Sometimes it Pays to be BAD

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
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In the Wind
ok so this has nothing to do with vandwelling or RVing.... but I got excited and had to share.<br><br>I don't drink alcohol or do drugs.... but I do have a couple of bad habits.&nbsp; I smoke (which I am working on) and I drink way too many Pepsi (which I will probably never work on)<br><br>Anyway on May 20th Pepsi started a new cap code game called iconicsummer.&nbsp; The prizes are Trips, Ipod Touch, Digital camera, camping &amp; fishing gear, Pepsi &amp; Mtn Dew Merchandise among other things.&nbsp; Out of all the prizes the one thing I really wanted was the Ipod Touch.<br><br>I SCORED it today out of the last 80 left.... I have also gotten the digital camera, and $175 dollars in Hard Rock Cafe Gift cards<br><br>see sometimes it does pay to be bad LOL
Why would you want an Ipod? I would take one if it were free but not really interested in purchasing one. I dislike anything Apple has or does. Their almost as bad as that papa johns fella at taking advantage of the american people. That being said, I must confess to buying a lot of stuff from/through and shop at Walmart so I probably shouldn't talk much should I.
Thanks everyone!<br><br>@Terry..... that is exactly why I wanted it... it was FREE... I don't BUY anything that is propriety...which apple is, as is kindle, nook, etc..&nbsp; The first thing needed know about me is that I am a Techno junkie.&nbsp; I have 3 computers desktop, laptop, netbook...then I have 2 tablets 7" &amp; 10" nextbooks (these are also my e-readers).&nbsp; But I am still with a quick messaging phone because I refuse to support data caps unless they are unlimited.&nbsp; My internet is mobile wifi with virginmobile, unlimited with a throttle at 2.5gb (most times I can't tell a difference). <br><br>So with all of that being said... Last November I was very sick with acute bronchitis and asthma... My daughter was there with her Ipad and got me playing a stupid little game called HayDay which is only available in ios format.&nbsp; During times I have to be still .... I would like to play that game, but I would not support apple to do so. I know this sounds silly but I have congestive heart failure and there are times I have to be still, and I get bored quick.<br><br>Maybe once every 5 years I buy through amazon.&nbsp; Maybe every 10th trip to the store do I buy from walmart.&nbsp; Sometimes we can't help but support vulture businesses but we do not need to embrace them either.&nbsp; For everything bad I do ... I try to do the opposite good. For example Pepsi in the single single serve bottles = bad.&nbsp; Recycle the bottles = good<br><br>
Smoking and pepsi plus heart problems cant be a good combo...not worth the prizes <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> probably not....but I would have had the heart problems even without the pepsi and smoking... it is genetic.... almost EVERYONE in my family has or died of CHF&nbsp; .... unfortunately I am of about the same age as the last generation (6 yrs younger) and we knew nothing of the previous generation. So we did not know when we picked up our bad habits. Although I am working on the smoking habit. My mother who did not drink, did not do drugs, did not smoke, tried to eat right, exercised, Died at 69 of CHF ....She was the longest lived on my family tree .... The next generation knows now and are doing better... although even that will not do them a world of good against DNA makeup.&nbsp; I know no one can predict our time here but when 95% of your family dies between the ages of 55 and 69 of the same thing... you can guess pretty close!<br><br>Zil... pepsi is most of my high fructose corn syrup intake, but if I have to chose between that and the chemical aspartame. There is not choice for me.&nbsp; I don't eat candy, or deserts type foods.&nbsp; My only other high sugar intake is lots of fresh fruit and some vegetables that turn to starch.&nbsp; I don't eat fried foods. I very very rarely eat out or at fast food places. I don't drink coffee and very rarely tea.&nbsp; I still eat some LEAN meat but I prefer lots of veggies. You can only be so good...
you cant jailbreak any ipod touch at the moment, but maybe you can sell it, and buy a jailbroken version.&nbsp; then you are okay
<span id="post_message_1278255532">
you cant jailbreak any ipod touch at the moment, but maybe you can sell it, and buy a jailbroken version.&nbsp; then you are okay
<br><br>of course you can... or you wouldn't be able to buy a jailbroken version<br><br>I've modded lots of the portable video games and such!&nbsp; Before the explosion in tablets as ereaders ... I modded a playstation portable for my e-reader. It is what I used for several years.<br><br>Do I want to jailbreak it ... probably not ... sometimes there are other ways to circumvent proprietary systems, but since I've had little exposure to apple it is something I will have to research.<br><br><br></span>
Ice Maiden:&nbsp; My sister and nephew also suffer from a&nbsp; genetic heart condition.&nbsp; But your quality of life/longevity can improve if you are healthier in other aspects, and be worse with unhealthy ones.&nbsp; Its like building on a shaky foundation i guess.<br><br><br>As for soda, i have been a aspartame ingestor for like 15 years (i just dont like sticky sweet or harsh beverages).&nbsp;&nbsp; But over the last year or so i have switched to Diet Rite Zero (used to be just diet rite), which uses splenda.&nbsp; Now they say splenda has issues too, but what doesn't.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am pretty sure it is less problematic than aspartame.&nbsp; Diet rite does taste different but i like it, its kind of sweet (a little) and spicy cola flavor.<br><br>I find i drink a lot more water now since I stopped drinking diet sodas, which is always a good thing.&nbsp; What i did was make only water available at work.&nbsp; I keep a case of bottle water in the van, and bring nothing else to work.&nbsp; I don't keep cash on me usually at work to hit a vending machine.&nbsp; So only choice is the water.&nbsp; After a while it just becomes normal.&nbsp; I also started keeping a separate case at home.&nbsp; I find i eat or drink a lot of soda at home when playing games or online so i started leaving a bottle or two of water next to me on the desk, and grab a drink of it instead.
I gave up all soda about 3 months ago although I only drank diet.&nbsp; The trouble was that at work it was pretty much freely available all the time.&nbsp; I don't feel different but I'm sure giving up soda is good for my general health.&nbsp; I do drink more water now and that has to be a good thing.