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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2020
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Hi all,

So I've  been lurking/dreaming of this for years but it's approaching crunch time!  I bought a van (ford transit) last year to convert but I've made pretty much no progress.  Living in an apartment has not helped.  I have around 5 months left of work and a few months left of my lease after that before I have to hit the road.  I'm starting to freak out a bit. I've down scaled my thinking for the conversion to do the minimum to get started and then gradually make my way back to my parent's house to do a more proper build. I think I'm struggling with the mental side of not having a firm plan and place to live.  I'm glad I'll have the opportunity to do this, but I'm also scared of the unknown!  Hopefully as time approaches I can turn the anxious energy into excitement!  Thanks all!
Welcome Ikigai, to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

A no build build is a good way to start as you will figure out what you need and where. You won't have to tear stuff out and start over again.
Welcome Ikigai The anxiety you feel is not unusual. But I have found that having a strict plan on how you’re going to do things causes anxiety too because as your building and as you’re living in it your ideas and needs will change. Yeah I feel secure to have a plan but you also have to remain flexible. Best of luck to you as you start building. Starting with the minimum and living in it for a while is a great idea. Hope you get on the road soon. Let us know what’s going on with your build and maybe where you’re from and where you’re going. God bless the nomads especially those starting out.
Hi there. I also bought a Transit last year and decided what I needed most at the beginning was just a floor. Everything else is not built in though I did put up some insulation last year. Yes, it is a bit unsettling, in getting started, but with time vandwelling gets easier. Just don't make my mistake and get stuck in a cold climate in winter. At least in the southwest there are warm enough days to find happiness in the winter. Being too cold all the time really takes the fun out of life.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :)

Making a plan isn't that hard to do.   It starts with what you want to put together.  This is the Unit of your plan.
Then you break that down into smaller clusters or steps which can be done at one time.   Installing a plywood floor would be one step of the plan.  Then the framing for the insulation.  Then installing the insulation.  Then putting paneling up.  All of these are dirtier processes and should be done first.  Then you can get into more finishing steps. Installing linoleum or indoor outdoor nylon carpet (your choice).  You could build a wood bed frame outside of the Van as a pre fabrication and when done install it into the Van.  Or just put a camping cot in to sleep on. (if it is cold get some foam rubber like one of those mattress pads and fold it up two or three times as an insulator. (can't stress that enough)  Perhaps a sleeping bag to go with that. 

You could build a kitchenette of find a bathroom cabinet (that doesn't have the sink top for cheap.   Get a piece of plywood to cover that and make a top.  Then find a camping ice chest for your basic needs of refrigeration.   This could get you started and in a week or two it would be done.

I'd invite you to check out the links below.  The first is about outfitting a Van or Trailer.  The second for living out of your rig with a portal of links to help live more safely, comfortably, and conveniently while on the road.

Ultimately the best way to get a plan together is to take a tablet to your Van and open both up and start jotting down notes about what needs to be done.  Then break those notes down in a first things first.  Soon you will get over being so afraid and anxious. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME !  The time to start is now.  And it isn't that difficult.

You could visit Lowe's or Home Depot and look at the bulletin board for business cards of carpenters advertising for work.  You could meet with them and show them the Van and ask them to offer a price on putting in the plywood floor and framing the roof and walls for insulation.  You could buy the insulation and put that in yourself.
And a few days later have the carpenter panel it for you.  You may even find a female carpenter to do the job.
The carpenter may offer a better price to do all of it  for you"turn key".  They should be able to get the supplies wholesale.

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