[split] South East coast vandwellers- RTR anyone? (Past)

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Jan 3, 2013
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Please post this as a followup:

"The 2018 Florida RTR is scheduled for Feb 28 2018 thru March 7 2018
near the intersection of I-75 and the start of the Florida Turnpike in
Sumter County. Absolutely NO Utube e-beggers will be allowed, anyone
seen filming the participants will be escorted from the property via
non-lethal force. Elvis will not be in the building."

Anyone interested?  I am not the author of the post, and not the organizer of the RTR. Just passing along for your consideration.
I'm not planning to attend the 2018 FL RTR.  And I don't shoot video or post anything on Youtube or other sites.  I don't know what the past history is that would cause someone to - mistakenly - post some of this. (And, Yeah, Reno, I know you're not responsible for the original post)

But as a photographer, I have more than a passing interest in Photographer's Rights.  I have an absolute First Amendment right to photograph or video anything or anyone in PLAIN VIEW on Public Land.  And anyone who uses "non-lethal force" to prevent me from doing so is committing ASSAULT and I damn sure will have him, her or them arrested.

Prior to suing them for everything they own.

So I guess it's just as well I won't be there.  If any of the tribe is, I would recommend that they take no part in such a blatantly illegal fascist action.

And just so you know I'm not making this shit up:

Is this public or private property? If public then no one has any right to remove another for filming or photography.
NomadMike said:
Is this public or private property? If public then no one has any right to remove another for filming or photography.

I hope this is more of a polite request to not film anyone without their permission. While it is legal to film anyone on public property, it is not necessarily the right thing to do among friends. Some of us just want to meet and enjoy the company of like minded individuals without the risk of our gathering showing up on YouTube the next day.
Filming people without their permission seems very rude to me.

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NomadMike said:
Is this public or private property? If public then no one has any right to remove another for filming or photography.

Even if it is private rather than public property, it still doesn't justify the use of force on another person.  It would still be a crime.  On private property, the owner - or a properly designated representative - asks the photographer to leave.  If he or she doesn't, you call the police and have them charged with trespassing.
Sounds like the thread is wandering off topic. Also sounds like an interesting self sustaining thread!
If you know people don't want to be filmed why on earth would you want to do that anyway?

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It's really very simple, be considerate.

If you are taking pictures stop if someone objects. Make yourself obvious. Don't film those who do not want to be filmed. Delete pics if asked to.

If you don't want to be photographed, you are probably out of luck. Sorry. You can make it clear that you don't want to be photographed (an extended middle finger works well and is pretty clear) but if you are on public land you are SOL. The photog might be an AH and continue to shoot or even to antagonize you but that is another discussion.

Could move this back to discussing an East Coast Van Dweller Gathering?
Any good photog carries model release forms, and gets permission to photograph the subject. Prevents ruffled feathers.
As this site is only five hours drive from me, I might be interested in attending.
Could be awhile before I get out west. And NY ain't happening.
Cammalu said:
If you know people don't want to be filmed why on earth would you want to do that anyway?

Being in my sixties, I don't really understand modern social media.  If you have a Youtube "channel", is it possible to "monetize" it somehow?  Or is it all just ego-tripping and the desire to be famous for 15 minutes?

Still, at least with still photography, the street photographers were usually mostly interested in documenting life as it was happening at a certain place and time.  And their work is now considered important enough that places like the Library of Congress and, I think, the Smithsonian collect these pictures and consider them important historical documents.

And if the pictures aren't being used commercially, no permission or model release is necessary.  Bottom line is that you have an expectation of privacy inside your own home, and no expectation of privacy when you are out in public.

I agree that this is both interesting and off-topic.  Perhaps one of the moderators would be kind enough to split it off into a separate thread?
Optimistic Paranoid said:
And if the pictures aren't being used commercially, no permission or model release is necessary.  Bottom line is that you have an expectation of privacy inside your own home, and no expectation of privacy when you are out in public.

When a "Utube e-begger" films a gathering and posts it on his/her monetized youtube channel, then you're treading into commercial territory.  I wonder how the legal system has handled this so far.
Guess I'll be one who never goes to an RTR if my privacy isn't respected

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mayble said:
When a "Utube e-begger" films a gathering and posts it on his/her monetized youtube channel, then you're treading into commercial territory.  I wonder how the legal system has handled this so far.

I am not a youtuber, but i do watch a few channels, such as this site's owner. I think it's probably a little unfair to say all youtuber's are e-beggar's.
NomadMike said:
I am not a youtuber, but i do watch a few channels, such as this site's owner. I think it's probably a little unfair to say all youtuber's  are e-beggar's.

Maybe you missed it, but I was quoting post #28 (hence the "").  Do not confuse these views with my own.
Seems like most people with windows then want to cover them so it's like they don't have windows.

I don't have side windows and I'm fine. But different strokes, etc.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Being in my sixties, I don't really understand modern social media.  If you have a Youtube "channel", is it possible to "monetize" it somehow?  Or is it all just ego-tripping and the desire to be famous for 15 minutes?

Traditional TV channels sell ad space to companies, that is how they make money and can afford to create content like children's programming and local news etc.
YouTube has a similar model. YOU create content and share it via YT. To pay the costs of hosting the videos YT sells ad space. As a poster you can ask YT for some of the proceeds from those advertisement sales. 
Another way that people can make money from YT is to do product reviews and post links to that product on Amazon. Anyone that clicks that link and purchases ANYTHING from Amazon in the next 24 hours then the poster will make something like 8% of that sale.
As you get more viewers (subscribers) then vendors may start to send you products for free in hopes that you will review them and post the video on YT. Lets say someone has 100,000 viewers and your videos get 200-300,000 views then a company can get hundreds of thousands of views of their ad for the cost of the product and shipping.
There seem to be three (3) gatherings being discussed for the East Coast.

East Coast !RTR is now being called NVER or some such. This looks like it is being planned for NY-ish.

SE GTG, South East Ge Together which is in Florida and does not seem to be associated with this site at all.

Another actual RTR is being planned for Florida sometime in 2018.