Sarah Connor Chronicles

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2018
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Southern NM... currently living in an RV park
I freely admit that I'm behind on some of my binge-watching.  I often will wait till a series has several seasons in the can before I start watching them.  Several years ago, I waited until about season 4 to start watching "The Walking Dead".  

(Even though I do my best to live a minimalist lifestyle, one thing I do not plan to give up are movies and good TV shows ... and yes, there are a few .... I just wait for things to come out on DVD)

Recently, I started watching "Game of Thrones" ... So, I got to Season 7 and will be watching Season 8 on HBO Now this spring. 

Back when "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" first came out, I was still living in sticks and bricks, and religiously watch Season 1.  For some reason, I chose to pass on watching Season 2.  
So, this month, I checked it out from the local library and binge-watched S2.  

So, GUESS WHAT?  They canceled it, and did not finish it up.  Season 2 ends with a LOT of unanswered questions!

Are there any other Sarah Connor Chronicles nuts out there?  Were you as frustrated as I am?  

Yes, I know.  This pales in comparison with World Hunger and other truly serious issues.  Still, it is very frustrating. 


I was really annoyed when the show was canceled and left hanging. This is why I usually wait a few seasons before I start watching a show. One of the reasons anyway. The first being my penchant for binge watching shows, the second because of twatwaffle show exec's that cancel shows I enjoy.

The Walking Dead I stumbled upon in the second season and after watching the second season first I found season one and started over and was hooked. Like on The Walking Dead days, at show time; turning off the lights, locking the doors, turning off the phones and threatening my family with certain death if they interrupt the show in any way. This is everyone's preferred viewing routine, right?
wanderin.pat said:
Back when I used to watch it and lived in an Apt, I used to like to add a little hit off of alternative smoking materials.  


Yes, I'm from CO.

:) yes, well if I did that before and during viewing - I'm pretty sure I'd wind up boarded up in my house and ordering zombie survival supplies online.  At least until the high wore off.  I think I've mentioned my oh so very overactive imagination that would only be turbo-enhanced by alternative smoking materials.
The enhanced viewing, great. The dizzy and passed out on the couch, not so much.

I'm a lightweight. Besides, it is usually best NOT to enhance my over active imagination. I'm STILL scoping out ideal bug-out sites for the zombie apocalypse. Every place I see is automatically zombie-proof rated in my mind.
I refuse to start any series until they've stopped producing it.

I like to set my own pace start from the beginning and know the end is there waiting for us.
Another series good for binge-watching is "Breaking Bad". Another is "Longmire".

I was unhappy when they canceled "Sarah", but much more so that they cancelled "Firefly". Loved River Tam. At least they made a follow up movie, "Serenity". Loved Preacher Book.
Finished so far

The Wire
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
The Sopranos
Mad Men
Stranger Things
Downton Abbey
The West Wing
The Night Manager, Tinker Tailor
Boardwalk Empire
Hunger Games
The Twilight Zone
The Office (US version)
Park & Rec
30 Rock
Lucky Louie
Louis C.K. 2017 (Netflix)
The Office (UK version)
QinReno said:
My head is spinning after John's list
My job is done then :cool:

Actually that's just my "already watched in recent years list"

My "want to watch" list is 40x longer, and does not include any series currently in production.

Then there's my film lists, 3000+ long there, less than a third of the way through. . .
wanderin.pat said:
Have not gotten into Breaking Bad yet, but probably will!  

Bryan Cranston was just plain brilliant. It's plain funny where he shows a storage locker full of money to his wife, and they have no idea what to with so much cash.
John61CT said:
My job is done then :cool:

Actually that's just my "already watched in recent years list"

My "want to watch" list is 40x longer, and does not include any series currently in production.

Then there's my film lists, 3000+ long there, less than a third of the way through. . .

That'll keep you busy for a couple of weeks, I guess!   :D
Used to be that way with operating systems, then food, then women to be honest.

Life's just too short. . .
I liked the show Outsiders. It was unfortunately cancelled after 2 seasons.

Luther was also very good. Apparently they are in the process of filming season 5 now.

Thanks for sharing your list John. I'll have to check it out. Of course, I'm going to need to get a TV set up first. Haven't had one for months now. It's weird, I hadn't missed it until reading this thread. I guess I've just been doing YouTube and podcasts lately.


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You don't need a TV.  In fact, I don't have one.  I watch most things on my laptop, using Netflix or Amazon Prime Video.  I also have a small 12v portable DVD player a friend gave me ... that's about 10% of the time.  

In fact, when it comes to binge-watching, most things are Netflix.  


What is "a TV" ?

Torrent & a mounted screen, tablet, whatever