Hey Mouldy,
I have AAA plus or silver or something like that . My wife signed us up and pays that bill, so I usually don't see the paperwork. Some things I CAN tell you.. The free towing for 100 miles has more than paid for itself. ( please underline more than) when the fuel pump went on my bus ( picture on the left upper corner) it was towed 46 miles home for nothing out of pocket. It is a 3500 series and weighs 6500# empty and has commercial plates. Last year when the waterpump went on the dumptruck I used to own , a f450 duallie, it was NOT covered, I had to pay a heavy duty tow rig out of pocket. Yikes! $$$$$! make sure they will cover whatever you drive, as they can be very specific. As to the folks who do their own repairs, great! So do I , when I can or know how. Sometimes you CAN'T work on it, have access to tools or parts, or are in a dicey spot. I broke down once on the NYS thruway, a major toll road. I could SEE my exit.. But the trooper that pulled over to check to see if I was ok told me that if I was still there on his next pass, he would have to have me towed and impounded. He was a real decent guy, and he felt bad for me , but he was doing his job. The 50 someodd dollars a year is more than worth it, and they will help you out with maps, travel plans and even discounts at certain hotels and resturaunts.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">