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New member
Dec 2, 2018
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I 've been watching youtube for about six months, seriously thinking about getting an RV and living the nomad life.I would like to know how to meet some experienced people to start traveling with and to learn what it takes to live this life. By the way, I am 65 and retired.
[email protected]
prigge said:
... would like to know how to meet some experienced people to start traveling with.....and to learn what it takes to live this life...

No idea about the "experienced" part, but meeting people is easy enough if you're able to put yourself out there and take a lil time to get to know them. Either through reading posts here or through PM's or exchanging telenumbers.

A big part of "enjoying" the life is big budget and planning. Now if you have low expectations,(like me lol) you can lower the budget and increase the planning. Also, it helps to have an "emergency landing" plan if something happens that might prevent you from continuing.

I'm thinking you'll get lots of ideas from the posters here. They're pretty great for the most part. If you need to, feel free to PM me. I'll respond when I see it.
Hi Mary,

Are you currently following any YouTubers living the nomadic lifestyle? If not, there are a TON. Well, maybe not a ton, but a lot. I'm assuming you follow Bob at CheapRVliving, but if you don't, you should. He has numerous videos on the lifestyle, how to's, tips, etc. From there, you'll probably start getting recommendations from YouTube on similar channels.

Over the course of the next several weeks, do searches on YouTube under "RTR", which stands for Road Tramp Rendezvous, a gathering of nomads and such which is getting underway just outside of Quartzsite, AZ. Don't be afraid to leave comments on videos (as you see fit and comfortable with doing). By and large they are a very friendly bunch and generally very willing to meet new people.

Good luck!

AlongTheBackroads said:
...under "RTR", which stands for Road Tramp Rendezvous...

What Rick meant to say was, "Rubber Tramp Rendezvous". :cool:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Mary! Read through the forums to get an idea of the lifestyles of everyone living in vans and RVs. You'll find a lot of variety so you'll have to make decisions on what vehicle to buy, how you think you'll travel, and where you'll want to camp.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

That is a link to "Rufus and Doofus" youtube channel.

(He died a year or so ago.)

But he tells a story towards the last 25% of his videos about how the group affected him and helped him out when it mattered.

The reason I mention his vids is the different "flavor" of nomadic life it shows.

This forum is much more vandweller oriented.
(Not necessarily meaning the type of vehicle they use to live in...more an attitude/minimalist/super budgeting...etc.)
Hi Mary, we'd love to meet up on the road!

Perhaps we can take you into Mexico with us on our annual winter trips.   :)

We also recently started full-timing and are currently in Mexico for a few months.  Highly recommended!  (not the border area of course  ;))

Feel free to send a private message on the forum.
2 months back Mary started this thread and not a word since then... Mary you still out there?

With this question so much depends on where you are... a general location would do.
jornvango said:
We also recently started full-timing and are currently in Mexico for a few months.  Highly recommended!  (not the border area of course  ;))

Jornvango I wish you’d start a thread about your Mexico adventures. It would be great for so many of us to know the procedures for traveling in and out of Mexico and the places you’ve found there. Pics too!!!! Pretty please
Cammalu said:
Jornvango I wish you’d start a thread about your Mexico adventures. It would be great for so many of us to know the procedures for traveling in and out of Mexico and the places you’ve found there. Pics too!!!!  Pretty please

Yes, please. I cross as often as possible but only for the day: Over and back. I'd like to venture farther in. Any and all information would be appreciated. ;)

That is a link to "Rufus and Doofus" youtube channel.

(He died a year or so ago.)

But he tells a story towards the last 25% of his videos about how the group affected him and helped him out when it mattered.

The reason I mention his vids is the different "flavor" of nomadic life it shows.

This forum is much more vandweller oriented.
(Not necessarily meaning the type of vehicle they use to live in...more an attitude/minimalist/super budgeting...etc.)
I'd never seen him, He was awesome, Thank You!