RTR - Anyone with Kids want to camp together?

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Nov 21, 2016
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We attended last year's rtr and will be back this year. Marking our first year on the road. Would like to camp with other families this year at the rtr. Will be in Ehrenburg a few weeks prior.

My partner and I are going to the RTR in Jan 2018, we'll have 1-3 kids with us. 1-3 may sound odd, lol, but only one child is coming with us for sure, the other two may decide to stay with friends in Canada. 

I'm a little concerned about the RTR after the assault that took place at the Van Build Party, it's part of why 2 kids might not come. I don't want to bring teenage girls to a place where I have to watch their every move, you know how teenagers like to do as they please and not hang out with mom every minute of everyday.  

I think it would be good to have an area where there would be families camped together. Also, I'd like the area to be where people aren't drinking and listening to music at all hours, though I understand from watching Bob's videos that behaviours like drinking and loud music are strongly discouraged.

I'll keep my eye on this thread and see if there are others with kids who want to camp in the same area.

~ Jandoraa
I don't have kids. I've been to the RTR the last 4 years and seldom see children or teens. Maybe 5-15 per year. That said, the ones who are there are warmly welcomed. About half of the attendees are senior citizens and many love to chat with young folk.
I feel the RTR is one of the safest places I've been. During the day, especially, you can't go anywhere in camp, without friendly eyes on you. Like neighborhood watch. But it's always wise to keep your guard up and use common sense. Maybe park in the center of the camp, instead of on the fringes. Hope you enjoy your time there!

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We felt perfectly safe last year but we take a few measures to ensure safety. We typically stay away from the crowd and we never allow our son out of our sight. In addition we also carry weapons as a last resort. While some may take issue with that, many at the rtr are armed they just aren’t publishing it. Also when you spend a large part of your life living in the wilderness/moutians, being armed in some way is a necessity. Can’t always get away from large animals.

The main reason we are looking is for our child to have other kids to socialize with and to meet other families living this life. PM me if you’d like to know more about our experience at the rtr last year.

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