Soap Nuts .... for Laundy Not TV

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Aug 6, 2011
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In the Wind
I was wonder around Lehman's website (awesome place for ideas but expensive) today because I was researching simpler ways to do laundry.&nbsp; I have a washer/dryer closet in my RV but I just don't think I need a full washer and dryer.&nbsp; I was thinking along the lines of the old style wringer washers or tub with wringer and line dry.<br><br>but anyway... I ran across "soap nuts" ... I vaguely remember this somewhere long ago. But anyway they are an all natural nontoxic laundry soap (or or any other type of cleaning/bathing).&nbsp; I like this idea because I could just dump the water on the ground or on my plants when I am done with it.<br><br>Anyone ever use these? I've been doing a lot of reading on this and I think I may give them a go.
Never heard of soap nuts, guess I will have to do some searching for that one.<br><br>Being in a Van, I am forced to use a Laundromat unless I just want to wash small things out by hand, or leave my clothes on when I use my solar shower.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
ice,&nbsp; depending what you are washing out of your clothes if you use borax laundry soap you can use the water on your garden no problem.&nbsp; they even use it as a soil supplement in some areas.&nbsp; highdesertranger
<p>One of the women I met at the first RTR really liked the soap nuts. I thought she did a blog plost on them, but I couldn't find it&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;&nbsp; She did do a "show and tell" at the RTR. maybe someone else will remember more.</p>
highdesertstranger.. borax or sodium borate is not actually a SOAP ... it is a natural detergent BOOSTER to help to get things cleaner than just plain soap.&nbsp; It is also in fiberglass compounds, metal flux, fire retardants and enamel glazes.. I think where people began to believe that you could use borax alone was the old BORATEEM laundry detergent that had borax in it (no longer does). It used to be a laundry soap now it is touted as color safe beach. (gosh am I that old, guess I am).&nbsp; I guess you still can use borax alone but I want a little soap in my wash water.&nbsp; <br><br>Soap nuts are actually the fruit of the sapindus mukorossi bush that contain saponins which are a natural surfactant... mixed/duluted/concocted it can be used for household cleaners, shampoo, laundry soap, etc.&nbsp; These are not really a nut, another name for them is soapberry.&nbsp; They are mildly insecticidal towards lice and aphids but don't seem to effect moths or butterflies (are actually food for some of them) and antibacterial.&nbsp; The only thing they seem to effect are fish but it needs to be in a high concentration as it dissipates quickly unless it is a contained pool of water. So you would not want to pour it directly in a stream but the run off would hurt nothing. <br><br>Back in the 90's when I use to grow a lot of my own spices and herbs, I remember reading about them along with soapwort.&nbsp; I then promptly forgot about them a short time later due to the rat race lifestyle. It was only today that I remembered about them.&nbsp; They seem to be greatly increasing in popularity.&nbsp; Everywhere I have read reviews at least 90% are very favorable. They don't have the high suds but that is ok with me because the suds and lather we get from soap now days is only due to chemicals.. homemade soap does not lather like store bought either. <br><br>That being said... borax would make a good compliment to go with the soap nuts <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I got some soap nuts from Lehmans.&nbsp; The instructions say that you can do 3 loads of laundry with the same 5 soap nuts.&nbsp; It didn't work that way for me.&nbsp; The first load of clothes I was pretty happy with, especially since I'm chemically sensitive.&nbsp; There is no odor put into the clothes at all that I can tell which I really like.&nbsp; Seemed to get the clothes reasonably clean.&nbsp; The second load didn't get clean.&nbsp; It was as though I washed it in plain water. &nbsp; If I could find a bulk source for soap nuts I would probably use them for my laundry, but with using 5 to a load....I just can't afford it.<br><br>I have several Mexican friends that wash with Zote soap.&nbsp; I checked out the Zote soap website and it claims to be all natural.&nbsp; My Amiga has a hotel and uses Zote to get towels really clean.&nbsp; She adds her laundry detergent as usual and then throws in a bar of zote soap as well.&nbsp; Zote is a large bar and will wash many loads of clothes before completely dissolving.&nbsp; I love using Zote soap when I'm in Mexico and doing clothes on a rub board.&nbsp; Nothing gets clothes cleaner than a rub board, brush and Zote soap!
TxGypsy, I have read that all soap nuts are not created equal. There are several species of the <span id="post_message_1278287528">sapindus bush, </span><span id="post_message_1278287528">mukorossi is supposed to be the highest </span><span id="post_message_1278287528"><span id="post_message_1278287528">saponin </span>concentrate of them.&nbsp; The good ones are from India and Napal but like everything else there has been an influx of them from china which are supposedly far inferior. And Lehmans boldly advertises "</span>The dried fruit from the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Asian</span> Soapberry tree" I am still researching the best source... I will let you know it I find anything.<br><br>When I was younger my grandmother used to bring back Zote from Mexico.&nbsp; Unfortunately it is something I can't use because it is made with coconut oil.&nbsp; My DIL is HIGHLY allergic to Coconut. I once ate an almond joy sitting in the truck... she got in the truck a few minutes after it was gone and we headed out... a few minutes later I had to find her a store for benedril ...She did not know I had eaten the candy bar and I never thought it would effect her for me to eat it. .... just it being in the truck a few minutes before set off an allergic reaction.&nbsp; So I would hate for my clothes to set her off if I went around her.&nbsp; She has to look at everything she buys to make sure there is no coconut oil in it.&nbsp; We are not sure yet if my grand daughter is going to be allergic to it yet or not. And the reason zote works so well it that it has borax in it...that is the natural so called optical brighteners. My grandmother used it because it was cheaper that US laundry soap back then.
I use soap nuts!!! I currently live in a"san Antonio and western soapberry is a native tree here. My fellow crunchy mama and I actually harvested a bunch of berries from a park we walk in, deseeded them and volia! They are wonderful for washing cloth diapers! You can use them to make a multipurpose cleaner (boil the berries and add an essential oil like lemon for your all purpose cleaner) , shampoo, laundry detergent, shampoo, natural pesticide for your garden, etc

There are three species of soapberry trees that are native to the US (southern states). If you reside there you can grow your own tree!
I found this information about Zote Soap when researching where to buy it. This website is a gal's Ebay store, and her prices for Zote seem high to me, but&nbsp;has good&nbsp;info on Zote, it's ingredients, a number of recipes for making detergent with it, and also for FISHING Bait!! (who'd a thunk??). Also as a skeeter repellant. Thought y'all might be interested: <BR><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank></A>&nbsp;<BR><BR>As for purchasing, I believe I've seen it in Sav-A-Lot, Walmart, Dollar General, and other places that&nbsp;have a hispanic&nbsp;products section.<BR><BR>
Went to Big Lots today to take advantage of back-to-school sales (I get all my stationary stuff for the year&nbsp;at these&nbsp;sales, one advantage of still being tied to a stick&amp;brick). Guess what I found in the laundry &amp; cleaning aisle - Zote Soap! And only 90 cents for the large 14oz bars! What a deal! Now I need to get the other ingredients to make the laundry powder (or the liquid).
<span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue Light', HelveticaNeue-Light, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px;">Ingredients:&nbsp;&nbsp; Zote Soap is made with coconut oil and tallow. It contains sodium chloride, glycerin, perfume, an optical brightener and dye. Zote Soap is scented with citronella oil, making the soap fragrance long lasting.</span>