Some things I  learned @ a seminar last week

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
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Only 1 in 10 know that 90 % or more of scientist agree global warming/climate change is human caused.

Pope to inspire decisive action on climate change:

A pretty cool & sobering NASA ultra-high resolution computer model showing the ebbs and flows of carbon dioxide over the course of an entire year: I would give the NASA link but it doesn't work for me.
Bias is, literally, the destruction of Science....

There are many many many (millions) of Scientists, Engineers, and Physicists who they prefer to NOT count as Scientists. They disavow them because they don't like what is being said. (that is called bias, among other things)

We can specifically point out the FACT that this has become a political movement. As such, it is no longer a science.

Know how to tell when a Politician is lying? Right: her lips are moving.
At first I was not going to comment on this but, my simple opinion on all of the above...I don't trust anything from our government anymore. To many lies have emerged and their not stopping. That includes NASA
Get with the times, it's called Global Climate Change, now
In actuality, the scientific world is still running about 50-50 on pro and con 'human caused'...... The pros are generally funded by government grants. As always, follow the money! There are many very knowledgeable climate scientists who do NOT buy the 'human-caused' thing.
You do your research and back your own horse in this race.
I agree with the ideas that one should follow the money and trust no one single source OR single ideology. It is all rigged by them to spin the facts to meet their goal of persuading the public. I found that putting your trust in one party, ideology, individual politician, business PR person, etc almost always leads you down the wrong road.

Frankly I don't know if warming is due to CO2 emissions by humans or if it is part of the normal climate cycle of Earth. Both exist and sorting it out might be difficult to do or prove one's theory on it. Even true north is not the same as magnetic north. In fact magnetic north (so to speak that is) has moved around the Earth even to the point where it was well in the southern hemisphere. BTW scientists know this is true because of the drastic directional change of the crystalline structure of rock below the oceans surface.

I guess you have to do the research using different sources with different perspectives and then sort it out for yourself. Personally I haven't looked into this extensively but then I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.
What I don't understand is why this is being discussed/debated *AGAIN* on this forum. I'm tired of reading these posts. You either believe that climate change has been influenced by human action or you don't. Either way you act accordingly within your belief structure. If this topic must be back and forth can you at least put the *real* subject title in the thread heading for those of us who want to skip this debate.
gypsychic said:
What I don't understand is why this is being discussed/debated *AGAIN* on this forum. I'm tired of reading these posts. You either believe that climate change has been influenced by human action or you don't. Either way you act accordingly within your belief structure. If this topic must be back and forth can you at least put the *real* subject title in the thread heading for those of us who want to skip this debate.

Alternatively, you could make a note of the usernames of the people who keep posting annoying, time-wasting stuff, and go into the control panel and add them to your "ignore" list.  If I understand the way this system works, you'll never see any if their posts again.
Easier to just click on their user name on the top left, and it'll take you right there, with the Buddy and Ignore options on the right.
Maybe we could have a thread to specifically dump these posts into? Or delete them if consensus doesn't like them.
Or the easily offended could just NOT read them. Whatever works......
I don't want to ignore a user who might discuss something I find valuable. I would like to just not read them. That's why I asked to correctly title threads. That way I can ignore the thread I don't want to spend time and energy reading.
I apologize for beating a dead horse. I didn't see where anyone had shared the computer model  (which was my main objective). For my seeing it for the 1st time I thought it was pretty cool. I added the other things because it seemed as though I should share more. I didn't expect anyone to feel compelled to debate the issue. I didn't intend to present it that way. Actually I didn't expect any response at all. I just put it out there thinking someone would enjoy the model & maybe find the other 2 tidbits interesting. If I'd known it would cause such a negative feeling in others I probably wouldn't  have shared it. 'Boring' is the most negative response I expected and assumed (there I go again) it'd be handled like I do with a channel, station or thread; go to one I'd rather consume. I'm sorry you felt force fed this topic by naming the Thread Subject improperly. That was not my intent. Once I filled in the message part I couldn't decide on what to call it so I just thought I'd  be honest.
gypsychic said:
I don't want to ignore a user who might discuss something I find valuable. I would like to just not read them. That's why I asked to correctly title threads. That way I can ignore the thread I don't want to spend time and energy reading.

You still see that they posted a response, it's just hidden. However, if you want to see the post if you think it's informative instead of annoying/trolling, there is a button there so you can see the response. I recommend it to save on stress

surfer said:
I apologize for beating a dead horse...

No need to apologize. I thought it was titled appropriately. After a person reads the first post, they don't have to read any responses to it if they already know what's coming. Fight censorship!!! Lol that's a joke in case anyone gets sensitive! :cool:
Cry said:
You still see that they posted a response, it's just hidden. However, if you want to see the post if you think it's informative instead of annoying/trolling, there is a button there so you can see the response. I recommend it to save on stress

No need to apologize. I thought it was titled appropriately. After a person reads the first post, they don't have to read any responses to it if they already know what's coming. Fight censorship!!! Lol that's a joke in case anyone gets sensitive! :cool:
Thank you for the more detailed explanation. I haven't yet explored that function. You are correct in that after I read the first post I could have closed the thread as I did know what was coming.

I guess I was out of sorts yesterday & let something small irritate me more than usual. My apologies.
Unlike many informational forums where the majority are of like mind on most subjects, this one has folks of many opinions and experiences. So yes, we can be contentious and prone to debate.
LeeRevell said:
Easier to just click on their user name on the top left, and it'll take you right there, with the Buddy and Ignore options on the right.
Maybe we could have a thread to specifically dump these posts into?  Or delete them if consensus doesn't like them.
Or the easily offended could just NOT read them.  Whatever works......

Or have a list of taboo topics.
LeeRevell said:
Unlike many informational forums where the majority are of like mind on most subjects, this one has folks of many opinions and experiences.  So yes, we can be contentious and prone to debate.

Thanks for trying to smooth things over.
No worries Surfer !!!  

I say we all have minds, we should use them, we should speak them.   

How can we develop our minds, discover the truth, uncover the rational,  if we never speak?  
Regardless of Global Climate Change facts or lack there of. The earth can't sustain the rate of human growth and rate we consume natural resources for ever. The clock is ticking but we just don't know the time. Hate to be the downer but as Vandwellers we generally have a smaller footprint than the rest of the world and that's a good thing.
O, I agree. As a wise 'Possum once said, "We has met the enemy and he is us!" :)
But the Earth has the habit of balancing out things. I do believe someday soon, some event will happen to reduce our numbers in a very big way. Populations explode and crash all the time, and the Earth carries on. If the Human Race went extinct, it would not be long til all trace of our existence were covered over or wiped out.
All this week, I've been reading news stories about how California is going to run out of water in many areas within the next year. Partially due to drought and partially because of people's overuse of water. I'm still not sure about the whole earth's climate being changed due to man, but overuse of earth's resources and pollution definitely are effecting the liveability of many areas. In Oregon, wells are being pumped dry and the groundwater levels keep falling. And that's considered a wet state! A person doesn't have to be a liberal environmentalist to see that there is going to be problems soon.