Shotgun Load For Lion?

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Charlotte's Web

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2017
Reaction score
Recently found myself face to face with mountain lion
while gathering mushrooms (cyanoxantha).  Lion, no more
than 25 feet away, crouched then turned, flicked it's tail &
sauntered off into the underbrush.  

I had gotten out of habit of carrying my 870 due to weight
but now must resume the practice. I presume 00 buckshot not
adequate, have some slugs but not sure, really, what I need.

Since the fires, wildlife population has swelled & currently
not enough territory---more of everything afoot day & nite.
Your thoughts, please! 

With Optimistic Paranoid & HDR 'away' I wonder who's around
to answer this.  (Wild mushrooms worth a lot of trouble.)

:huh: Charlotte
I recommend bear spray.  You're a lot more likely to hit a fast moving cat that's sprinting towards you that way.  
Plus, it's a lot lighter weight than a shotgun and can be clipped to your belt.

But just to stay on topic and not get flamed, I'd say 00 or 000 would be fine.  Maybe even alternate slugs with 00 or 000.  

Heck, you could probably get away with smaller shot than that.  I mean, you're not trying to take down a rhino.  It's a cat.
Charlotte\ said:
Recently found myself face to face with mountain lion . . .

I had gotten out of habit of carrying my 870 due to weight
but now must resume the practice. I presume 00 buckshot not
adequate, have some slugs but not sure, really, what I need . . .

Your thoughts, please! 

May I suggest a small boat horn as a first line of defense.  I carry one anywhere I could meet large carnivores, along with a .44 Mag.  Very loud, not a natural sound; it will startle them for a moment and they will run if not planning to attack.  If they are in attack mode it will give you a little time to get your wits about you and prepare.

As to load: 00 buck should be sufficient; cats are not thick headed like grizzlies.  And it gives you a little bit of a pattern, which a slug won't.  Carry what you are comfortable with but a shotgun tends to be unwieldy if you are doing other stuff (but you already know that).
I would say 00 buckshot is adequate and stick with that.
If you saw the cat it was not hungry. When stalking, you will not know about the cat until it gets a taste. I vote the cat Up.
Suggestions appreciated, but:

No to the boat horn, tho I have one.  Boat horn 'mayday' signal in my 'neighborhood' & would bring wide disruption.  Big NO also to bear spray.  In a stiff breeze it could take *me* out.  Once I've got my Ruger SP101 .357 that would suit best.  For now, I don't go into my woods unarmed.  A year ago I faced off a black bear while hunting mushrooms.  I live very near a river, which draws wildlife.  

As to an air horn buying time while I 'prepare' to be attacked: Just how do you propose a 120 pound woman 'prepare' to fend off a mountain lion?  Yes, need a decent spread pattern, so perhaps 00 buckshot would do it.  I've got some slugs loaded with a combo of pellets, but dislike slugs this close to home.  

Exciting?  You could say that!  I had eye contact with that lion for a few seconds before it crouched as if to spring.  I wonder how many of you have actually ever *seen* a mountain lion up close.  Huge paws/claws & all muscle.  I love the big cats, but they are a threat to live with.  Would be sad to have to kill one, but would if required.  Big cats are my totem.

Had a chat with my butcher/cut-wrap guy after the last incident.  He said he NEVER goes unarmed into the woods around here. Eventually, I will be glad to have my .357 during forays into my woods.  

;) Charlotte
As always, I suggest a W-88 warhead with a 200KT yield.

It's the only way to be sure.
Two mountain lions attack

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I think that would be the same problem as with the bear spray .
I would go with a conventional smart Tomahawk......
Maybe a RPG would suffice for portability until Cha 2 can pick up a .357 mag.
Here, for any big cat lovers & anyone interested in mountain lions,
this National Geographic piece.   Beautiful footage, fact-filled & well
worth a view.

  :) Charlotte

lenny flank said:
"As always, I suggest a W-88 warhead with a 200KT yield. It's the only way to be sure."

Lenny, only *real* way to be sure of safety from lions would be living in WallMart parking lot.
But then, two legged predators might be problematic.

;) Charlotte
Florida boondocker said:
"I go with the buddy system, aways have someone with you...And make sure you can out run them."

Buddy system?  I live in the forest. Alone.  Who could outrun a mountain lion?
Any of you who only occasionally find yourself in lion territory might do fine with some
of the suggestions offered.  In my neck of woods, with daily exposure, firearm is only
reasonable choice.  Odds increase with frequent exposure.
This ain't Kansas!

;) Charlotte
Florida boondocker said:
'...always have someone with you...And make sure you can out run them!

Now HOW did I miss that one!
Are you volunteering?  I'm in great shape, thus would be a shame to 'waste'.

:p Charlotte
With the buddy system and a 22 pistol. Shoot the buddy in the leg and out run them.
Weight said:
"With the buddy system and a 22 pistol. Shoot the buddy in the leg and out run them."

I knew those pea shooters must be good for *something*.
Then again, I try not to bite off more than I can chew.

:p C