Smaller and safer heat for mini vans? Dash mnt 12V defrosters?

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Oct 5, 2017
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Just read the Mr Buddy post.  Mr Buddy is too much for a mini van, and I always wondered about the fire hazzard to - an open pilot light in a small minivan is asking for some clothing, sleep bag, whatever to catch flame. I could never sleep knowing this possiblity.

Have not researched the wave III, new to me.

I had saved a u tube van vid (b4 harddrive blew up), some vandweller had a safer heater and I cant find the vid again.

Anyway, anyone tried a battery powed portable defroster (size of cd player)? Peak is one lable. Car parts stores sell these in the snow states. If this is enough to heat a mini van off a sepparate  battery (charge during the day) I'd think this might work if its above 30f outside.????????
running an electric heater off of a battery is going to take a huge batter bank. several hundred pounds worth of batteries, then you need a way to charge all those batteries. remember trying to heat anything with electricity is very inefficient. highdesertranger
Some of those defrosters also have time limits stated in the manual. Not even remotely a efficient idea. Don't do it, for the love of gawd! Don't do it! :cool:
Scratch that idea.

How about those 12v seat heater pads...........could put one in a sleeping bag. I have not researched the amp draw. Assuming its less amp draw than the defrosters.?
I have one of those heaters.  When I first start the engine and the windshield is foggy it clears it up pretty quick.  As a source of heat it is weak.  As a battery tester it discharges well.
More like 7A, about 4-6 times running a freezer.

Using battery electricity is inherently inefficient, but yes safer if you think you need it running all night.

I've seen a light bulb under a flowerpot. Also those little candles, dangerous when sleepy.

Cast iron pot heated on the cookstove before going to bed.

However, if your van is well insulated, you **really** need nothing but warm bedclothes and a hot water bottle while sleeping.

Being able to quickly get the space toasty first thing each morning is of course great, the smallest Buddy does that cheaply and pretty safely while awake, just install a CO alarm and remember to crack a window.

The ideal is a parking heater, very fuel efficient, can be run very accurately off a thermostat, started remotely or on a timer, heat the engine and/or hot water as well as the space.

But of course expensive.
if you wanted to take the chill off your bed that mattress warmer would work. run it for 1/2 a hour to a hour to warm up your bed. but to leave it on all night is going to take about 50ah out of your battery, that's quite a lot. and remember you need to put that 50ah plus more back in everyday that you use it. highdesertranger