, figured to Clifftop WV it would be the next day, my brother put some water on the brakes and some brakes seem to return and we went another 2 miles to the campground with some brakes. Also the engine was overheating.

I took my brother back home, and returned to the campground about 50 mile round trip. Went to put out the slide out and it stuck, seems to tin we had put on the ends of the slide out got stuck in the awning and was causing a problem, fixed that.

Next day we decided to put out awning on passenger side, took a half hour, don't disconnect the bottom part first is one lesson learned and the second less is to reread the directions and if they say there is a pull strap believe them.

Next morning, was warned there was a bear in the park, but never did say it. Babcock is a beautiful park if you have never been there, you can look it up. Old operating grist mill, nice views.

Next day ran out of water in water tank, had not put enough in, carried a few gallon. Stayed 3 nights and had my brother come and get me, 36 RV, brake trouble, no way I am driving it.

My brother brought a square floor fan and hooked it up in front of engine to generator. Kind of automatic,start the generator and you start the floor fan. Seemed to help cool it. Made it back to my brothers at Gauley Bridge, we do have mountains in WV, had pretty good brakes, seems to have been a stuck caliper.

One of the bins came open on a curve but wife in chase car picked up the few items that fell out.

Back at brothers now. Found we need a gallon and half of antifreeze which may have been the heating problem. Will be here a couple weeks. Free water, electric, TV but have to watch same channel he is watching. Even internet. In two weeks heading back to Fl because grandkids are coming for the 4th, not with RV and then returning couple weeks later to start RVing again. Need a couple of tires. One cracked.

Believe it or not, so far we are enjoying it and are determined to make a go of it.

One other problem we solved so far so good, is the double pane windows on the drivers side and the passenger side has clouded up to the point that it was difficult to see the windows, it seems the seals break and moisture gets in and gases get out. We broke the inside pane of the double pane glass, guess we have less insulation but you can at least see out of them, clear as a bell.


    37.4 KB
Sounds like you've had a fair amount of challenges so far. Glad they haven't dampened your spirits.

I'd sure get those brakes taken care of before one of those WV grades eats your lunch. We'd certainly hate to hear about you piling up at the bottom of a canyon somewhere.
Gear that monster down and don't ride the brakes down those steep grades or you'll cook the crap out of them...and they ain't cheap.

Good luck with the slides....its only the beginning of the fun you're going to have with those dern things.

Take care and be safe out there.
Went back to Florida to keep grandkids for the 4th, should have been 3 women there, mother of one backed out because of husband sick, mother of two had to get back to work on a new business. my wife had to go to N Ohio with mother so it was me and 3 grand kids for 2 weeks, enjoyed every minute of it. Hired a lady to clean up house before wife got back and she thinks we were great housekeepers.

Got six new tires when we figured the others were 9 years old, that left a hole in the pocket book, brother put in a new radiator, same radiator, but one we took out with crud weight 28 lbs, new with out crud weight 20.4 lbs, figure that had something to do with over heating, heading back up to WV in a week and hope to get it on the road.
Back in WV and think am ready to head out, took care of four problems to day, AC, bled brakes, got jacks working and installed 2 house batteries, still have crack in wind shield, am going to try to live with that. Have about 15,000 invested in a 96 Holiday Rambler Endeavor LE. Have lived in it now for about 3 months off and on at brothers in WV. Had it on the road twice including test drive yesterday. Am headed about 300 miles to NW Ohio tomorrow. My first long trip, intend to spend one night along the road. The new radiator installed by my brother seemed to solve the over heating problem.

Who ever bought this HR got all the bells and whistles you can think of, even leather ceilings. I have seen some carpet services advertising dyeing carpets, carpets are faded, couch needs recovering and this thing would look even better inside.
Holiday Ramblers were well made I decided on the non-motor travel trailer version, 21 foot aluma-lite but i am solo (most of the time). easy pull and comfy. Love hearing all the stories
sounds like your having fun just like the 50's when we were all just goofing around.
Made it 25 miles and had to call my brother to come and get us, steam was boiling from radiator out side and inside, funny smell, turned out to be anitifreeze, one of the radiator hoses came loose, brother fixed it and fill it back up with water and we took off again. Made if about 60 miles to Charleston WV where we spent the night at a Casino, and that was more expensive then camping some where.

Left there poorer but wiser. About Jackson Ohio on Rt 35 we filled the tank with gas, that was not cheap, gas was 3.49 and it took about 166 dollars worth. We then made it near the air port in Dayton Ohio to pick up a car my wife has there and spent the night in the lot we park the car in. Called my middle daughter and she came and spent the night. Very enjoyable.

We then went to Ottawa Ohio and spent two night in the parking lot of an Electrical Company hooked up to the electricity that belongs to my wife's brother. Stayed there two nights, lot of trains and then proceeded to fill the gas tank again, looks like a about 6.59 miles per gallon for the first 31 gallons. Hope that gets better.

Right now am in Columbus Ohio where we drove my wifes car hung over from a wedding, we plan to stay in the RV in Kalida another month for a another wedding. My wifes sister go married last night, her nephew is due to get married next month and in the mean time Jane will spend the month visiting her mother in a nursing home and her 11 brother and sisters that live in the area. Shes the oldest of 14.

The RV is on her sisters farm. Fresh corn on the cobb every day. Pond to swim in. Even some shade trees, and RV seems to be so far so good. About the only down sides is a few flys and the odor from the barn if the wind is in the right directions, but then that's life. Well so far so good.
Spent a month t the Farm at Columbus Grove, was quite nice on the farm, little too close to the barn when the wind was right, but so what its a farm. Had a 14 foot slide out awning replaced with vinyl at Delphos Tent and Awning. 14 ft slide out 240.75, seemed to be a good deal. Now parked to Flying J on I 75 exit 64 and moving back toward brothers in WV, plan on hitting Skyline Drive for a couple weeks and the the 3rd weekend in Oct be at the New River Gorge for bridge day, watch people parachute off the bridge and usually the peak time for fall colors.
Spent two weeks on the skyline drive, kind of wet, but nice, now am back to brothers waiting on bridge day, will be hundreds of people parachuting off the 872 foot high bridge all day and about 80,000 people, then heading to Florida with RV, expecting to head west on 10 some time after Christmas.
Back in Florida, getting about 6.7 MPH, found gas near Savannah GA for cash price of 2.75 gallon. Slide out acting up, but so far so good, wife says we cant go any where else yet. Expect am stuck till after New Years except for a few day side trips, then want to head west. I like the RV as much as home, maybe more, no idea why.
LeeRevell said:
I have seen a couple stations here in Tallahassee in the $2.95 a gallon range.

You might want to get an application called Gas Buddy, can see a half dozen in Tallahassee that are 2.84 and 2.85 should be a few that will knock off about 5 more cents for cash.
I do have Gas Buddy. But too often the cheapest stations are too far away to be economically worth it. I'd burn up the profit just going and coming. I have fairly cheap stations close to me.
I like the RV as much as home, maybe more, no idea why.

;) Cause you are taking 'home' with you, going places without having to pack, unpack, load up... now it's just with you and comfy and there, wherever 'there' might be. Sounds like ya'll are having fun, enjoy!!
The motor and gear to my slide out broke off from the fixture that attachs it to the RV, still works in fashion when it binds up against the top or door when you power the motor, but am worried about getting stuck when its out, am reading you can turn it with a pipe wrench if you detach the motor and gear, but have not figured out how to do that.
The motors on those slides break fairly often. I wish I had some advice but I've never owned one before. Any RV dealers nearby, they probably have the motor or can get one pretty quick.