Shotgun Load For Lion?

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What happens if it is just wounded? Will it go bat-hit crazy after you? Will it get all the other lions together after you? Will the wolves come in to clean you up?
I've never personally seen a wounded animal do anything but run. I've read of bears that attack after being shot but I think 99.9% of wounded animals flee.
BOBCAT "In Your Face"

Up close & personal!
This not intended to provoke politic discussion.
Simply a short, beautifully produced video bound
to inform re power of a "small" big cat.  Most
adult Bobcats only up to 40 lbs & take down large
deer/livestock by leaping from above & ripping into
head/neck of prey.  Awesome!

"Tim calls a bobcat into 3 yards then arrows him. Instead
of running off the cat goes ballistic and jumps over the
camera in an "IN YOUR FACE" attack mode."

For educational purposes only.  Enjoy!
;)  Charlotte

Cougar attacks are historically very rare, children and smaller females, alone. Don't use a gun with a bear, spray is the way to go. Check the stats.
DLTooley said:
Cougar attacks are historically very rare, children and smaller females, alone.   Don't use a gun with a bear, spray is the way to go.  Check the stats.

'Stats' are local.  Very recently, neighbor of mine attempted to 'remove' his terrier from jaws of mountain lion on deck of his house.  Lost a finger, & lion made off with his dog.  Like real estate, predator attacks related to 'location, location, location'.   When I check 'stats' I check locally.  I know what I have to do.  Real world is 'local' & I mean
LOCAL!  When big cats give birth in huge redwood stumps in my forest, they will attack to protect kits----whether hungry or not...(not Annie Oakley, but working on it...)

  :s  Charlotte
I like a 10 mm glock because it can be used for bear also, plus its auto and gives more chances for a hit, my 357 is a fun gun.

Fun fact, over 100 people are killed by falling trees in the US every year
Chuck1 said:
its auto and gives more chances for a hit

If you line up the funny notched thing and the post on the top, it reduces the chance required for a hit.
leave the slug gun at home.
to bulky and would take way too much time to point it right.

get a good relover in 44 mag.
or if legal in your state buy a gun called " the judge".
can chamber either a cartage or a shot load.
not up on shotgun loadings. but say something with about two or four large lead balls shoud do the trick.

general rule is use a pistol to get to the long gun.
but if doing something like gathering shrumes a pistol would be easer to work with.
